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Everything posted by jughead

  1. Probably fire a buzz bait see what's happening, then jig the snot out of the S.O.B
  2. The incomparable Jughead doing some fishing of her own. 8 years and counting chasing minnows and WGSF and so far skunked.
  3. Thanks for the advice all. The quote had the addendum that there may be further costs involved once everything is opened up so the original quote seemed quite high. The bathroom is a straight forward reno. The inset into the adjacent room is now load bearing and will be a cubby hole to make the vanity flush with the existing wall. There is a chance the stack will need to be replaced down to the basement but this was not part of the quote. Beyond that, the tub and toilet will stay in the same spot with new blocking and new fixtures. The quote covered the blocking but not the fixtures. The current tile floor will be torn out and a new tile floor laid. One glass panel (the width of the tub) to be installed. the remaining two walls of the shower stall will be tiled. In short, the layout of the current bathroom will be exactly the same as the new one save for insetting the vanity. The cut out to complete the inset is a load bearing wall so a beam will be installed to cover the four foot span. With regard to the wiring it is a high quote (18k) but includes a new 200 amp panel, moving the service from the back of the house to the front, a few new lines to accommodate a handful of new ceiling fixtures, service to the garage, addition of a dryer plug since the current house doesn't have one, cable and internet lines throughout and a rough in for future expansion to the third floor. All made more labour intensive because the bulk of the house is 100 year old gum wood panelling that i don't want to cut through so it will be a dance to run the drops.
  4. Hello all I am in the process of moving to Toronto, bought a house and need some work done. It needs a complete rewire to convert from 60 amp knob and tube. I have a quote in place for this which seems a bit high but not completely out of line. Then there's the bathroom. I just received the quote to gut the 2nd floor bathroom and expand it slightly (inset a vanity 2foot x 4 foot bump into the adjacent room), plumbing is remaining where it is, drywall walls and tile floor with tile surround for a standard tub/shower. The quote is 17 thousand plus the cost of the fixtures. I have reno'd two houses in Ottawa and this is far above what I would have paid there. Just want to know if there is that much difference between Toronto reno costs and those in other cities. Any advice from local folks would be appreciated. I know there is a gentleman on the board who works in the city doing larger renos and a few trades persons so if anyone can chip in their 2 cents that would be fantastic. Greg
  5. I was all set for my yearly ritual of honouring the opening at my cottage lake, arrived, made coffee, used the washroom, noticed something wasn't right, detected a smell that shouldn't have been wafting around the yard and ended up spending the bass opener digging up my septic tank. After a long weekend of frantic calls, much sweat and labour, I threw a few casts off the dock late Sunday before heading home and back to work. I caught a small 1-pound bass. It turned out to be the most expensive opener I have ever experienced.
  6. I grew up beside one of Canada's largest military bases. Trust me, simply joining and putting on a uniform doesn't make you a decent person, an ethical person or a person you would want to hang out with. Being a member of the military doesn't get any respect from me. How you conduct yourself and treat others determines that.
  7. It's a northern water snake. They have a brownish pattern on their back in a diamond shape when they are younger, as they mature if fades so the snake appears all black or dark grey. They can be aggressive if they feel they are cornered but for the most part they cruise along the shoreline looking for frogs. We have a few at the cottage every year that roam our bay. The only time we have had any problems was a couple of years ago when my daughter decided to make the snake go away by smacking it with a swimming noodle. As it turns out, Northern water Snakes don't much care for that type of behaviour. They will attack but usually only to defend themselves and as soon as they have an opportunioty to get away the will take it. Went to take the cover off my boat last year and found one curled up inside which scared the bejeezus out of me for a minute or twenty. No Black rat snakes at my place this year but did help a neighbour relocate one this spring that had set up under his cottage. About 7 feet long and quite thick. Into the pillow case for a short boat ride and happily released.
  8. I bought a couple, they hold 4 trays each and I find it easier to organize my tackle for species and then by lure. I can carry everything I need for bass in one bag, same for walleye, etc., usually three trays and the extra room for soft plastics.
  9. Can't find the exact one on the Plano site but here is the one almost identical. Except the one on sale has 2 zip up outside pockets and one mesh pocket Check under the softsider series 3364-00 SOFTSIDERâ„¢ GEAR BAG http://www.planomolding.com/tackle/products.asp
  10. Just a heads up for folks just picked up a Plano softsider at Canadian Tire for 50% off, includes 4 prolatch utility boxes, 2 zip up outside pockets - $14.
  11. I'm a reformed stand-up comic who occassionally relapses. I make my living writing and producing TV shows now which doesn't have the same buzz as being on stage but pays better and keeps me at home which in turn keeps me with my wife and kids who likely would have bailed if I continued to spend 7 months a year away from home for the past 20 years. There is also a good chance my liver would have filed for divorce as well spending that much time in bars and clubs. Can't imagine doing anything else and likely don't have the skill set to do anything else.
  12. I'm not scoffing at its simplicity but having read it a couple of times it seems to me to serve no purpose because it hasn't committed to serving and demographic. It is far too rudimentary for seasoned bass anglers and offers nothing new. It also fails inexperienced bass anglers because it offers little of use to get started along the road of becoming a better bass fisherman. It is far to general to hit any target market well. If it is going to cover basics to get started then so be it. If it is going to be more advanced that's coll as well. In my opinion it isn't serving either faction of the community. As for the other stuff - there is an article about fishing in mexico with an NHL player who makes more money than we likely ever will - reviews of some of the better 60,000 dollar bass boats which seems to me to be the exact "fantasy' stuff you don't like.
  13. I haven't filled out anything or entered anything but I got one as well. The only thing I can think of is I recently renewed my outdoors card/licence. The bikini girl was nice to look at but as for the content, I thought it was mostly useless and so basic as to have little value. Fish live in water. Use hooks and/or lures to try and catch them. That's about the extent. If they were casting and hoping to hook a few subscribers I don't think they are going to have much luck.
  14. What lakes are you fishing? I have fished most of them in the area and have had a cottage just outside of Perth for the last 7 years. A lot of the lakes have had the Walleye populations seriously over fished but they are still there, you just have to work to find them. As greencoachdog mentioned, live bait often works well. Trolling a worm harness or minnow harness. Once you hit one mark the depth and jig the area starting from a ways below that depth and working up. For whatever reason, confidence and practive likely, I have had more success using crankbaits for walleye the last couple of years, my favourite being an Red, orange and black Rebel Crawfish and any smaller crank bait in gold or silver. Often I run the cranks just a little ways off bottom using a weight, leader and small floating crankbaits. This can work really well but can also be a nightmare if you don't know the bottom well. You will likely have more success in morning or evening although you can hit walleye all day. they feed as actively but it is more work to find them. Pay attention to which shore the wind is hitting and what the structure is like along that shore line. If is is very shallow move out to find the drop off and troll along there. Always try a few small swimming jigs and lighter shallow cranks int he shallow water though because despite conventional wisdom, my two best walleye last year were pulled out of 4 feet of water during mid day. lasy year my best success was over a section of water that was a narrow transition area between the two larger portions of a lake. I other words, any smaller bait fish travelling had to use this narrow route which was about 12 feet deep then as it opened into the main body of the lake it dropped to around 60 feet. I anchored just past the drop off, cast into the shallower water and cranked back along the bottom out to deeper water. thw walleye were suspended between 15-20 feet down and strking as my lure crossed the drop off. If you have a depth finder look for botton channels or narrows that fish will use as transition routes and work the drop off. Typically, if the walleye are there they are waiting to feed on bait fish so mimic their movement or jig the drop off, troll the drop off and cast the heck out of it. More often than not, if a lake has walleye and you aren't hitting them, you are likely at the wrong depth to give yourself the best odds.
  15. Every week he seems surprised that his food is hot then has to speak with his mouth open trying to cool it down. After all these years, why won't he learn?
  16. West Lake/ BOQ in July for a few days Cottage lake and Ottawa River off and on until the season closes A week in North Carolina - kayak fishing for Stripers and whatever else is biting and a few days drifitng around in a sail boat deep sea fishing around the outer banks. And however many days/hours I can steal away from the family next winter in Antigua
  17. Not a personal best but still my single favourite day fishing. Grew up in Belleville and used to cross over to the county and just a little ways towards picton there is a huge marsh and creek (probably over grown now). Just a little ways up the highway before the small airport, off to the left was a side road and down a little was a bridge. I grew up loving fishing. My dad could take it or leave it, but one day when I was around 12 he woke me up, had a cooler packed and fishing rods in the car. Took me to the bridge and we spent the entire day there sitting on lawn chairs fishing. Probably went through four dozen worms and caught over a hundred perch, sunfish, a couple of catfish and some bass. Dad poured my my first cup of coffee, we told some dirty jokes, talked about girls, made some smart ass comments about people we would never say around anyone else. We kept a bunch of perch and fumbled our way through cleaning them that night probably getting about 1/2 the amount of meat off each fish we should have since neither one of us had cleaned a fish before and didn't really know what we were doing, dad and I cooked dinner for everyone that night. Tasted lousy since we breaded it too much and over cooked the fish and I asked mom if I could have a coffee after dinner and she looked at me like I was an idiot and said no. I wish everyday of my life was like that day.
  18. An ongoing series/contest in the Ottawa Sun. Helps pass a little time until the seasons open. http://www.ottawasun.com/SpecialSections/FishTales/home.html
  19. There's a difference between rodeo and how you treat your hunting dog. Some aspects of rodeo are by nature cruel and abusive to the animal and if people treated their dogs in the same manner they would be charged with animal cruelty and the public outcry would be in favour of the charges. Go chase your dog around the neighborhood, throw a rope around it, yank it to the ground then tie its legs together. Put a cinch around your dogs genitals and tighten it to the point of pain for the animal then see how long your kid can stay on top of it while kicking it with spurs. Before anyone goes off on me I spent most of my summers working my uncles farm and have been around horses and cattle for many years. I have had to put both animals down, I have slaaughtered my share of chickens and beef cattle and pigs and have no issue with any of it. But a few aspects of rodeo aren't much different than bull fighting, uneeded cruelty to an animal that serves no purpose other than entertainment and I have a hard time justifying hurting an animal in the name of fun.
  20. Pack your bags and go. I am 40 and have watched three friends get buried in the past 18 months and have another on the way with cancer. None of them left wishing they'd worked more. If your departue isn't going to have a detrimental impact on others who you are responsible, don't think twice about it. Part of it is a youth thing but part of it isn't. I used to work like a dog, have a bunch of employees and make very good money but most of it was to feed the machine of a lifestyle built on a little too much excess - huge house, 2 expensive cars, etc. Watching my Father and some friends pass away young got to me and I down scaled everything - smaller house, no expensive cars, less 80 hour work weeks. The end result is a much happier life with more time spent with my wife and kids, more time travelling and more time fishing or sitting on my can at the cottage. Work to live, don't live to work. Go.
  21. You spelled "chef" wrong.
  22. I showed my secret spot to a girl in highschool and her Dad made her break up with me and threatened to punch me in the mouth. I don't recall seeing many cars but I was pretty scared and not really paying attention.
  23. Wonder if someone has gone and taken his gun yet.
  24. That Ovechkin kid looks solid, I think he's going to stick with the team. On a much sadder note, after spanking my Sens in all 4 meetings this year it looks like the caps and sens are set to meet in the first round with the sens missing Alfredsson, Fisher and Kelly. I am not swimming in optimism. On the bright side, my wife will be happier with me not ignoring the family and cursing loud enough for the lake to hear trying to get decent TV reception on the deck at the cottage in the middle of June, Guess I'll have to do things like, I don't know, talk to my family and stuff. The things I do, I should get a medal.
  25. I'm a huge Sens fan and have no problems with the hit. It was clean and within the current rules. Yes it was a head shot. Yes it was from the blind side but the league has ddemed this type of hit, intentional shoulder to head, as legal.What I do have a problem with is Bell is also the player who took out Fisher hitting him knee-on-knee away from the play, along the boards as both players were going for a line change. Then later in the game he took out Redden's feet on an icing call and sent him into the boards. The guy is a 4th line plug who spent the game running players and throwing cheap shots knowing he wouldn't have to back it up because of the cage. Then again, no one should be surprised since he has a history of hitting from behind and running away from the scene.
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