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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. If you are having an issue with the site we have enabled a feature that allows you to contact Chad our IT Guru for help. He is in charge of getting the site to talk to all of our members and fixing what is broken. If you feel that it is something he can help with please send him a note using the contact us at the bottom of the page near the center. He will get back to you as quick as he can but remember he has a full time job first and is donating his time and efforts to make the site better.


    If you use this service your reply will come to the email account you have on file.






  2. We are going to see if this will get us in the black for now. I only ask you to click on ads that you have an interest in we do not want to rip off our sponsors. We are in discussion on a members plus thinggy to eliminate ads for members who wish to purchase that route. We will have to see what it would entail legally and if it would cause issues with the boards stability. Right now we have IT Chad working hard to try to stop some of our issues with bandwidth usage and server fees to make it so we can still offer a quality experience for all of us. I will keep you all posted as we go forward with the site improvments.



  3. Sorry but the site costs have made it necessary to start the mobile ads. We fought it for years but we are at Rock bottom meaning the owners have been funding the site to keep it on line. We are trying to keep the ads as unintrusive as we can. We have very poor recruitment of people going to our sponsors sites and this has in combination with the cost of Internet services been a year of negative income. We decided to not sacrifice our bandwidth and our security measures to keep the site safe. If you know of someone who would like to be a sponsor and advertise here please contact your favorite moderator /owner and we will follow up with them.


    Thank you



  4. before we have hard feeling here I am going to lock this and allow you all to go to either the chat or the P.M. The path to allowing MJ will be just as long and hard as the path alcohol took to being legalized. Mistakes will be made and lives enriched or ruined is the norm for allowing another mind altering substance into modern living. So right or wrong here it comes educate yourselves so you can decide how it impacts your lives and the loved ones around you.




  5. If you are quoting or copy and pasting just bold the content and give credit to the website and author. If they contact us we will then remove it. We do not have many issues of this what we need people to think about is that what they post is archived and if the authorities request a copy of a persons content we will gladly turn it over to them. That means do not type illegal actions or threats on the board,keep in mind what you say is forever here.




  6. We have been very lucky to have a new person come on board to help us straighten out our site. Blue Eye Aka Chad has come on board to help us straighten out some of the issues that we have been muddling thru. He is making changes that will speed up the board and lower our costs on the board. We hope to have less issues with different browsers and speed up loading of the pages. He will also be reading the computer section and answer questions as he has time. He is doing this as a favor to the board and he should be afforded all of the courtesy's you show to all of the other owners of the board. He has full powers of moderation and we back him 100%. So please welcome and say hi and thanks for his efforts to keep this board working smoothly.



    Welcome Chad and thank you for your time and efforts.



  7. I install Zoeller M53 pumps with great success they carry a 3 year warranty. Your sump pit must be the correct size for pumps to live a healthy life. It is the starting process that hurts the most on electric motors. Your pit should be a standard size pit if it is not a black pit with a lid then you will need to install the correct one.

    it should be about 36 inches around and 3ft deep. A sump pump is not designed to remove debris it is a semi clear dewatering pump if your house has the correct dewatering barrier around the house you should be getting minimal amount of trash and debris. Installing a bucket with holes drilled in it will make the pump short cycle and will lead to early failure. Putting it on bricks means the pump will also cycle more often so it is not advised. Battery back up pumps are only if the electricity goes out. Most of the battery pumps are very under powered and people neglect the batteries and usually the run time of the set up is to short to be of any value. This means a poor battery will not run the pump at 100 percent if the battery is lower than that and as it losses power so does the efficiency of the pump. Oil on the water means the pump overheated meaning usually the float hung up and it ran without water around it to cool it off. A pump that has a separate float rather than one that has a float on a SHORT carriage is more likely to malfunction.



  8. Turtle meat is a treat that you either like or not. The amount of work to clean and the cooking time makes it easy to take a pass on. I bet we could get the same reaction to people who eat squirrel and rabbit because it is a food we have to work for. I bet that chicken would not be eaten nearly as much if it needed to be killed, cleaned and cooked at your house.



  9. If they are endangered then they need protection. Down here they are not and they make a delicious soup. There are lots of different animals that some look at as food and other don't. If you harvest from the land and use it then I feel it is the correct way to use resources. If you are just killing them then I feel it is a crime against nature.




  10. I wish you and your wife well for sure. Sharing that as an answer would not sit well with me as well. A shallower answer of I have lost interest is all the info they might need. In the situation you are in you might decide to just keep it till life gets better.




  11. I guess from my point of view all I am interested in is the condition of the boat and if the price is acceptable to me. In the case of my boat I stated mint condition and still under warranty so the reason for the sale makes no difference. If anyone wanted a like new boat and it is in they're price range come and see it instead of wasting my time with annoying questions. Ah well I I guess I should just learn to relax ! Maybe just keep the boat and go fishing !

    You appear to be of the mind that you are doing the buyer a favor by selling the boat. While you may feel like that the Buyer feels he is doing you a favor by giving you money for something you no longer want or need. This starts the sale off butting heads. If the seller appears to be glad that someone is giving it a good home and the buyer feels he is helping a person out then it is a happy sale all around. You have the right to be as gruff or put off by the questions and the background of you and the boat but it is the buyer who decides how long the boat sits in your driveway. Answer their questions it will cost you nothing. Make it a pleasant sales atmosphere and you will reap the rewards of an easy sale and closer to your asking price.


    Just some advise from my many purchases and sales over the years.



  12. I run a 1989 Evinrude 150 and while it gets bad gas milage I am not tempted to get a new one. I like that I can work on it when it needs it (not often). It runs like a scalded dog and it weighs less than a new 150 either 2 or 4 stroke. I am maxed out weigh wise on my Ranger so I decided to rebuild it. I was able to easily locate all of the parts needed and as I was rebuilding it I found out it was actually a GTX150 under the GT150 hood.....Bonus. I restore older cars and motorcycles and to me the late 70's to late 80's was the golden age for serviceable and reliable engines. BTW if you didn't know Bernie Giesler of "Giesler cedar boats on Lake Nipissing" has been restoring OLD motors and has a few fine looking restored boats he is nice enough to show every once in a while.




  13. I always ask to gauge the atmosphere of the sale. If it is an honest answer then both parties are made comfortable and it will be a much more pleasant sale. If that is considered rude or it puts someone off then I am not interested in dealing with them.




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