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Status Replies posted by Fisherman

  1. Anyone think this cold snap will affect my crappie fishing tonight ?

  2. The LOONIE TOONER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,STRIKES AGAIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AND FALLS OFF HIS ROCKER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,STAY TOONED,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU DONT WANT TO MISFISH IT. LMAO

    1. Fisherman


      I have visions of Brian with a left hander hanging off the lower lip paddling in circles trolling with 50 feet of line out.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Good bye google/chrome, hello fire fox

  4. Get da toon out Terry, white water tooning down Essa rd. AGAIN. LOL

    1. Fisherman


      Little bit of rain, eh?

  5. Did ya hear that one Terry and Fisherman ? LOL That was a good boomer. It,s coming again.

  6. Did ya hear that one Terry and Fisherman ? LOL That was a good boomer. It,s coming again.

    1. Fisherman


      Ka POW. And then it poured for about 15 minutes.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. As I watch a down pour here out the front window, I still see speeding cars and trucks. Waiting for that one to go hydroplaning.

    1. Fisherman


      Another dewey morning, no painting this week.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. As I watch a down pour here out the front window, I still see speeding cars and trucks. Waiting for that one to go hydroplaning.

    1. Fisherman


      We got about 10 drops but the rumbling was pretty good. now If I could get 2 days of no rain or stupid humidity, I could get the garage doors painted.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Newest member here. Yup, waded out up to my chest this morning and found out the pouch my cell was in was not water proof, and niether was my cell. DOH. Also found out I didnt save all my contact to my SIM card. DOUBLE DOH.

    1. Fisherman


      Note to self, copy and print off cell numbers.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just what we need more thunder storms

    1. Fisherman


      Never ever saw my ditch fill up as fast as this afternoon, just crazy amount of rain and so fast.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Round trip, Barrie to Burks falls and back. 8.4 lt/100km. Even better then that,found my access to a lake finally too. Gas in the ally was .98. ;0)

  12. What a wicked front that came through this morning. Lightening and boomers that sounded like canons.

  13. I HATE WIND, but atleast I gave it the ole fishermen s go for a few hours. Should of hit the creeks. Shoulda, coulda ,woulda. Thats fishing.

  14. How good are you at math? How many times does 43 go into 28?

  15. How good are you at math? How many times does 43 go into 28?

  16. I licked and licked and it wouldn't stick. When did mailing stamps become peel and stick? Thankfully the ole nice lady told me it was a peel and stick. DOH

    1. Fisherman


      Ha, I can remember .05 and .07 cents for open Xmas cards.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. If something is shipped from Canada,then why is the cost in US funds, to Canadians ?

  18. Break out the DEET... it's Black Fly season!! Man...

  19. Just when I found the perch this morning, the sky opened up. I know where you are hiding now. See you yella bellies soon again.

    1. Fisherman


      Going to have part 2 of last fridays salmon.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. The TOON is all tooned up and ready to go. Bring on the fish,s. Sunday will be perch,n.;0)

  21. If your going to advertise products , please have them in stock. What a waste of time. 0 for 3 on the items I wanted today. And they were not even sale items..

    1. Fisherman


      Ha, the local Hardware store is like that, everything I need can be on the truck friday.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. Beat the tax man again for the 5 year. New summer tires and some new fishing gear are on the list to buy. ;0)

    1. Fisherman


      Always nice t get something back, just waiting for the window mail.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. Anyone see the most recent blue ice report? Crappie out of Cooks bay?!?!

  24. What is the best illness to feign to get a day off from work to go fishing?

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