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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I usually fish for the pike and have always found the patterns that work. The Walleyes are there to be had but can be tough to get outside of the slot limit. The muskie once the patterns are found are excellent Lew and Rich and a few others have made it a muskie destination for years with very successful results. If you have basic fishing abilities and can read the weather and water you will do fine. Kevin the owner is Capt. Hooked here on the board and he will give you an honest fishing report and even a few areas to fish while you are there.



  2. Having to buy stock in a company that you helped make successful just to get a piece of the pie??? Seriously???


    I actually am dead serious about investing to improve your future. The company you work for has already given you a piece of the pie it being an income and a job with some form of benefits. If you believe in the company then buy stock in it. If you believe in another company buy stock in it for your future. I owned some bank stock when it was a good money maker and as it slid down I switched to the next money maker "oil". The point is the pressure on the company from the shareholders is greater than the unions so they will listen to the investors before the demands of the unions. It is economics 101 I personally do not like unions even though my trade (plumbing) has them they are a burden on the employees as well as the company. I don't have the expertise to discuss unions so I won't comment further on them. I do know that wages invested make more money than wages spent. If you don't see any extra money in your budget then sit down with a budget manager at the bank they will see the holes and help you move to a better future.




  3. People seem to have this notion that they are not allowed to share in the profits of these companies. This is absolutely wrong you can at any time plunk down your cash that you have saved and buy a piece of the action. Sure saving money is hard self denial seems to be a thing of the past and people spend past their means so they can have it now and pay for it later. Think back to when you made 1/2 of what you do now and you survived just fine. Now take half of what you make and set it aside for as long as you can even if it is only for a month. The bank will pay you money for letting it just sit there. Now take 1/2 of it and move it to a savings account and don't touch it. You have a reserve or cushion to use if it is needed. See your head is above water now. It almost becomes a game to see how much you can set aside for something important. Now keep looking at that cash in the bank and start to look for a way to invest it so it works for you. Some will choose the stock market other will go for land etc. there are many ways to invest so the money is working for you. This is the point money can work just as hard as you do without draining your resources. One year of your wages working for you can equal a 10% gain in your net worth with no expenditures that means no car expenses no lunch expenses no time expended (except to track it but counting money is not really a burden).


    The middle class is not disappearing because of the corporations it is disappearing because they don't know/ want to put out the efforts for self help. All of this is available to anyone who wants it, it is free on the internet, there are older people who are dying to share their stories on how they became Middle class or better. Deny yourself a new car when you have to buy it on credit, if a credit card is not at zero every month then you are living above your means STOP IT stay home and cook dinner, go fishing locally, whatever it takes DO IT you will still be young enough after you get money to work for you to enjoy it. Every man can reach a goal if they want it bad enough I have reach quite a few of the things I decided I wanted when I was 21 years old. I am now 51 and I hope to fulfill another one of my wishes and that is to pass on the map to the path that I have taken that worked for me. I am a little long in the tooth here but it just aggravates me that people have forgotten that the rights of entitlement has gotten out of hand and people rarely take control of there future but rather blame it on everything else but what it is......THEMSELVES.....For the few people who do not have the ability to control there income due to illness or death (something else I forgotten) in the family keep the faith and use the services that the government has put into place to help you. For the rest of us take the time and the effort to improve your future it will only hurt a little but as you get older you will not feel like you can't afford a little treat for yourself now and then.




  4. Cliff the freshwater in the ice will kill them they are usually shipped in a cool moist environment. The cooler packed with fake ice on the bottom a layer of seaweed, lobster, seaweed , lobster, seaweed then fake ice will keep for 24 hours. I can't answer on the legality of crossing the border with them though.





  5. I would say to level the playing field you have to go to a body of water that no one has fished before. I am sure I would suffer for the most part trying to scout new water without electronics. I can say that I rarely use electronic in areas that I have learned very well like pond X a 40 acre impound that I have learned the ins and outs of. I use my electronics heavily in unknown water especially when navigating up North with the shoals and ledges that spring up.




  6. For most a mans path in life is controlled by his ambitions and his willingness to achieve his goals. I have met thousands of people ranging from dirt farmers to vice presidents and have seen examples of rags to riches and vise versa. If you gave a survey to the people who did not inherit old money the poor, the middle class, and the rich on how they spend their money and at what time in their life they spent it you would see a very distinct pattern on what they did to achieve their wealth. I still say that anyone can improve their income by making intelligent decisions, and sacrifices in the correct times to achieve a better life. The theory of the rich should support the poor plays right into socialism which is the death of entrepreneurialism and will head us down the road of a collapse of our monetary system.( only in extreme circumstances). While these statements are being read in a black and white form of debate there are 1040 shades of gray that fit into this debate.





  7. You are the proud angler of the lowly Sea Robin Fish. Easily caught they are the carp/bluegill of the sea. lol




    Cut and copied from WIKI



    Sea robins, also known as gurnard, are bottom-feeding scorpaeniform fishes in the family Triglidae. They get their name from their large pectoral fins, which, when swimming, open and close like a bird's wings in flight.

    They are bottom dwelling fish, living at depths of up to 200 m (660 ft). Most species are around 30 to 40 cm (12 to 16 in) in length. They have an unusually solid skull, and many species also possess armored plates on the body. Another distinctive feature is the presence of a "drumming muscle" that makes sounds by beating against the swim bladder.[2] When caught, they make a croaking noise similar to a frog, which has given them theonomatopoetic name gurnard.[3]

    Sea robins have six spiny "legs", three on each side. These legs are actually flexible spines that were once part of the pectoral fin. Over time, the spines separated themselves from the rest of the fin, developing into feeler-like "forelegs." The pelvic fins have been thought to let the fish "walk" on the bottom, but are really used to stir up food. The first three rays of the pectoral fins are membrane free and used for chemoreception.

    Sea robins have sharp spines on their gill plates and dorsal fins that inject a mild poison, causing slight pain for two to three days.

    As food[edit]

    Sea robin flesh is described as firm and tender when cooked. The fish serves as an adequate replacement to rascasse, or scorpionfish, in bouillabaisse, though it can also be used with scorpionfish.


    Sea robins can be caught by dropping a variety of baits and lures to the seafloor, where they actively feed. Mackerel is believed to be the most efficient bait for catching sea robins, but bunker and other fish meat can also be used successfully depending on your specific location. Sea robins can also be caught by lure fishing if lured near the substrate. They are often considered to be rough fish, caught when fishing for more desirable fish such as striped bass.


  8. One of the missing things that add to the skirmish between Union and Corporate is "corporate greed per say" is fueled by it's responsibility to the stockholders. The stockholders are just the average person who believes that the company will increase our holdings and produce a positive income. This fact is ignored usually when people want to paint the mother company as faceless or soulless . I know that as a shareholder in big corporate companies (non with Coke) I ask them to keep the profit as high as possible or I will lose faith in them and sell my miniscule holding. This in itself will not hurt the corporation if I lose faith, but if myself and XX% of the holders make the same decision then it could kill the corporation. I do know that one of my holdings is in the oil industry. I chose them because they are making some big money for the shareholders. This is the way I pay for my gas I use from day to day. My faith in the oil industry has paid for all of my gas I use in my cars, boats, and toys thru dividends and as a bonus paid for a 2012 Ford F150. There is a line of logical thinking that some people do not see and that is people who get ahead in life usually do it by sacrifice and risk both are needed to make it to your golden years and to keep them golden. Money that is earned has the potential to do one of two things. One is to be spent for gains some are pleasurable like a new boat and some is to pay for the basics in life. The second way money can be used is to turn it into a working, producing asset for as long as you can and then pay for the basics before the pleasure items. This allows you to get ahead of the immediate in and out of money and money can now make money for you. I am just putting these things into the mix for all of us to think about till all of the facts are presented.




  9. While sea foam is a great product it can not clear a sludge/clogged jet in the carburetor. It can dissolve varnish but it doesn't take the place of a good cleaning and adjustment. With air, spark, and fuel being present/correct the two elements left to an easy starting motor is compression and timing. Checking all of these ingredients in the order listed will eliminate the problem from easiest/most common to hardest /least likely.



  10. To support a union or a corporation without knowing what is on the table and why it is needed is to blindly chose a side without logical reasons. Without both sides presenting facts it falls into an us against them mentality that will either cause the union to make unfair demands or the corporation to pull out of a viable area. Both sides need to bend to find the common ground or both sides will lose with the corporation taking the least amount of damage. The economy is changing and we as the consumers are demanding more product for less money and that is putting a lot of pressure on the corporations. We as a race have embarked down a path that is a dead end you can not have your bread buttered on both sides anymore. You either pay the price that keeps rising because of the overhead and get paid more ( our plight of the last 50 years) or you cut the prices and trim the budget to match. There will not be an easy answer while we as a society make this change but it is a change that is needed or a loaf of bread will be $10.00 and that is a scary future to think about as you prepare for our golden years of retirement.




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