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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. Cant go wrong with Hoyt there the best.. I shoot a hoyt AlphaMax and its crazy good, but expensive.

    Go to a good place and they will leyt you shoot a bunch, I spent 4 hours in Gagnons before I decided. Have it setup by an expierenced person and you cant go wrong.

    Longer compunds are more forgiving but not as easy to manouver.

    Pick what feels the best. Diamond makes a nice bow. if you know what you want look for a used one, lots of guys trade them in yearly!


    What am I saying I missed a 20 yard shot tonight!!!!!!!!!!

  2. UFC has turned into a pile a rubbish with fat washed up boxers being a draw.

    if anyone caught the the last WEC card they will see the difference.

    Please give other promotions other then the UFC a try and see there is better fights and competitions out there.

  3. Havnt been on here in ages....just got the arm back into shooting shape.


    Wondering what you guys think this one will score.


    Got him on my game ca,era a day after I placed it directly below my stand.


    i am in area that is private and has never been hunted... thinking I have 1 shot at this guy before he gets smart quick.


    I guess 155 .... funny thing is I think he is the smaller of 2 bucks that are in the area!!!!




  4. Headhunter is right on


    Please dont fish the 30+ depths as the fish are all trophies and bring them up is a true death sentenace.

    Just run your taildancer and reefrunners off the boards on fireleine and they will go to 25 feet and all the fish you catch will be releasable.


    Sorry ddint mean to preach





  5. Accueweather.coms winter forcast is for a normal temperature fall and winter and a normal precipitation as well. they did nail it last year when they called for lots of snow to the south of us.

    I also read that both cycles in the Atlantic and Pacific are turning to a cold cycle that should last for 10 years.

    Didnt think this summer was that hot....just normal hot, guess it was the hot spring that did it.

  6. kevin Van Dams brother caught the Ohio ( I think ) record smallmouth from erie a few years back, it was in excess of 9 lbs but I think thatsbeen the biggest one caught in a while including the Tennessee impoundments that most of the biggest are from.

    That lake by Kinmount is very small the fish musthave been a genetic freak is my guess. Akin to catching Andrea the Giant of smallmouths!

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