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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Home/New-Fishing-2013%7c/pc/105625080/c/112058280/Daiwa-Lexa-300-Casting-Reel/1386929.uts?WT.srch=1&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=google%7cFishing+Category%7cUSA&WT.z_mc_id1=stEcoPnq&rid=20&gclid=COim59bZ0rgCFQsV7AodQDwA3Q



    I will speak for this reel since I just put it thru the test phase of ownership. It started out chucking 12 oz of bait and lead using a 9ft boat rod for big blue catfish. It has controlled up to 40lb fish with no issues. I then took it to Canada and mounted it on a 7.5 ft muskie Rod that Spiel made for me and threw everything from double bladed inline spinners, the fred, deep diving crankbaits and other heavy lures. I found it to be a great choice after 1/2 a season of use. I was not able to see if it could control a muskie because I haven't thrown 10,000 casts yet.


    Note this reel is available in 2 handle configuration the one I am using is the power handle with the single knob.




  2. Nothing beats a warm evening fishing for cats. We usually line fish for them when sport fishing but when we are going for a good old fashion fish fry we (legally) break out the float rigs. They are chucks of "noodles" that have 3-7 ft of line depending on depth with a circle hook and a little weight. A chunk of chicken liver on each and a field of 5-7 floating slightly down river of the boat. Once a fish finds it the noodle bobs and then the chase is on. A good size fish will pull it like a drowned waterskier. We chase it down and into the cooler it goes. Sometimes you will get 2 or 3 going off at the same time and then it becomes a free for all. A good time and a great way to fish if it is legal up North.




  3. Most of my fish are released at boat side a quick flip of the pliers and off they swim. If it is hooked well then it is in the boat and a hook removed. If it is a really good one then it gets a measurement and a photo. Most of my guests when we are fishing for blue cats take my word for the weight and I will give the younger folks a 2 or 3 lbs fudge just so they have better bragging rights.



  4. The idle circuit is just a small port that uses a fixed restrictor orifice with the air metered thru a passageway debris will only effect no throttle condition. The movement of the butterfly throat is the addition of air across a pilot jet that interacts with the needle valve. Any restriction of the pilot jet or the needle will allow the fuel/air mixture to change usually leaning it out will stumble on first part of acceleration. The top end is either part of the mid range orifice or a stand alone opening depending on the design. As you open the throttle you create more vacuum and more room between the needle and jet so it is less sensitive to debris. A soft bulb usually indicates either the balls check valve is bad, air leak on hose including the pick up on the tank, or fuel pump not keeping up with the demand. Carbs are different from one design to another and I am speaking in broad strokes here but most engines that run poorly it is the first place to look when issues appear after verifying Spark, Air, and fuel delivery system.




  5. You are describing a restriction in the low speed and full throttle circuits of the carb. Carb cleaner are rarely able to clear debris from the passages if it is varnish then it can be dissolved. Once you get to around 20% throttle your midrange circuit feeds in and supplies fuel as needed till the full throttle comes into play. The issues you are having both on the bottom and the top of the carb. circuits indicates the midrange circuit is not getting the help it needs from the metering circuits idle and top end. The rule on carb's are clean them once then clean them again then put them back on the engine. If you are not comfortable tearing down the carb's then take it to a shop there are ports and passages that if enlarged or misunderstood as to how they work can be a waste of your time or damage the carb.



  6. Ahhh but the plot thickens.....Since the laws are governed by definitions and most states have jurisdiction on open container rules. Here is how one state answered the question of :


    Open containers of alcohol are not permitted in "public places." What is a public place?

    The law does not specifically define what constitutes a public place, and a variety of facts and circumstances may be relevant to that determination. Streets, sidewalks, the strip of grass between the street and sidewalk are almost certain to be considered public places. Your yard, patio or porch may be a public place if you do not control access to it. If you allow anyone to enter, then it could be considered "public." If you party on your lawn and are not scrupulous about keeping outsiders away, your lawn may be considered a public place. Areas shared by more than one apartment or building are usually considered public. Inside your apartment or house, with the door shut, is usually a private place. If you would like more information regarding your specific facts, you should consult a private attorney.

    O my how fast the snowball grows.

    Nite all


  7. ummm FNW you are taking this more seriously than it warrants. You also need to consider that the facts I draw on are from the USA I didn't know Canadian women had the ability to go topless, since it is still illegal down here for females to do so it is reason 465 on why I want to live in Canada. What an officer of the law can write a ticket for is different than what you feel is your right to do. If the law is written no matter how much you don't want it to be true a ticket can be issued for open container for the beer in the front yard. The laws that have made it on the books make sense at one time don't get repealed but still can be enforced. A ticket can be written for hanging female undergarments visible from the street on Sunday in a few States in America. Spitting on the sidewalk also can draw a ticket. Yes this is not in compliance with the original post I have taken liberties and gone outside of the original post by not keeping my answer to whether or not you can pee in your back yard. The broadening of the topic has however made for some good stories and friendly banter....


    best of the night to you




  8. The open container law can be charged in the yard if you do not have a liquor license with an outside open container permit. You can not go to an indoor bar and finish your meal pay your bill and walk out with an open beer. You are also confined to an area of the outdoor porch bar which does not allow you to walk down the street even though you bought the beer outside on the porch. Welcome to the wacky world of legalities. lol




  9. If I go into a store and my fly is down it is not a crime but is an accident. If I am in the store and turn my back to the public and unzip and urinate in a pot rezip and no one saw the stream or my zipper down however a cop comes up and sees the wet planter and heard my zipper being pulled up he can write the ticket. You will go to court and fight it but the cop only needs probable cause to write the ticket it is up to the judge to make the ruling. Exposure can be charged without seeing the actual bits if a girl has her back to a cop and opens her shirt he can write the exposure ticket even though he did not get to see the bits of her. If he writes the ticket for urination and or exposure and you go what the hay and wiggle said digit at him it becomes a lewd act thus another charge. Mind you this is all tongue and cheek here and it would be a waste of the courts resources for the ticket to be written if you discreetly water a plant in the back yard. The legalities of the law are fun to ponder and are in most cases if the letter of the law was followed strictly we would find ourselves with at least a dozen tickets a day.





  10. It is the fact that your willie is exposed not if someone can see it. The cops can write the ticket for public urination and exposure if it is visible. You can also get a ticket for lewd acts in public if you wiggle or touch it in any manner that is not needed to urinate. This ticket can be written in the outback just as easily as in the city.





  11. Funny I am a lefty in every thing I do except for baitcasters... It feels natural to use my left arm to control the rod not crank the real. I will say the lexa 300 is an excellent reel. Mind you I use it for saltwater and big cats the muskie has so far eluded me on my trips up North. On a side note the okuma Clarion which I don't know if it is made as a lefty is an excellent reel if you can switch to the round body reels.





  12. I use a weighted head if I am targeting the fish near bottom in 10ft + water. Once it gets to the bottom I will give it a shake and a hop 2 or 3 times then repeat. I have also had good success with a weighted head and then hooking a tube thru the head with a short yoyo retrieve pausing briefly every 5 or so yoyo's. If the fish are marked and below the boat a tube rig paused below the boat with a minor whipping motion from 3-9 oclock is a good way to fill up the boat too.




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