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Everything posted by BrownTown

  1. so elegant and graceful!
  2. Fine looking job there, WOW! My turn to contemplate on retiring the old chevy..She has a bit of love rust and needs a few things...ohh man.
  3. Dunner- yes I am registered on there. N.A.W- thanks will do Irish....well that just sucks!
  4. Again, thanks to all
  5. Thanks to those who sent me messages and replied
  6. Great looking work!
  7. I've been debating on posting this here but finally caved as I'm still having no luck. I've been trying so hard over the last two years to find an employer to sign me on as an Apprentice Millwright. I'm in my second year and currently working a factory job while I hope all my hard work handing out resumes, calling and emailing companies pays off. So far I've had no luck. I'm located in London Ontario and willing to move pretty much anywhere in Ontario, even farther if I have to. I'm stuck at the moment, not giving up but just looking for some help from this community. If anyone has some leads or information I would greatly appreciate any help and would kindly return the favor some how! I love this trade, I want it to be a part of my life forever. Please PM me any information! Thanks a million. AB
  8. mine went up 20 bucks a month!!!
  9. Done! I'm still mad at the fact the OFAH turned down the idea before..... No reason for that part of the river to not be a sanctuary!!!
  10. Mend you line, your floats all wonky!! Nice video man Better than my opener.
  11. A MAJOR positive for internet boards. This place never ceases to amaze me. So many kind hearted people who just want to help one and other out.
  12. Very sad news. Thought and prayers with all his family and friends.
  13. gotta love the excitement in their voice! I don't have any kids yet but im sure its all worth it!
  14. Thats how i feel working nights too!!
  15. Could be the voltage regulator or check the wiring harness..Not sure of it was those sleds but some were coming in contact with the exhaust and shorting out.
  16. Boooohoooo
  17. Buying a tag for fish is probably the best thing going. Too bad they don't implement it in Ontario... Nice trip!
  18. RSG custom Float Reels www.rsgcustomreels.com
  19. Awesome Post Ryan.. By the looks of all the pictures you are one heck of a happy father! I still remember your videos of fishing the thames...
  20. Very nice guys! Sorry I couldnt make it up there with yas! Other things to deal with that excluded fishing..
  21. needs a millwright apprenticeship..:(

  22. Lost my fly box last week at the Niagara whirlpool. Could have been at the point underneath the gondala.. Black "armundsen" I think the name is. Contained alot of jigs, streamers and large nymphs. If anyone found it, id be greatly appreciative to have it back. I can describe all flys in the box if needed. Thanks Andrew
  23. Nice work, Robb is a class act for sure. Atleast you guys were drinking the good stuff. I love creemore springs!
  24. Id have to agree and I've only fished stateside 4 or so times...Lots more garbage North of the border. Lots of ignorant , roe hungry, belly slitting hypocrates here that call themselves Canadian and poodle about how the yanks fish their rivers and tributaries... Oh and nice fish, pull it back from the lense though!
  25. Not really, unless he is fishing alot of fast water...
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