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Everything posted by Bassloadingzone

  1. [quote name='troutguy' date='Jan 6 2008, 11:36 AM' post='14846 This happend to be a place I was confident on. Its also not my first time ice fishing, and I know whats safe for me to walk on and whats not. NOW THAT YOU HAVE SAID THIS, please find and read every story about all that have drowned this year and every one has the same theme, THEY knew what they were doing and were very experenced, im not trying to be unreasonable, but they buried my wifes brother on his 20th birthday, because he knew what he was doing and was very experenced, TRUST me when I say, DONT MAKE YOUR FAMILY HAVE MAKE THAT STATEMENT TO THE PAPERS PS especially for a fish that looks anything like a freakin carp
  2. Just in case any younger people are reading this post and thinking, WELL THEY FISHED WITH 2 INCHES OF ICE, because they had floater suites and ice picks, heres the reality of how lucky these 2 fellows were, even with a floater suite, you have about five minutes to get your self out of the water, 2 inches of ice when useing a pick, jab at the ice it breaks, jab again it breaks, even if it were to hold, the wieght from you trying to pull yourself up on 2 inches of ice, the ice breaks. SO PLEASE BE SMART,2 INCHES OF ICE ISNT ENOUGH to fish over 30ft of water. I have a question, why is it when we hear about someone going threw the ice and hear it was 2 inches thick, most of the comments are about how stupit they were for being out there with that little ice, but when guys are lucky and make it back to shore we pat them on the shoulder like their a hero... SORRY BUT I THINK THIS KIND OF THREAD SENDS THE WRONG MESSAGE TO PEOPLE WHEN IT COMES TO SAFTEY ON THE ICE< THE ONLY COMMENT THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SEEN HERE WAS THE ONE TERRY MADE WHEN HE SAID HE WAS SMART ENOUGH NOT TO GO OUT ON 2 INCHES OF ICE
  3. TJ very well said on your post DANBO I sure hope if anything ever happens to a family member of yours, you never have to have some smart mouth punk write the comment that someone got stuck with cleaning up your loved ones, give your head a shake man, and I dont care what excuse you have for making such a Bull comment, cus there is no excuse for your comment. If friends or family of these men read these comments I would like to say sorry that guys like Danbo are even aloud to post such idiotic comments My prayers and deepest sympathy goes out to the families and friends of these men
  4. Its funny how some things go in life, I try and buy something from every local shop in the town that is having a tourny, and the one you speak of I found the fellow running the place to be good, the very first time I was in the store I told him about the tourny I was in and he was kind enough to give a couple of baits, I had never even heard of at the time,(bad boys) which I thought was kinda nice. Its to bad, politics does play such a big part of what we do, as most know Brian to be a stand up guy, just as a lot like to shop at the store he just had problems with.With that said, I notice you dropped a sponsor, I would never buy a bait from, but lots do. PS I think its wrong for you to have to park any where but right in front of the door if your going in that door to spend money, no matter whose name you have on your truck
  5. Carp Free water, wow what a consept, now if only we could drian them all out of every lake
  6. www.anglersatlas.com
  7. There is a coloring agent you can buy at most tackle stores I forget what the name of the product is, but they will know what your talking about if you call them, the one that is called double red is fantastic and very easy to aply
  8. Well if it isnt the caped cursader himself, mister anti smoker come up with such inteligent comments like you just did, but its always the geniusous that come out name calling first, and ya you sure have earned the right to name call, cus everyone of your posts are so smart, and you would never start a post that might cus a ripple, or is just if its your opinion its alright, and to bring up brainpower, was the testing pretty hard for the field you were smart enough to excel at, or ya thats right you were a Cab Driver, wow I bow down to your great wisdom. Ya that carp fishing sure looks like it takes a great deal of out smarting the big brained carp, sit on your slingshot out a bunch of meal worms, or if your real smart a dog treat, maybe some catfood, for the real pros, but im sure where the real work starts( after years of practice) is making sure you cam match up the holes on your 40ft acme fishing pole
  9. But our choice of fish doesnt kill spawning grounds and get to be 40lbs because it eats all the eggs it can from real fish,pretty sure the MNR feels the same way, or do you still think the carp die off was due to a lack of oxigen
  10. My post was writin with tongue in cheek,but now that you bring it up,Rod extentions, a 40 foot plastic pole, slingshots, cups on the end to bait the fish, action as intense as getting a boil lanced, hope it never happens here. Oh ya and boy do they ever get excited when they land a fish.I think they should and an element to this kind of fishing,stuff a firecracker up the anglers butt, and just as they are about to land the fish lite it up, than maybe we will see a bit of a rise out of some of these guys,
  11. I was watching WFN and watched about 1minute of guys carp fishing,(which is far too long) the guys were saying about a law in Australia, where if you catch a carp and put it back in the water alive you are fined $100.00. I think we should lobby our gov. to do the same.That way we never have to find something else to do when fish-o-mania takes up air time. SAVE OUR LAKES< KILL A CARP
  12. I think for $80 you will get a rope with a rock tied on the end of it For anything even close to that price it will have to be a manual crank, and I believe even the scottys will start around 150 for one that is even worth getting
  13. Buy a seal that looks like the right one at your hardware store or any other store for less than a buck, and when the lower unit costs you 1oo times more to fix, because the seal looked like it fit, but water got in. These seals are made to be motor specsific, and unfortunatly thats the price, so my advice is fix it with the right seal or bite the bullet when you have to row to shore one day
  14. Those pictures and the out come look just like fishing on scugog
  15. Minn Kota is all that needs to said
  16. There is a reason the police force and the majority of taxis are Implalas, its because they are one of the most dependable cars out there, and I am a toyota guy
  17. Set the hook as hard as you can,with a 3/0 hook drag it back to the boat,pinch it by the lip, rip the hook out with a pair of pliers, hang it by its head and take a picture, maybe drop it a couple of times in the boat, now bend over and put it in the water gently cus you wouldnt want it to hit the water to hard.What a freakin joke, who started this,shake your head
  18. I would rather watch him eat lunch all day than sit through 5 minutes of FISH-O MANIA
  19. Isnt it funny how all of the so called fishing sites on the net are so full of experts, that all they do is sit in front of their comps. and whine about how others fish, if they keep, release, what the climate is doing. When a guy does come on sites he gets jumped on for one thing or another. Gets crap if he tries to hide his spot in a photo. Dont get me wrong this is as good a site as there is, but just look and see how many posts have nothing to do with fishing, and see how many threads turn into someone bashing what someone else is doing. I just find it amazing that there are any fish left in Ontario waters at all because there are so many guys on these sites that know everything there is to know a bout fishing. Angling was once a past time that people did to relax and enjoy it was a peaceful thing to do,but now thanks to the net fishing has become second,as the main goal by some seems to be to turn it into nothing but a bit ch fest. Maybe some of the experts on these sites should accually go fishing.
  20. DEpends if you want to hook more fish or land more fish, its true line tied direct will make a lure run truer, but no mono,braid,or floro will take a direct bite from a toothy critter, therefore you lose more fish, with a leader the lure will react differently and possibly cause less strikes, but when you do hook up they will take the bite. After all is said and done I believe no one knows for sure if fish will shy away from a lure fished with a leader, after all most lures cause a reation bite, so with lures I dont think it will hurt at all. If fishing slow with bait maybe it might make a difference, but I doubt it, leaders have been used for a 100 years and always caught fish, but for some reason we now think fish have evolved to the point where they are smarter than they used to be. Or maybe its called good advertising
  21. DO NOT FOG A FOUR STROKE, best check a owners manual on this, four strokes should not be fogged
  22. Some said last week its eems they havent come in yet, but they must have by now, if they have the numbers were very low this year
  23. With the posts you 2 make, and the subjects you seem to need approval from people on a fishing site, I really think you 2 need to save yourselves a lot of dissapointment and get on Springers waiting list now. I mean really if your relationship has any merrit at all shouldnt these kinds of things be worked out in private and not on an open forum, get some counseling before you guys make a big misstake, and save the folks from haveing to pick sides in: Less than 6 months 6 months to 1 year 1to3 years More than 3 years
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