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Everything posted by cantermore

  1. Did you buy some Lottery tickets ?
  2. I am heading up this weekend to Atherley; I can let you know Saturday night... I think the narrows is open for sure & some of the part feeding into Couch Johnny
  3. I open not, I am hoping to get the boat opened this weekend... I do see the storm coming in at http://www.intellicast.com/IcastPage/LoadP...mp;prodnav=none What always amazes me is the difference in forcaasts from Enviroment Canada & The Weather Channel... EC says we are getting 2 CM of snow tomorrow & TWC says 15... weird Johnny
  4. Check this one out, its a couple hours away but very clean; good lake for bass with some pike & they rent boats: http://www.silverlakecottages.com/ Johnny
  5. here's another angle for ya; go to the closest Native reserve & buy some small firecrackers; get a beer & open all doors to the garage except the ones going into the house, then light off a firecracker & through it in the garage... (somewhere safe like in the middle of the floor with no flamables around). A couple minutes later do it & again & repeat the process for aboutt 5 times... then wait, the raccons will walk out the door. I have done this twice & the last time my neighbor that gave me the firecrackers ended up with the coons in his garage & he wasnt impressed but he did the same thing & got rid of them. Johnny
  6. One other thing Fishdawg; natural gas doesnt burn as hot as propane so if your big on steaks, it takes some getting used to. I got a small Weber BBQ that I use charcol on for the steaks as its still the best way.. Johnny
  7. I am not quite the 30K JP has on his rig but I have the oil filled hubs and love the idea of it; a lot less maintainnece for sure. Anyone know how often the oil should be changed ? Johnny
  8. Where is the Simcoe board please? sorry nevermind, found it this time
  9. LONDON (Reuters) - Male fish, like humans, use a sophisticated form of logical reasoning to assess potential rivals, scientists said on Wednesday. By watching how other males perform in battles over territory, tiny African fish called cichlids decide which opponent they should take on and are likely to defeat to improve their social standing. The type of reasoning, known as transitive inference, is learned by young children. It has also been shown in primates and rats but scientists at Stanford University in California are the first to demonstrate it in fish. "These results show fish do, in fact, use transitive inference to figure out where they rank in the social order," said Russell Fernald, a professor of biological sciences at the university. "I was amazed that they could do this through vicarious experience, just by watching other males fight." Male cichlids climb the social ladder by picking fights and defeating their opponents. Fish who are constantly defeated slump in the pecking order. Fernald and his team, who reported their findings in the journal Nature, demonstrated transitive inference in fish by staging a series of experiments in an aquarium in which eight bystander fish watched others in battles. They used a species of cichlid called Astatotilapia burtoni which displays a black stripe, or eyebar, on its face. If a fish is defeated in a battle it is easy to spot the loser because the eyebar disappears temporarily as it swims away from its victorious opponent. When all the fighting was finished and the fish recovered from their losses, the researchers filmed the bystanders as they chose their potential opponent. They also recorded the amount of time they spent near them, which indicates their preference. Nearly all the bystander fish selected the weakest fish. "Our experiment shows that male cichlids can actually figure out their odds of success by observation alone. From an evolutionary standpoint, transitive inference saves them time and energy," Fernald said.
  10. My initial fears on the Minn Kota is I have to use the steering on the Alpha drive (its an I/O boat) and I dont think I will be able to turn that steering wheel easily with the main engine off; but I have never tried it. Johnny
  11. Its going on Hurricane deck boat with a deep V hull, no rooom at the front...
  12. Hi Has anyone here ever used the engine mount electric trolling motors like this: http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/mot...tail.asp?pg=fem or the Lenco http://www.lencomarine.com/lencodrivetrolli.html or anything similar These types or electric motors are my only options... I would love to get some feedback if anyone is using them Thanks, Johnny
  13. Yo Fishboy, where is the Simcoe board? Thanks, Johnny
  14. I spent the $20.00 and the CA Anti Spam tool and I use that in conjunction with the Junk mail tools in Office 2003; since I added CA Anti Spam I havent had 1 junk mail in the inbox & I do get about 100 a day which I still read over the subject line & from email address as it will sometimes block someone that it shouldnt have... definetely a good buy Regards, Johnny
  15. I have the 60Cx and its also great; I only use it for the Marine charts and its great and I havent found it to have any lacking features as of yet but only had it 1 season so far. Regards, Johnny
  16. Yo Muskiestudd, I am trying your brine now, smoking some steelers in a couple hours . .. .
  17. Crayfish I am guessin are typically in rivers with rocky bottoms? I am usually up on Simcoe or Couch so will be hard finding them up there I think
  18. The Hunt for Red October; fishing with a nuke machine
  19. True & True on those last 2 ports; I was actually thinking about getting the kids on it next summer... never have been pinched though; always a first time
  20. much easier to buy then cathc, i acutally never have tried catching them but may have to learn now.
  21. just read http://www.ontariofishing.net/news.shtml and its seems using crayfish is over; I hope thats not permanent as thats my favourite bait . . .
  22. Not sure if this will help you; I have a 60Cx & was thinking of buying the street maps but never did, just charts... From Gaarmin Support: ( the question was: Can you tell me if all the Canada details features and streep maps are on the City Navigator North America V8 as on the MetroGuide Canada V4 products or would the MetroGuide Canada V4 have more detail?) Thank you for contacting Garmin. The differ some. The data in MetroGuide Canada V4 is from a different vendor (DMTI Spatial). The North American City Navigator data is from NavTeq. There will be differences. For instance (nothing scientific...just things I've seen personally)...the routing tends to be better in Select in some bigger cities (Calgary is one that comes to mind). But in other areas (say, Jasper) MetroGuide Canada V4 will have some more information. It will have a bit more in a lot of the more "off the beaten path" places and small towns. The background water info tends to be more thorough in MetroGuide Canada V4, too. City Navigator has been updated since MetroGuide Canada was…that’s worth saying. Best way to decide, I think, would be to use the MapSource Map Viewer for each to see the basic detail in them...compare and contrast. You can get to Viewer links for each from the page about the software: http://www.garmin.com/cartography/mapSource/citynav.jsp http://www.garmin.com/cartography/mapSource/mgCanada.jsp With each, be sure to zoom tightly...click the "more" detail button. The Viewer can be a good tool. Personally, if I were shopping, I’d go with City Navigator North America v8 on balance…it is on DVD-ROM so make sure on PC compatibility, if you do think about going with it. Thank you again for your interest in Garmin GPS. Have you seen our online Map Viewer? Preview the basic data in many of the MapSource products firsthand. http://www.garmin.com/cartography/
  23. I am hoping to get there next week in the lower so we would love to hear how it goes Johnny
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