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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. "Brian Burke has destroyed your franchise Leaf Nation and the true rebuild can't begin until him and Peddie are gone...


    By trying to rush a rebuild into a year and a half rather than building through the draft for sustainable success like Chicago, Pittsburgh, and the Red Wings, Burke has insured that no matter how poorly the leafs do, they won't improve.


    Part of being a GM these days is fiscal management. The way you get a good deal on players? Get'em young. For example, Stamkos, the league's leading scorer is still on an entry level contract earning something like 3.5 million. Sign him as a free agent this summer, and it will be like 7.


    For those of you who defend the Kessel trade, JUST STOP IT ! IT WAS IRRESPONSIBLE AND HAS SET YOUR REBUILD BACK 2 YEARS! The leafs now have ZERO depth at centre... do you know who is a centre? Tyler Seguin... Burke did nothing but ensure the sustainability of the Boston Bruins, likely making them a force in the east for at least the next 3 years.


    Like everyone says, until Toronto fans stop blindly following the rebuild its not going to improve. "



    Hit the nail on the head perfectly!

  2. What everyone else said. A word of caution about things appearing to be good quality because "that's what the lodges use".

    In 1957 every police force in North America and thousands of cab owners bought 1957 Plymouths because the '56 was a great car. It turns out that the 1957 plymouth was arguably one of the worst automobiles ever manufactured. Just sayin'....

  3. Just read on ESPN that Dana White wants Brock Lesnars next fight to be against ................................... Hold it............................your going to love this...............................................




    Frank Mir............... im not joking!



    wow... in a bad way...............................

  4. I read an interview with him before the fight that he said he would rather stay at home with his family and hunt and fish ( cant blame him ) but it sure ddint sound like his heart was in it.

    Brian is right you cant judge anything on 22 seconds, but it does sound like he is done.

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