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About Consigliere

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  1. Hit the channels of weather allows if it's too windy the channel on the reeds to the right of the launch everything. Drifting with bait close to bottom is the ticket
  2. Sometimes a bit counter intuitive but faster speed may be the ticket. Right now in Lake O and SLR with the really warm water trolling speed to get bites is faster than normal and the walleye are putting up some great fights (relatively speaking) The most likely tho is just Cold front lockdown and the activity periods would be very small. Night fishing may have been the most productive time.
  3. I've made this with salmon and it was Excellent. https://food52.com/recipes/39742-roasted-black-cod-in-ginger-cilantro-broth
  4. I do the same as Mike. Slab the side and then skin and bones removal. I also think the time is about the same if you have a good manual knife and are practiced. But with electric you don't have to take care of the blade and it will keep zipping through ribs. That is the key difference to me. Either way it's personal Preference.
  5. Pressure canned 6 pints of lake trout the other day. 2 plain, 2 with a bit of olive oil and 2 with siracha. Tastes great. Similar texture to canned tuna with flavour similar to canned Salmon. Great way to use trout. Can't seem to upload th pics.
  6. More bugs. Yes. They are lights. That's a fact. For night fishing it is worth it tho.
  7. An old HBO show that I still consider to be the best series of all time The Wire. Many haven't heard of it but it is fantastic.
  8. I always pull silver on ribs. The texture when eating is much better. Between bones and fat can't imagine it does anything for moisture Retention and if it does feel like the texture during eating is well worth it. Ribs definitely look amazing.
  9. Thanks to Joey for the lobster bisque recipe. Almost full copy but had 6-7 dozen shrimp shells kicking around from old meals and threw those in to make stock. Got 8 well flavoured cups out of it. Also added charred corn. Thought about adding some fish but decided to keep it with just lobster for protein. The roe tamalley cream base is key and you don't find that on google when you search recipes. This thread keeps giving.
  10. Not sure what kind of switch that is but if your boat is docked in water the bilge pump should be wired direct to the battery. Most will also say to inline fuse it (the debate is burn vs sink as what you want to risk).
  11. Sounds like low voltage to the starter (battery or connection issues somewhere) If you confirm battery and electric connections are all good could be your starter motor. One thing to try is to tap the bottom with a hammer lightly while someone is trying the ignition. Brushes on the starter could be stuck. After that you are getting into more detailed electrics troubleshooting. you can check kill switch easily With multimeter. Ignition a bit tricky but look up the specs. Sounds like any troubleshooting should be before the starter motor. A Little bit of googling will find you lots of info on outboard troubleshooting.
  12. Sounds like low voltage to the starter (battery or connection issues somewhere) If you confirm battery and electric connections are all good could be your starter motor. One thing to try is to tap the bottom with a hammer lightly while someone is trying the ignition. Brushes on the starter could be stuck. After that you are getting into more detailed electrics troubleshooting. you can check kill switch easily With multimeter. Ignition a bit tricky but look up the specs. Sounds like any troubleshooting should be before the starter motor. A Little bit of googling will find you lots of info on outboard troubleshooting.
  13. In the tourney but don't fish quinte. Stay away from the gong show. Is a long run if we have a good fish which means we will only go if we have a top 3. Last year we didn't run in for believe what would've been 5-6 place on pike if our scale is any where close to accurate
  14. if it's not your fuel bulb probably a high speed jet plugged on the carb.
  15. Good video there. Didn't know about the pull out technique for the ribs. I like to pull the secondary ribs or y bones o n walleye by slicing either side of the centre line st the tail end then pull the filet apart, belly side first then pull the centre line out. This will leave it in two halves and boneless and the nasty tasting centre line perfectly removed.
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