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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. I bet you were off of Maitland.

    If so its not you it can be a hard fish there no matter what people say.

    Allot of fish being taken on the west end, Maitland will get better in a few weeks but it is not a numbers fishery there like the west end.

    erie hates me as well , so keep at it. I feel your pain!

  2. Maitland sucked this morning... we were the only boat out there in 60-75 feet SW lost one good fish and that was it, Lots of bait in the 70-75 foot range but NOTHING going this morning.

    Only bite was on a harness along the botttom of a rigger in 70 feet

    Erie hates me I swear!

  3. I have ahd issues with them not being tuned out of the package, no biggie but if your paying a premium price you shouldnt have to do this. There pretty good, picked up the bluegill wakebait....the colours on it are horrid so its going to go under the air brush for some modifications.

  4. Camping on crown , man its hard to find a flat spot on that ground.

    We ended up coming home early because the genny died and we were out of batterry power. Good we did as huge stroms blew thru the area for the next 2 days

    We also forgot our stove....NED..... so we had to cook on a fire the 5 days we were there.

    Thats the first vertical photo I have ever taken, I was stuck trying to get a picture of her with the OFC sign so I just lifted quickly and put her back in, thats a frame grab from a video camera. She ws only out for 2-3 seconds. I figured it would be easier on her then getting her out of the net and arranging for a shot in a horizontal hold. Check out my avatar, thats was taken in cold water were she would have a longer time out of water.

    She swam away nice and strong.



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