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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. You might be able to talk Spiel into twisting up a few rods for you and as you said you pay what you get. I Have been very fortunate that he has made the time to build a few rods for me. You can view some of his work on his facebook page.


    Spiel Custom-Rod's photos.



  2. I have no info on the goldendoodle. The issues on the dogs appeared between 2 years and 6 years. They started as minimum symptoms but after lab tests they became expensive to diagnose and treat. Realise that we treat our dogs like kids so the money we spent is not what some people will spend. We could have taken the easy road and keep them pain free for a year or two and then put them down. We had one had a lung removed and a jaw removed and rebuilt to give her a longer quality life. The other is going on some really expensive auto immune program that started out like it was a pulled neck muscle. Don't get me wrong this could happen to any dog since my Coon hound has not been inexpensive in himself. Most of the mixed breeds in my opinion are less prone to breed specific issues just from my informal investigations from the dogs I visit in life as a plumber. To note also only one of the dogs were purchased the others where from the shelter or from our vet helping rehome them. I would say to contact your local shelter and tell them what personality of dog you want and have them call you when he comes in. I have had a few dogs in my life that breed wise should not be a water dog or good with kids but were never told, the case in point was a bulldog that loved water.




  3. Had 3 labradoodles in the family to date and they all have had issues mostly cancer and autoimmune variety. They have been expensive to keep healthy. These dogs came from national breeders with papers and excellent breeding practices. We will not be getting a 4th. A full blooded standard poodle is the next puppy on the farm You might want to check them out you would be surprised how outdoorsy they are.




  4. I would bring a spinning rod and with bait you can have a good time on the reefs. dawn and dusk are the best times to fish. 1 oz sinkers and #10 hooks bring plenty the snags eat alot of them. I usually use 65lb braid if you get a strong fish you can clamp down and turn him or force a release before he spools you.


    Good luck and enjoy



  5. Time on the water with a controlled environment is the key. I actually took a fish and put 4 oz of weight and lowered it thru the transducer field to see what a fish looks like vs floating debris. The other key is to be able to grasp the concept of what the bottom is made of by reading the strength of the returns and what adjustments are doing. I have spent countless days just reading the water looking for future spots to fish based on the environment rather than looking for fish.


    Here is a great link to read http://www.defender.com/html/fishfinder_info.html





  6. Spend the money to have a mechanic look it over he can tell by looking at the pistons, plugs and possibly hook it up to a computer what shape it is in. While he will not give you a guarantee he can make you comfortable with the price you paid. A good maintenance program has keep my gtx150 from 1989 on a ranger boat running like it is new for 28 years.




  7. The total running time that is shown when my GPS unit is turned on gives me total time to date and individual trip time. It gives me an idea how many hours I have used the boat since I installed the combo and the time I have been out for a single trip. I might zero it this year and see exactly how much I use the boat for the year. It is turned on before I leave the dock. Unless an hour meter has been on the boat since new it won't help a perspective sale some day.


    I like that Tiny Tac unit Art. Sounds like I can even install it.

    Very easy it has it's own power source


    . https://www.tinytach.com/pdf/Tiny-2A-Instructions-2013.pdf


    Here is the manual and installation pdf.



  8. Brian it is just an inline meter that is tied into the key armed switch it is energised as long as the motor is running. The meters are around 30.00 and using a test light you can find the correct wire to tap into. It will be the one that will be energized when the key is in the run position and off when the key is turned off.




  9. I cannot comment on the vent legality in Canada but they are only used if you can not run a vent back because it is an island or impossible to return a vent due to structural issues. A Y and 1/8 bend is the correct fitting to come off the main drain line. We can use ferncos for a joint with a shear band on pvc lines. We would cut out the stack at the center of 17 inches off the floor for the 1/8 bend and then 2 ft below. Located at least 48 inches or 6 inches above the flood plan of the sink a sanitary tee is installed and run back as a vent within 2ft of the trap. Glue the stack part below with the fernco on the stub and slide it in place. Remember that the ferco and band will be thicker than the wall and shaving the drywall will most likely be needed. Rarely can a stack be pushed up or down because of the other connections in the wall. A plumber would not use a fernco before trying a glue slip joint but that takes some practice and may be above your skill/tool level.



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