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Everything posted by medmart

  1. nice doe it's nice to see your son hunts with you you will have a lot of good times ahead rob
  2. that is one nice looking buck congrants i could do with one like that rob
  3. glad every thing went well for you rob
  4. looks like a great day and some nice fish rob
  5. there are alot on ebay for around $25 you can even get it on a cd rob
  6. great report wtg on your personal best
  7. great shots i like the second and fourth rob
  8. nice fish congrats rob
  9. thats one good looking meal rob
  10. thats a big one very nice carp rob
  11. nice fish way to go rob
  12. congrats nice looking walleyes you got there rob
  13. congrats on the moose nice looking animal great pictures rob
  14. nice fish good luck in the morning rob
  15. those are some nice looking eyes looks like you guys had a great couple of days rob
  16. how many pennies is that rob
  17. nice photos rob
  18. hey bro sounds like you and terry had a great time good luck with the sale of your boat rob
  19. nice fish congrats on your pb eye rob
  20. nice fish there brother see you on the weekend rob
  21. it's always good to get out with the kids good report rob
  22. hello all this morning i was lucky enough to go fish with fishindevil we met at port darlington we headed out at 5:3oam it did not take long to get our first fish shawn gave me the rod to bring it in hard on the arms once i got it to the boat i gave shawn my camera to take a picture and would you know it i drop the fish in the water the second fish was Shawn's got it to the boat and i took a picture with his camera after that it got slow so we packed it in at 11:30 all in all it was a great morning shawn showed me a lot thanks for the great day fishindevil rob
  23. it was a great time the two guys that i was with showed me alot they where a father and son team the son was always given the old man a hard time it was quite funny they did good for haven a small boat they got about 12 fish they took 10th place overall here's a few pictures of the guys it was a great time rob
  24. hello all spent the last two days fishing with my father on doe lake the frist morning was great we started out at 6:30am from the time we hit the water till the time we left the fish never stop bitting we got a lot of pike&bass the eyes where not happen till the next day we managed to land 4 eyes in all but that does'n matter it's the time spent with my father that counts i can only post two pictures do to the fact that i droped my wifes camera in the water this was my first pike then my bass rob
  25. they are some nice fish looks like you guys had a great day way to go
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