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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. The big issues we are facing right now is that the refineries are switching to making gas and the diesel is being purged from the plants. The plants right now while the plant is down are repairing the damage that the cold winter did to the equipment this winter. Our two most Northern plants had more damage done than the Southern plants and are still off line. This is why we get a bump in the spring and fall because we do not have enough places and equipment to produce the refined products that we all use.



  2. While grayscale will work the color units can show contrast better and allow you to tune the gain down to the point of getting only the reflections of what you are looking for. When the fish are on the rocks you can tune down and get bottom readings from hard surfaces only. If you are looking for soft bottoms or weeds you can turn the gain up till the weeds show blue and rock is red so finding weedline edges is easy. Differentiating between fish and debris in the water column has always been an issue but with color you can adjust the gain to show the swim bladders as blue and the other debris will show red if it is wood or harder substances. The grayscale tends to wash out the details in sunlight and it is harder to see with the glare on the water in some cases. Downscan is as with everything a two edged sword the detail it gives you is excellent but you have to know how to read it. If you fish deep water over 100 ft then the signal is not as strong as the lower frequency units which gives a stronger ping but shows less detail. All of these things add up to it being a useful tool while fishing to help you find the environment that the fish prefer to be at. With the help you have the ability to eliminate a lot of unproductive water quickly.





    I understand that colour units chew up batteries a lot faster. I use a little B & w unit for my canoe and ice fishing. Based on the few times I've seen a colour unit in operation, they didn't seem to add much more info. What advantages do you see over B & W?


    Here is a link that will help you see what you are missing http://www.defender.com/html/fishfinder_info.html . I found this information years a go and it allowed me to figure out what is going on in the water under the boat. I have since gone on to using the Lowrance structure scan or lss1 system and some days we will scout areas for hours with the system looking at what is under the boat. Once you get the hang of it you can customize the settings and fine tune it for a wealth of information.


    If you have any specific questions I would be happy to answer them.




  4. When you said they replaced the boat and did some other welding it seems curious because if you weld near the foam it either has to be removed so it does not burn or if left in place as it is heated it loses its ability to float. I was not there and I am glad other were to save you but if you pressed the boat past it's capacity why is it someones elses responsibility to replace it? I get that you had insurance and that in my opinion they should pay the market value of the boat but why do you feel tracker which builds the boat and turned a completed and inspected boat over to you needs to be sued? I guess I am relating it to a man buys a motorcycle and races it down a short street at 100 miles an hour and can't stop in time and hits a tree breaking his leg. He then sues the motorcycle maker because they made a bike that has better acceleration than brakes. He exceeded the design of what the bike was intended for by going 100 mph and it was up to him to make sure the equipment on the bike would do what he needed it to do decelerate in the conditions he set up. This is a tough call I think that you are going to spend money in an attempt to recover money that can be possible not there fault. You could be stuck with the loss of the boat and gear as well as the thousands of dollars in legal fees that you can be sure a lawyer will collect.




  5. Never mind what is in the water if you really want to see YUCK it is as close as the money in your pocket or the ice machine at any restaurant. Thankfully the human body can fight off most of the stuff you are bombarded with in an average day. We humans on the cellular level are amazing with what our bodies do in the background of our lives.



  6. Wow I am surprised at the price difference is it the taxes that make it so different ? The healthcare system up North seems to drive the tax/cost of things that can have a negative effect on peoples health up. I know that the cost of tobacco really jumped up down here in the US tax wise using that as an excuse.




  7. Once the water is drawn from the reservoir it is then pumped into a tower and as it passes thru the pump a product called Chloramin is aerated/injected into the water. All of the filtration is done when it is pumped into the reservoir. This action was done just to placate the people and head off a scandal or Bull lawsuit.




  8. Color is a must and the brand you want is the one you are comfortable operating. All of the major brands have the love/hate reviews from people I personally am a Lowrance user but it is because it is the one I am comfortable with.



  9. With the new techniques we have to manage and treat waste water we have come a long way. In 1972 the clean water bill was interduced here in the US and the water quality has improved dramatically. The Potomac River has the waste storm and sewer system combined with some sections so old they still have the wooden ducts in place. The river at that time was so nasty with chemicals and waste that it would catch fire and the "fairy lights" could be seen at night on the right combination of chemicals. The river now through treatment and strict guidelines has become a place of recreation and outstanding clean fish for all to enjoy. The save the Chesapeake Bay foundation has been instrumental in making this possible through legal and grass roots means.




  10. Good concept but the stopping point is the cost. Labor rates to harvest, process and ship from the US would make them more expensive than the local product. We ship Iron ore from the US to have it processed and returned as a final product cheaper than we can process it ourselves in China.




  11. There are a lot of grass roots things being done such as carp rodeos where the winner is by the LB's . Those fish are sold to a fertilizer company that hand out prizes and cash for the people who participate. We also have a lot of people who have contests for most fish best costume most creative way to catch the fish. It is the people that do this not the government which I am fine with I have yet to see a project run better in the control of the government than in the hands of the people. Either way they are here to stay such as the other invasive species in our lives such as Small Mouthbass, Snakeheads and yes even the carp we so enjoy to catch down here.



  12. 9 out of 10 people said they would rather eat dogfood than "carp" so first off we change the name to Asian Steaks.


    No really the issue is not just at the boarder it is all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico so setting up a plant is not feasible. The demand for the fish is very low brings a price that is at best break even because to catch them using nets is the most expensive way to harvest fish in a river basin. Your nets are catching not only the fish but get quickly torn from the bottom and debris the current bring about. It would be as foolish as harvesting Gobies as a food source for the needy in Canada. Just because someone needs help with getting food doesn't mean they want to eat the "trash fish" of seafood.


    Now the hunting for the homeless programs where you can donate any game animals all season to local butcher shops is a winner for sure. The butcher will take the animal record the tag and check it in legally and then process it for a set fee usually $50-70 for a deer which pays for the supplies and time plus a meager profit of 10-20 dollars. While not a good way to make money since the shop is already cutting regular customers meat at 100 + a deer things go pretty smoothly for most of the good butchers.



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