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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Some areas we fish in a side arm is needed, as a kid we always had one in the boat for gators and snakes in the trees. You are running the boat thru canals that are sometimes 8 ft across with a complete canape of trees over your head in Louisiana. A nice tasty gator presents itself and you had gator and fish to fry up.




  2. You got to keep going till you get to dry solid wood. The rotted stringer/wood are what let the glass flex and water in. The water wicks up into the new wood and you are back to square one again. I had to go deeper than I wanted restoring a 1985 Ranger but the end result was worth it.




  3. I forgot my rainsuit and borrowed a buddy of mines and we fished in one heck of a rain/wind storm. The suit was one of the old style Gortons fisherman suit all rubber and I was bone dry till the sun came out and the humidity hit us. I was sweating in 10 minutes. So when it is an overcast day and raining enough to keep me cool I bring out the all rubber suit. Otherwise it is a goretex motorcycle suit.




  4. happened to a friend of mine driving through Virginia, the cop didn't return his papers until he went to town and pay the fine

    There is a missing part to his story I live in Virginia and fish often with the local police when I ran it by them they agreed that there was something wrong with the story. If it was a ticket for 15 mph above the posted speed limit or less then it is a paper fine and have a nice day. If he was belligerent or the ticket was for a more serious offence then it would make sense. I personally was pulled over by the OPP and was inspected to see if I had locking devices on my trailer chains ans once confirmed he wished me a very nice vacation. Most Police are human just like me and you and while they are the deliverer of bad news that we brought on ourselves and will be the first to tell you that they write the tickets it is the judge or the court system that decides if it is just and what it is worth in the penalty department.




  5. I heard Canadians being caught speeding in US and escorted into nearest town to pay the fine. MNR should to the same to Americans especially for an offence like that...

    Sorry that is not the case you will be issued a citation and then requested to pay it thru the mail . If it can not be paid do to the severity (DUI or reckless speeding etc) you must show up in court then you get to go to town to the magistrate. Same for anyone who drives a vehicle in the USA that does not have a place of residence to live at till the court date can be made.




  6. No matter which version that you are prescribed either name brand or generic they are coded by size, color and I.D. marks. here is a website to help you identify any pill you find as well as what it is used for.




    I am very glad Sue is better now and by reporting it if it was just a mistake there will be no harm but if it is a pattern then he will be removed from the medical system.




  7. Just to make things even smokier here the electronic wireless motors can be controlled by other signals besides your own pad. Have you been on the water and the motor tries to turn without you pushing the pad or changes speed? yup that is an erratic signal. Hows about finding out your key pad turns on another boats motor at the boat ramp ?




  8. Replace the plug with a twist lock plug and you will not have any issues with connection issues. A switch if used needs to be rated for the amp draw and wire size of the motor so it will be expensive for the correct one. Unplugged as Lew pointed out saves a motor from burning out either from a surge in the charger or a forgotten switch.




  9. No Chris it is a true statement. The difference between the habitats is amazing. While a bass is a bass the difference between fishing up North and fishing for them down here uses different talents and techniques. The crisp mornings warming up into blue bird skies and crystal clear water in August are a relief from our fishing adventures here in the South. Don't get me wrong I am very happy down here and year round I prefer having 4 seasons that are equal and as winter sets in my desire of going North lessens. I am by nature and upbringing a warm weather person.




  10. Common sense is rarely regulated. You can look at it and see that it is safer and will do far more good attached at the point behind the joint. A company will take a short cut that saves them money if they are not called on it pretty common in today's competitive market. Some things are worth arguing but when it involves safety I prefer to error on the side of caution to cause yourself injury doing stupid things is your right to injure others isn't in my book.




  11. Every incident involving a police officer where force is used is reviewed. They are held accountable and have a system to curtail erratic behavior thru fines and penalties that can include criminal prosecution what more do you want? Sure they don't publish the results in the paper because it would undermine the polices image and most people would consider it boring.


    The truth is that, despite all the training and practice, one never knows how a person will react in a given violent encounter. Especially a first time weapons encounter. Will the shooter make one calculated and controlled shot, or will he lose control, let the adrenaline take over, and empty the magazine. In the moment it is all too easy to let the "rush" take over. I had small arms instructors with experience from both WW II and Korea who admitted they themselves had, in the heat of a fight, fire blindly in the direction of a target rather than pick a target (also known as the American method).

    Although this may explain the behavior, it does not excuse it. In my opinion the officer in question failed miserably

    In a fire fight the US military teaches us to aim for a target and if one is not visible to fire in the direction of the last known location to keep them from popping up and shooting back. While it cost a little more in ammo it has saved countless lives. Besides WE all love the smell of cordite in the morning. lol




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