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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. My time line might be wrong I was member 77 on the first board. We sometimes would go for a week and not flip a page. The community began to expand past just fishing reports as we shared our trials of life. We liked the format and it has been working since then, The ads we run are minimum to keep the board flowing. The amount of bandwidth and the security updates and support at times is taxing but Roy has done an amazing job with dealing with the issues and negotiating deals that make it possible for us to survive. The donation route has been discussed and we would rather have people look at the ads and if one of them interests you go ahead and click on it. That will put a few pennies in the bank for bills without taking money from just a group that donate here. We all like the fact that OFC is here and strong with the loyal members we have here.


    So Thank you as well to all here and in the future.



  2. We do have a chat feature that you are welcome to debate in. It is open to board members and we have relaxed the rules to a point in there. In past times it was a meeting place to drink a beer and yack about your day with friends. Some nights with 10 or more people showing up. To answer another question T.j. is the founder of this board 14 years and 4 versions ago. He is still here and active behind the scenes keeping ads up to pay the bills. I was voted the Ax man because I live far away and if a threat is made they have to drive far enough to reconsider there idea. Roy is here to help as well and keeps the bills paid and his wisdom is invaluable to me. Spiel is a Masterrod builder who works hard to read a lot of the content and makes adjustments as needed. That's it we all have busy lives but what this board has given us over the years we want others to have the same enjoyment.



  3. No issues from me Cliff. We got a set of rules here to make it comfortable for almost everyone from 8 years old to the grave. We all can seem to follow the rules on any subject except politics. I have tried it both ways being rigid to the rules and being lax both ways I get crap for. It is just easier to stop the political threads quickly in the future.




  4. Nope no refute you win They have broken the rules by definition of the rules thanks for your help. Damned if I do and damned if I don't will cause me to take the easiest path. I wish you all would make up your mind I let this go with a lax hand and get flack. You all wonder why political threads are going to be locked really fast this is the reason they are the only ones that I can't read and forget.


  5. Dutch so far the people have stated facts and backed them up all within the rules. I do not have a preference on Dem or Rep it is a label that is as vague as American or Canadian in my eyes. thank you for pointing this out but it is not my motive but I can now appreciate it now.




  6. So I guess this political thread is OK but the other one wasn't?? The biases are obvious. Nuff said!!

    Break this rule and it will also be locked.


    Debate is encouraged, but please follow the basic guidelines of debate. No name calling. Back up your claims with proof. Don't get your knickers in a knot if someone disagrees. KEEP IT CIVIL!

    Threads that are negative in tone or are inflammatory including political or religious will be locked if they are deemed to be detrimental to OFC's community feel. This board is about bringing people together it has no tolerance for snipping or bashing members or non members either for their beliefs or country of origin.

    Things that will not be tolerated. Flaming, baiting, name calling, prejudice, racism, sexism, sexual comments and inuendos, swearing, spam, and general boorishness.



    Let me give all of you a little insight. This board is frequented by both Canadians and US citizens like it or not. 45% of the ISP are from the US looking for fishing info. The site makes enough money by selling advertisements to Canadian places wanting the US Citizens to come and spend money. The balance of money is from the traffic from Google to pay the bills if either one of them leaves then this board closes it is that simple. Stop the whining and sniping I want this board to survive for all of the people to have a place to share there lives it needs to be friendly to the people who are 8 years old till the grave. We have in the past had threats made against the owners or moderators and since I am 12 hours away I get to be the Ax man since no one is stupid enough to come down here and face my form of justice. If you want to take shots at people or whine about the rules that were written by Canadians as well as myself then P.M. me and i will close your account. My first choice is to have everyone coexist I do nothing that is personal I enforce the rules....


    Sorry for the interruption of this thread





    Co Owner

  7. Live target Mouse for top water bass. Perch husky jerk for toothy critters. Senkos wacky rigged weightless when I am confused. One of the reasons that dark colors work so well when fishing deep is there are shade differences between black and absence/reduced light. When you use the primary colors they are absorbed by water so as light loses that color band they become the same color as the surrounding waters. Black however will still show up as a bright spot or a dark spot in the water thus more visible in most cases.




  8. A shad dart on light spinner tackle or flyrod is a good way to fish for them. They are hard fighting with leaps and runs on light tackle. They are endangered in the waters I fish and can be harvested but you are allowed to CnR them. I personally have not targeted them but have a few others who do. The fish is edible and unlike the mud shad they are clean and tasty.


    Link to a page on them https://fishwithjd.com/2008/03/31/shad-time/



  9. Until i got the motorguide x5 with the digital steering motorguides would over rotate and small taps either did not respond or over rotated. I replaced it with the X5 with anchor and could not be happier. It is 100 times better than the older units. I used both the fob and the foot petal from 16 feet away with no issues. It does not over rotate and the anchor is great when fighting a fish and not loosing the weedbed you want to finish fishing in.



  10. The scary part is none of them are stock. Most have major upgrades in suspension, braking, electronics. and of course engines. We (my Brother) and I love to make stock looking sleepers. The blue beetle was especially fun with Mcpherson struts, porsche steering assy. and a 2 twin carburetors 1835 engine putting out 120 HP. Leaving the stop light torching the tires in 1st and 2nd leaves a lot of slack jaws watching.




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