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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. Well I guess ill still try them , I think by mid season that fish are turning off of loud rattling baits but thats another discussion, i think KVD`s bait is coming out this year witha no rattle model. Maybe Ill give that one a try to.


    thanks guys!


    its weirds how someones confidence bait can be someone elses ballast in the boat!!

  2. Has anyone here had much luck on lipless cranks ie: the Rattlin Rapala, cordell Spot and such.

    i never seen to have much luck, last year I treid an experiment on a big weedflat casting a rattlin Rapale....caught nothing.

    Switched to a old trusty spinnerbait and got 6.

    I know its not a valid experiment but maybe I am dong something wrong??



  3. Purchased a barely used Stella of the net for a great price, the reel is in IMACULATE shape, now I am wondering what i should match it up with.

    It's a 2500ar , does anyone have any experience with the new Loomis NRX's? I want it to be my light jigging-plastics rod running 4-8 pound line on it.

    Any suggestions?




  4. I have just started custom painting cranks over the last few weeks , maybe in a while Ill share it with you guys. Spent years using my airbrush and decided to use it for good not evil, problem I have is the finish gel coat and sources and the consistancy of it for the air brush.

  5. Basically its a number 30 for a number 2 pick over the two years , cant see how thats a win unless dumping salary is the purpose. Should have moved him when they were rebuilding 2 years ago. That being said they had to do it at some point.

    Just wonder who is going to get the puck out of there end now, Kaberle is one of the best in the league on getting that first pass going for the break out.

  6. Reminds me of my only trip to Nip. It was also my second cast of the trip with my buddy whose a spec nut. bam second cast and a nice 23 incher......nice is an understatement since my previuos best was 13 inches!

    I look at him as I release the beauty and say..................."were going to get lots of these"


    2 days later we finally catch another....god i love that place..thanks for sharing

  7. I usually get a nice mixture of perch and whities later in the season as the perch move deeper to the mouth of Cooks Bay.

    Anywhere in 50-70 feet of water, of course you have to keep your perch as there bladders are blown out but oin the other hand the perch that cruise those deep flats seem to be larger then average.

    All the scuds I have found have been in shallower water on weeds I have pulled up.

    Like J-M says , try the transition depths in 30-50.

  8. Looking to get few new planer board rods for the spring. Looking for mostly a brown trout-walleye action rod. hoping to have a little more fun with the fish then can come on my big downrigging rods.

    Cheaper would always be better but looking for a nice light and responsive rod.

    Any recommendatons out there???




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