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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. I wondered afterward if Brock hadnt been Dana Whites poster boy if the fight would have been stopped.

    Seen many UFC fights were if the guy on the bottom doesnt try to throw back it is called.

    Give Lesner credit for hanging in there!

    All in all Lesner is still only one well timed knee when he shoots from being out cold, can only play the same game so long before your caught.

  2. If I was a business owner or taxpayer in downtown Toronto I would be pissed and probably sue the police force for not even attempting to stop the destruction of my store or residence. when the police simply ignore violence to "normal" peoples safety and property as a sacrifice for security of another "more important" target then something has been lost in the performanc and mandate of the people in charge.

    I am sure if a shop keeper defended his property and well being with a firearm, the police would be there in a second.

    1 billion dollars and you couldnt protect vulnerable citizens property, utterly shameful!!! The people in charge of this should resign , its a joke

    Not dumping on the cops but the people in charge, shameful.

  3. "Maybe it's time for the Peacful Protest groups to find another form of protest where their voice and message can actually be heard. The group(s) causing the damage and violence hide among them and ultimately silence the message they are trying to convey. Just my 2cents."


    I have to agree with you on this one!

    I watched a TV special on Womens Health Issues that was being protested. It was done very well but the demostration didnt educate anyone and really was a waste of time.


    Matbe its time these demonstrations were ended because the important voices are being lost by the media and because of this group of idiots that are set on destruction.


    Maybe take the billion dollars , allow the protest to commence, violence breaks out you surrond the protest ,allow the legit protestors conmtinue into another area, extracxt the jack asses, let the horses and police dogs play with them and then throw them in prison for domestic terrossim.


    Probably wouldnt work but something has to be changed , protestors causes get ignored and anarchitists get their way.


    Something has to change

  4. If you are thinking of going to Maitland for some perch this week you might want to wait a bit.

    Out there from 7-12 today , caught a total of 5 perch and 20 gobies, to be honest i think we caught the most fish out of the 20 ir so boats.

    I personally only saw two fish brought in this morning.


    We ran down past Mohawk Island almost to Port Coborne and managed a few fish in the deep water 50-65 feet


    There was about 15 boats out there with only a few fish being caught.





  5. Unwatchable!!!!!!!!


    Is it just me or are the PPV getting worse all the time?


    Man that was bad, I think I wont even be watching them anymore. Pretty disallusioned with it over the last year and a half.



  6. I think its time they looked at changing the regs on bass.

    I read a study that stated almost all lakes in Ontario are near or at the carring capacity for bass.

    This problem happens every year but with limited CO's there is no way they can enforce it. Maybe all C&R from May 15th till openor.

    I dont think there is any fixes to this problem the way it is now.

  7. Wondering if anyone has made it down to Port Maitland this weekend for some perch fishing.

    I missed it last year and dont want to miss it this year.

    Its a long way to drive from the Burlington/Oakville area , so I was hoping someone could help out.

    Man I havent had a feed of perch in ages!



  8. It used to be an awesome lake for largemouth but over the last 10 years since the stocking of walleye it seems that the smallmouths are out competing the largemouth.

    Smallies are everywhere on rock, you really cant go wrong. Go even shallower then you would normally as they get right into the skinny water.

    Walleyes are on the deep edges of weed in that lake usually from 8-12 feet.

    Muskies can be anywhere , they are the typical Haliburton Highland musky,, long and lean but fun!!!

  9. Ok I am really going to show my electrical ignorance now.


    My 2 feeds coming from the batteries are both reading about 13.3 volts.


    I checked my connection to the plug and I have 2 feeds of 13.2 volts going into the 3 prong plug, Now when this goes to the motor where are the voltages combined for 24 volts??


    Is there a place I can check maybe on the footpedal to see if it is getting 24 volts. Or is it only in the head of the motor where it is combined.


    Man I must sound stupid.

  10. Its beautiful to just get up there but bummer on the weather.

    I have been invited to go in 2 weeks , so I guess Ill be PM"ing you in the very near future.

    Did you go up the river at all for eyes,?? I am not sure how far up the river you are allowed this time of year.

    I usually get most of my eyes in the river and on some of the deeper humps out from the river mouth.

  11. Hey guys



    Here I am diggin for more info, hopefully someone knows.


    I was wondering what the warranty on Frontier rods was.


    I have one that almost new and it broke on the weekend.


    I know they used to be dealt with out of Mount Hop but I think Shimano took that whole operation over.


    Any info would be greatlyu appreciated.




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