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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. We have 3 saws 2 husq 1 stihl all have a specific job. One husq 268 has a 20" bar and a professional chain (no anti kickbath teeth full on cutting) it flat eats wood as fast as you can feed it. The saw is heavy but with the torque and high RPM's it processes large wood easily. The stihl 260 has the same chain and bar and while it runs as well it has 20% less torque (less CC motor also) but is lighter and is easier to fell trees with. The last husq is a 55 with 14" bar which is light and high RPM's and will limb out trees all day without being to heavy. None of them are the perfect saw...all of them will cut down a tree... each one has it's shining point's. The less you spend on a saw the less saw you will get. I have seen saws that will not pull thru wood with a good sharp chain because it has little torque. Once it dulls down the RPM's pick up and it is not ripping chunks out of the tree but making rough sawdust. It sounds impressive and the job gets done and you are happy because it has cut the wood. One day you will see a high end torque ladened motor pulling huge chips and flying thru the logs and you will see the difference. Spend as much as you can on quality and take good care of it and it will last a very long time.




  2. Phil made sure I had a few special lures before I went up to Canada this year in August. If you think you have gotten less than stellar service contact Phil he is a stand up guy and will make it right I am sure.




  3. This is not a money issue it is the government holding our spending hostage till we get rid of the obamacare crap that will ruin our country. As for guns if there is no government then I am glad I am armed at least there will be one wolf in the pasture protecting the livestock. lol Give it a few days and they will come up with some kind of answer that will keep both sides of the government happy as for the people.....who knows.




  4. Thank you as always Roy for getting invision to get rid of of a few more glitches. We have unfortunately had to keep our upgrades up to date which changes the way the board looks and works to keep us from getting hacked and viruses. I am impressed with the way invision has keep us out of deep trouble over the years they seem to be worth all of the money we pay them. Granted there are cheaper companies but we get what we pay for.





  5. I agree with the patterning of fish as a key tool to finding the bite. I am very fortunate down here with the variety of fishing guru's I have met and fished with over the years. While fishing we talk about may things and some of the discussions have been what to do on a hard bite. The first thing that we all agree on is that fish react to its surrounding the same way every time the condition is exactly the same if it is in the same condition/health etc.. This means a fish that is in a body of water is removed to a laboratory during the spawn will, if the conditions are changed will stop spawning You can then simulate in the lab the spawn and they will start back up. This train of thought of cause and effect can make fish easier to pattern. We all know that fishing a wind blown shore after a few days produces fish. The reason is the wind concentrates the food chain on that shore and we find them in a feeding pattern. The fish don't decide that it is windy so I am going to check the wind blown shore they have just followed the food. Once you have found the food you have to then decide what mood are they in. If they are hungry then it is an easy day to fish but what if they are neutral or negative to hunger. Now you have to get them to bite for another reason like anger or curiosity. Once you find the key to the reason you will catch fish that are hungry, angry, and curious. Eventually the bite will fade and it is time to recheck the conditions and if they have not changed move to an area that has the same set of conditions and start catching fish again. As much as we wish it was true there is not fish everywhere in a lake the lake has X amount of food, cover, safety that the fish gravitate to and the other places are just water between on place to the next. Finding the places that trigger the fish to feed by seeing the environmental patterns will go far in the pursuit of fish that bite. Patterns change but fish for the most part react the same.





  6. We have polled the members, discussed it and voted on this in the past it failed 15 years ago and every couple of times it comes up a year we hold the same view. Sorry if it causes you to not read the excellent reports that some of our members post. Think of it this way some of them have spent hours putting the reports together so you having to use the search function is a small price to pay for a clean looking and easy forum to view.


    The members have spoken as they have in the past so I am going to put this to bed.





  7. I actually place most of my fishing abilities on being able to identify patterns. I use all of the clues mother nature gives me and apply it to the day I am fishing. No matter what the effects of the barometric pressure or the pull of the lunar cycle is fish will react to it the same way. Fish are driven by cause and effect (instinct). They do not make decisions on food, shelter or even breeding but rather these actions are reactions to the environment around them.


    Part two coming soon I got to head out to work.




  8. The swim bladder of a fish is designed so the fish can take O2 from the water thru the gills or gulping on primitive fish and adjust it's buoyancy to the depth it is swimming at. It is not a fast process that is why you sometimes see a deep depth fish having trouble leaving the surface. A fishes swim bladder is also able to feel vibrations in the water and in some produce sounds (catfish). This means a fish can move up or down in the water column to an extent without gassing off so barometric pressure can be tolerated or adjusted for if it was severe enough. (unlikely considering a 2 meter move is much larger than any storm front). Some claim that the swim bladder swells up and the fish are not hungry but since a minor adjustment is so easy I find this to be unproven in my book. We can also look at fish that do not have swim bladders(sharks and rays to name two) and we will find that they also can be off the feed as storm fronts come and go.




  9. Well how is it that cold water is more dense than warm water because the molecules are closer together ?? So would there not be more weight on cold water than warm water ?? And with the atmosphere pushing down on it would that not increase that as well ?? And for the most part it's about lakes not the ocean . That and temp changes of the air as cold air sinks down

    Good thoughts on these points. Water as it is heated changes state from a liquid to a vapor. the temperature as it increases allows vapor in the water to expand and the total weight of the water is the same it is the vapor the weighs less thus the combination of the two rises above the cold water. Atmospheric pressure does change a small amount this change can apply more pressure to the water column but the density of the water is not affected by the change. Picture a nut with a brick on top of it. Now hit it with a small hammer you will have no reaction, hit it with a larger hammer and the nut cracks. Did you change the density of the brick with the blow ? No you transmitted the force thru the brick to the compressible item below. The ocean reference is because lakes are not deep enough to begin to illustrate that water under great compression from it's own weight will not cause the water to become denser. I did take one liberty and that is not to mention that saltwater has enough salt to be tested and compressed which is not the water again compressing but the impurities. I don't contend that barometric pressure is not a good indicator of when to fish. I contend it is the conditions around the reading that are affecting the fishing not a pressure change in the water column.




  10. Amps X volts =watts. Look on the plug or electrical objects and find the amp's it draws. Take that and apply it to the formula and add all of them up for your total watts.



    now multiply it by 1.5 and that is the ideal size generator you need. This will allow for start up amp surges and for the unit to not to be running in the upper RPM's or sub 120 voltage.




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