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Everything posted by xrap

  1. Nice report, although it could be your line, and not your knots. And I thought bows and steelhead were the same fish? Thanks for reporting!!!!!!
  2. i remember the salmon one, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOpKFPEah3E
  3. Go get'em BROWNS!!!
  4. This si my first one of the year, not ever but it is my Pb for sure. Last year got 1 little smalls ones but I never went out much this year I'll be going out a alot more. Thannks for the positive comments guys.
  5. HAha, what was that anyways?
  6. No photoshop, used paint and does anyone know where I can download a program somethign similiar to photoshop or atleast jsut to blurr something out. And thanks ccmt
  7. You gave it a shot, don't worry you'll be holding your 50 incher in your next report, I just know it!!
  8. I finally got out fishing today. After a Month of Not fishing because of being busy and the past week I was sick and stayed home from school. Tried forsteel today even tho the condtions were low and and gin clear I finally managed to get one this year. I can't wait ill we get some decent rain and the temps drop. And as for the pic I blurred out the land because I know it bothers some people and don't want to start any negativity in the thread, if you don't like don't post. Thanks
  9. Gobie:1
  10. Closes Jan 1st the Parking is closed but u can still go down and fish
  11. Awsome Steve, looks liek it was a great success thanks for report, great vid and pics!!
  12. Carp!!!
  13. It's tough fishing in gin clear, congrats on the fish and Thanks for the report!
  14. OH IT'S ON!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Not steelbut still lots of fun. Nice job Rich
  16. Awsome motavation, thanks!!! P.s your report was awsome!!!!!
  17. I've always wanted to get a pin, but I think I'll stick to a spinnign reel!!
  18. Went to crappy tire to check it out since it is on the way home from school and they had it. So I picked up a spool of 8lb test(ultra green) paid 14.99 for 220 yards. Just spooled my rod and I haven't used the line yet but I love it. Maybe I'll get to test it out this weekend , thansk for the advice guys!!!!
  19. Alright thanks guys I'll make a stop at fishing world tommorow. Or do they sell this stuff at crappy tire too. And also how much would a spool of maxima cost?
  20. This must be my 10th time changing my line this year. The last line I had was 6lb raven for my steelhead rod, and it did no do to well. It broke off alot on rocks and alot of the times it would leave little knicks in the line so wehn you did get a fish it broke instanly. So yesterday I went to Bass Pro And decided to go with a tougher line. I went with PLine cxx 10lb test, black light visability- hi-vis flourescent. I grabbed the line quickly and just threw it in the basket which was a mistake because I didn't take my time to read it. Now that I know it's hi-vis I'm worried that I won't get any hits . The Dia.0.35mm but I have a big reel so I fit almost all 300 yards of it. Just wana know if anyone ever used this line for steelhead or any expert steelheaders would like to give some advice about the line?
  21. Those are amazing fish amazing pics and a amazing report. Wtg guys!!!! Just awsome
  22. LOL, no no. Just need to fix the leak lol. Great advice guys I tinhk I'll try the flashlight one first thanks!!
  23. I got a hole in my waders and it's really small and I have been looking for it and can't find it. I have the material and glue to fix it but first need to locate it. Is their any tricks to locating a hole in your waders, thier rubber if it matters.
  24. Read the regs for spencers creek and be sure you know where it open and whats open.
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