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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Given my druthers I choose saltwater every chance I get. I have fished in both waters and since a bass caught in Canada feels like a bass caught in Florida it makes the saltwater more appealing when you get the chance. Shark fishing is an excellent trip to take and the only thing better is one after dark. I have had many a good night fishing for sharks and when the reel is screaming and the line disappears into the water you don't know what you have till it is brought into the light. That is a fun time for sure.






  2. Doug please post what you are doing to quote as well as what operating system you are using. I would suggest you download Chrome and try to use the features it seems to be one of the easier glitch free programs. We are aware that IE is not friendly and as they change there versions it has been problematic at best. You can also start a thread in the Computer section and others will be happy to help you.




  3. Crazy weather this year for sure. We have a combination of steel and tile roofing here and the steel roofing we actually attach snowbirds to the metal roof to keep it from falling off in sheets but rarely are the roofs snow covered for more than a week before melting off.



  4. Fighting a ticket should be done when you have an explanation that could be used to reduce or eliminate the record or fine. Not getting the notice will not work it falls into "ignorance of the law is not a defense" as the lawyers say. If it helps mail in the fine and if you do not have to take a day off of work to go to court think about it as actually making money.


    Best of luck



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