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Everything posted by canadianguy33
Sorry to hear about your buddy. Glad to see you at least caught some nice fish.
lol what a great report. Glad to see you caught your muskie.
I agree with Gerritt. I think it's more likely that the person had a stroke, heart attack or just simply fell over the side. I mean, CO2 poisoning in a boat would seem like a pretty rare occurrence.
Funny that you'd call me a wacko without giving a single reason why you think I'm so far off the mark.
I'll swear by the perch as well.
Great fish! What lake are you guys on?
I'm not a moron, nor do take stupid risks by going out on the water in poor weather. I take a calculated risk by not wearing a PFD when the probability of something bad happening is very low. Well, if you sign up to be a rescue worker and assume that you're never going to have to do your job when the weather's bad then you're pretty naive. Sorry bro, but I won't forgive you for wanting to stomp on my personal freedom to decide what risks I'm willing to accept for myself. By your logic, we should outlaw riding a bike, driving a car, or crossing the street because it'll cost tax payers money when an accident happens. Maybe we should outlaw fast food and being overweight. I'm a fit person and I'm sick and tired of all these fat slobs costing me money because they don't take care of their bodies. Do you catch my drift? That's right. I don't believe insurance should be mandatory. I don't drive my boat like an idiot, and I'm very conscience and respectful of others on the water. For the amount of time I spend on the water the odds are very low that I'll ever be the cause of a boating accident, so why should I be forced to fork over my hard earned cash for a service that'll I'll probably never need to use. Well Dan, it's my life and if I want to be "selfish" then it's my freedom to do so.
My Northern Ontario Vacation Part 1&2 in the same thread
canadianguy33 replied to Mike the Pike's topic in General Discussion
Wow! Glad to hear you hear you made out okay with the boat flip and all. At least you saved the pics. -
EEK! Awesome fish! lol I'll admit it, I'd be a little shaky about grabbing that monster.
Congratulations! I can just imagine how pumped you are considering you've never owned a boat. I'd love to check out your video, do you have a link?
I think that wearing a PFD is a good idea, but your argument is severely flawed. The rescuers DO have a choice; no one is forcing them into their professions. I don't think I'll ever understand why so many people feel they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives. I won't wear a PDF every time I'm in the boat because I'm more comfortable without it. I know the risks and it's a risk I'm willing to take.
***removes foot from mouth*** errr..ummm... sorry.
Thanks Misty, I'll pass the info along and let you know how my brother makes out.
I couldn't agree more. How does that saying go? "those that sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither". Generally I only wear a PDF when the water is rough, when it's getting dark, or when there are kids in the boat with me. I hate to admit that I never use the kill switch line but I think I'll start making it a habit.
Need Help Creating Funny Fishing Tournament Rules
canadianguy33 replied to canadianguy33's topic in General Discussion
That sounds really interesting Ohioguy. The lake we're fishing on is small like I said, but it does have quite a few crooks, crannies and islands that would make splitting up the lake easy so I think we're going to do that on the last day. Also, I'm sure no one is interested, but I bounced my "plan" off my brother and he loved it. He also suggest we have penalties for things such as hitting a shoal (which is impossible for the new guys to the lake lol), losing a lure, and losing a fish. For every penalty $5 goes into a penalty pot. To win the penalty pot, which I assume will be around $60 at the end of the week, we play a simple daily game which is: Fishing Poker! Rules: The goal of fishing poker is to have the best poker hand at the end of the week. Individuals will compete daily for the cards that make up their poker hand at the end of the week. At the end of each day, for every fish a person catches he gets to draw one card from a couple of decks of normal playing cards. So if one person catches 19 fish in one day they get to draw 19 cards to make their best 5 card poker hand. The person that holds the best poker hand at the end of the day gets to draw 3 extra cards at the end of the week to make the best poker hand. The person with the second best poker hand gets 2 cards towards their week poker hand and the others just get one. It's really a simple game but hard for me to explain in black and white. Anyways, thanks for the tips everyone and keep them coming; the trip is still 2 weeks away. -
Hey Scuro, I found myself asking the same question as you a couple of years ago when I was strictly a canoer and kayaker. Eventually, I did get a boat and I was off to the races that summer, fishing 2 or 3 times a week. However, life and work caught up with me, and trailering the boat to the water at 6pm, on a Thursday kind of lost its appeal, but I think that happens with anything. One thing I can say for myself, is that I haven't touched my kayak since getting my boat. I used to be one of the first guys to hit the rapids at Burleigh Falls in the spring and almost every other weekend I'd kayak 25km from lakefield to peterborough (I'm from peterborough). Since getting a boat I've turned lazy. I can't say I blame the boat but it would be naive to think it didn't have anything to do with it. lol I guess what I'm saying is that, once you get motorized you never look back. lol
Not bad at all. The bald guy caught a nice pig. You know what they say, unlucky with hair...lucky with cards...or is it fish...O crap, those bald dudes got the shaft! **kidding** Where abouts up north were you guys?
Awesome weekend at Chemong Lake!! Kids Fishing Derby!!
canadianguy33 replied to ccmtcanada's topic in General Discussion
lol okay so I was wrong about the spot. Anyways, not that it's important, but the spot I was referring to is north of the Causeway. If you start your boat at the Causeway you'll pass the two islands in the photo. Keep going until the second set of islands and fish on the north side of the big island. I like that spot for the simple reason that it's close to the Causeway where I usually park (I'm sure you know how quickly kids can tire of fishing lol). -
Damn, that sure is a lot of ATV's on that truck and that's the baddest looking 'beware of snakes' sign I've ever seen. That's not a bad deal for $150. Do you have a link or company name for the ATV guys? I know my brother is heading down to vegas in the fall and he'd probably jump at the chance to do that kind of thing.
I've tried Bell Express View and the Cogeco digital package and I didn't really care for either considering the price. I thought the movie channels would be a lot better than they were, but the movies are mostly lame and repeat a lot, so now I just have the regular 62 channels through Cogeco which suits me fine. For the last month though, I've been watching TV mostly through the internet. I discovered VeohTV (from www.veoh.com) so I hooked my old computer up to my big screen and watch "TV" through the internet. I have a remote control that cost me $40 for my computer and I surf the web for videos, movies, tv shows, etc. all from the comfort of my couch. Believe it or not, I think internet television is going to be huge. I mean, just using this veohTV thing, which is brand new, I already have over 200 channels of on demand video for free. The only thing you need is a broadband internet connection. O yea, I'm a website designer so naturally I'm a computer geek.
LOL. For the record; I didn't join this forum to start fights, but c'mon TrophyMusky...that's a little melodramatic. I realize that I'm writing on a fishing forum, and my opinion on this subject probably isn't going to strike a chord with hardcore anglers but for the sake of Joe-Schmoes like me I really wish you could see the other side of the coin. I mean, would you guys seriously support some sort of regulation that charged per day? If you had to pay a $50/day fee to go out boating would you think that was fair? If mandatory insurance and boating licenses came into effect that's what guys like me would be paying. The way the waters are regulated now isn't perfect, nor do I think it'll ever be perfect. There certainly are some dicks out boating but I hardly think the problem is so bad that your average Joe should be punished for the stupidity of a few. I really do wish I could get out on the water more often but it's just not that easy. Going out on the lake shouldn't be made into a privilege that only some people can enjoy. However, all this crying for more regulation is going to do just that. Anyways, I think I'm done posting in this thread.
Nice pike! He's a mean lookin' bugger.
Awesome weekend at Chemong Lake!! Kids Fishing Derby!!
canadianguy33 replied to ccmtcanada's topic in General Discussion
Sounds like a great weekend. Looking at that 7th picture (the one titled "Crappie" with the two islands in the background on the right) I'm 95% sure I know where that is (the cameraman is facing the Causeway right?). Anyways, if you're up on Chemong again, try fishing on the north side of the big island in the picture. I've caught all kinds of 2-4lbs LM bass there just swimming around in the thin weed bed. I don't fish Chemong much, but that's the spot my brother and I take my nieces for a quick fish. Another tip, grab some Berkley Power Baits. The kids will be pulling all of sorts of stuff in faster than you can take them off the hook. -
***Ouch!*** Sorry to hear about the flip. Glad to hear you're not hurt. By no means am I a motor expert but the same thing happened to my brother so I'll give you what advice I can from witnessing that. He towel/drip dried everything, put some oil in and replaced the spark plugs and got the motor running after an hour or so of fiddling with it and ran it for a couple of hours, but I remember him saying that if he didn't get it going really quick he'd have to disassemble the motor and dry everything out before it rusted. If I were you, I'd call one of my mechanic buddies right away, and if they weren't around I'd start ripping the motor apart myself so I could dry things out. Like I said, I'm not a mechanic...I really don't know much about motors., but it would seem sensible to me that it's a helluva lot easier to put a motor with non-rusted parts back together as opposed to the alternative. I hope someone here has some more helpful advice for you. edit: I really feel the need to stress that I don't know much about motors.