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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. I am applying for the Sourse Water Protection position for HalTon and the area, this would be one of those things i would try to get some municipal backing of, will know in about a month.

    I build water and run water plants so I am not the leading candidate but I am going to pull all my favours in for this one.



  2. I'm not going to tell anyone how to do this !! LOL


    I also heard that alot of camps had a very lean year which had me baffled as it was an easy winter last year. Maybe the heavy snows from the two years before that are showing up now.

    My bow area is really good this year with a 150 , 130 and a giant 180+ just 4 miles to the south. Thats my goal now!

  3. IMG00074-20101111-0942.JPG





    Well went up to Haliburton to a friends place for the last week of the deer hunt and managed to turn around my bad luck finally.

    I have missed 2 EASY shots on deer this season from bad shot selection ( branches ) so i think this was the pay back.

    I was overlooking a funnel draw area that came from two ridges. I was almost at the top so the bottom was about 75 feet below me.


    The buck was following a doe that bolted out of cover near us when a dog started working the area. The whole thing lasted maybe 2 seconds. They came blasting out with no warning, All I remember is " it’s a doe , then theres a buck behind her" They were going full out around 75-100 yards away. I don’t even remember much but I flipped the safety off picked him up in the scope and swung thru him and pressed the trigger as my cross hairs touched the fron of him.


    I got the top of both lungs and took out the spine as well , he pancaked and didn’t even twitch.


    Ill never make a shot like that again, it was insane


    200lbs small 9 point rack, nice deer for up there. Found out it was the biggest one taken that week up there.


    Now to get that big one I have been after with my bow!




  4. I dont use any scent blocking clothes but i do wash ALL my clothes in scent removal soap and then store them in a RubberMaid container with some pine bows.


    I also use a homemade scent elimantor spray for daily applications to my boots and clothes.


    I have had multiple deer 6 different times less then 20 yards downwind from me this year and havnt been scented yet.

  5. The rut is definatly starting. Saw 2 bucks last night. 1 six point that slid behind my stand but I couldnt get a clear shot...thank god he didnt even notice me, and the BIGGEST whitetail of my life an easy 300lb+ 11 point with a 15 inch drop time on the left side!An easy 180 point animal , never even seen one close to this!

    The spread was out of this world and the mass was insane!

    Got a great look at him as he was 5 feet away from my BUMPER!!!!!! Almost hit him, he froze in the middle of the road after jumping out of the ditch!

    He was only 4 miles away from my stand but unfortunatly there is a highway between him and me.


    I dont think I could shoot if he came under my stand I would be so jacked!

  6. The results of this fight will hurt his career more then the physical injuries.

    His opponenets will see he has an average chin at best and will not be as intimidated as in the past.

    Life just got alot harder for Brock Lesnar in MMA after this.

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