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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Looking Good. I found a product that I sprayed called liquid rollers that is the bomb. I went from not being able to push off my Ranger unless it was floating to now leaving the nose hooked till it is at the water to keep it from sliding off the trailer. The lauching can now be done with the trailer just back to the water and a gentle push and off it comes.




  2. If you sell it are you going to get another boat? If so what amount are you looking to spend on the new boat and what size will it be? You might be able to sell just the boat and the big motor and use the rest of the toys in your other boat you are getting. Just an idea I know down here in the States you would be lucky to get $8,000.oo because it is not what you perceive the value of the boat is it is what will someone pay for it.


    I have invested around $14,000.00 in a VW convertible with over 150 hours of love into it I would be lucky to get $9,000.oo out of it but I built it to keep and enjoy.




  3. I think a diet that is balanced and scientifically proven is better than any concocted diets we can think up. It is like what diet of the week will the people use to lose weight. We hear about the veggie only diet or the meat only diet both are exact opposite of each other but both are touted as being the greatest way to lose weight. My vet has always guided me with feeding a balanced dog food with dog treats that are also formulated for their health. He did not specify the brand nor did he say I had to buy the food from him. My dogs do get a few snacks from the counter for taste not nutrition.




  4. Chris,


    It is almost always more cost-effective to replace both the AC and furnace at the same time. Most (but not all) AC units have at least some of their major components located inside the house, physically attached to the furnace. Replace the AC and furnace separately, and you'll be paying twice for a big chunk of labour cost. You save a lot of money by doing them together.


    As kwikfish notes, you may be able to get by simply by recharging the refrigerant in your current unit. But consider that a short-term solution to get you through this year. By spring, you will likely find yourself in exactly the same position as you are now.


    If both units are 20+ years old, the best scenario would be to replace them both with new, high-efficiency units. We did this in our house two years ago. Total cost was a bit over $11,000. However, the new stuff works so well that our utility bills are now a fraction of what they were before. Those savings, along with some rebate cash we got from the government as part of a home energy rebate program, will cover the entire cost of the new AC and furnace within six years.


    Strongly suggest you look into rebate programs from both the federal and provincial governments. I don't know what's available right now, but when we did ours there were pretty good incentives available from both.


    Feel free to PM if you want more details.





  5. This would be my bet.

    Just to clarify "can be leaking down"; there won't necessarily be an external fluid leak there, a loose screw on the manual relief valve will allow fluid to "leak" past the valve.


    If there's no sign of fluid loss in the T/T system, try tightening the manual relief valve as fishburn advised. These valves don't have a high failure rate but if it is defective, it shouldn't set you back too much.




  6. It is not so much that it is over insured it is making sure you have the correct insurance and enough insurance to cover the situation when you make a claim. In most cases homeowner insurance does not cover tackle stored in the boat or if the boat is stored off site such as a marina. They also do not cover any items removed from a commercial use vehicle. The best way to know if what you have is correct is sit down with the agent till you have answers to all of your questions because knowing "before" a claim is the best way to purchase the correct type/amount of insurance.




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