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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. Spent from Sat till tuesday afternoon camping out on Geo Bay and fishing hard for some big fish.


    It was completely different then a year ago, last year all we saw and caught were Muskies....too bad we were a week early for that.


    So tghis year we went on muskkie openor and fishned hard for 4 days.... this year the pike and smallies were everywhere with one nice eye thrown in ( didnt really fish for them )

    We probab;y caught between 80-100 pike and smallies, 1 eye and one muskie.



    Caught the muskie on a big muskie sized bucktail spinnerbait 30 minutes into the trip.




    my budddy only had his camcorder with him so I grabbed my OFC sign.... I am holding it upside down!!! and very quickly took a fast pic before putting here back in to go.




    Didnt get my 50 incher I have been trying for but might go back for a long weekend in a few weeks and try some mature weedlines.




    Hope you enjoy.








    Didnt get a pike over 10 or my 50 inch plus ski I have been looking for forever but saw a few and had a few VERY Large fish turn on it, but couldnt ID them so this is the only confirmed ski of the 4 days




    I know... Im using a single hand hold but I ddint even transfer her to a two hold as it was simply up and then back in.




    She had been worked over pretty good by the males on the spawn so I was trying to get her away as fast as I could.




    Taped her out at 46 inches, didnt bother with a girth.





  2. Same problem here, you can get into it if you have a message but once you read it and your nmessage box contains no new email you cant access it, I had oe of the guys send me a PM then i opened it and bookmarked it.



    IE 9 here too








  3. I was out on Sunday fihsing perch in the river mouth and got about 25 with a few jumbo's in the mix.

    Hard to say if they are in or are late or have left.

    The grand is pouring a huge amount of water uot so I think this is spreading the perch out more then most years.



  4. If I rememebr Long Lake is pretty deep in the center so if your going for pike try those rocky points at the mouths of early shallow weedbays.


    Temps should be in the fifties there and a few big ones should be hanging out on each transition area.




    Wish i couold help you more but good luck and post lots of pics when you get back!!




  5. Wondering if someone could give me a few pointers on flippin and pitchin help mostly pitching.

    I have a couple Crucial - Curado flippin sticks loaded with 50pound Power and now one with 50 pound 832.

    I was wondering how you guys had your reels setup? I have mine backed off all the way but still get the initial over run on the biat especially when i am trying to skip something under a doc and such.

    I keep wondering if I am missing something.

    Any help would be appreciated.



  6. Finally got out to put the new Suffix line and the Sebil Swimmer to the test.


    The Suffix 832 inline behaves much better out of the box then Power Pro or Fireline, less memory and stiffness the the other 2 braids and better casting.

    The draw backs are the one the colour bleeds quickly and I ended up with green hand!

    Also by the end of the day throwing big cranks it appeared to lose some of its shape and started to flatten like Power Pro does after a while.

    Over all I would buy it again and would rate it higher then the other superbraids.


    As for the Sebile Magic Swimmer .. I used the 7inch silver and bkue herring colour sinking model.

    Looks great in the water at a medium retrieve.


    3rd cast I get a nice 15 pound pike coming in late on the retrieve and and blow the hookset as he nipped at the tail.


    Had a nother fish blow up on it before leaving.


    Great start but my bad hookup % continues. Couldnt tell if it was the fish or me again.


    Good review tho , definatly worth it.




  7. Smallies in Julky are almiost everywhere, as stated above the pike will be in areas that are from 15-35 feet.

    For eyes try the weedbeds near the mouth of the river.


    As for how big the pike get I saw a 50 inch one last week and check out my avatatar somewhewre between 28 and 32 pounds

  8. Dont be afraid to fish shallow for the eyes, dont think I caught one in deeper then 12 feet last time.

    Beware the mayfly hatch that happens there, but then there isnt anything you can do about that except fish for pike.

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