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About Renegade67

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  1. Say you went to the pump and selected super. If its one of those select a grade pump you will most likely get a bit of corn gas. Ethanol gas does not keep its octane long. Are you still using the red stabil? That stuff does not stop the damages due to ethanol. Ethanol damages lines, squeeze balls etc.. Get some blue stuff! Suck that stuff out of your tank....
  2. The op mentioned getting a kicker motor. I don't really see the need for one anymore seeing as you could use your 24 or 36v electric which will last a long time and can really move you along when fully charged and your more stealth. The thousands you spend on a kicker could be spent on one with i-pilot or the like. How many still go to the kicker when they have the option of electric? I guess it would still be viable when down rigging... Sorry for going a little astray!
  3. This thread has taken a bit of a detour... Now its seems we should live healthier so we require support later rather than sooner? Hmmmm. There are many curves that can be thrown at you which places you in need of our health care system. Granted the healthier you live the less likely you will be found in the system but things happen. Cancer does not grant you a pass because you ate your wheaties and went for your morning walk. How about autism? Why is the number of children suffering from this on a continual rise? If you want to speak of issues with the health of our society as a hole you don't have to look far to see that we are headed in the wrong direction. How many kids nowadays rot in front of some digital device most of the day. Parents are to blame but they turn a blind eye as the kids are not fighting, screaming, or causing any grief. When the kids are walking around most have their heads down which can't be good. Why play a sport when you can do it on the couch virtually? Both parents need to work to keep the house afloat so there are less and less parental time available to get them and keep them moving. We are living in an age where the next generation is less likely to live longer than the present, which is a first in our history. There are many reasons why the burden on our health care system will continue to climb.
  4. I believe this is quite an emotional topic for many..... If you have patience or can endure your problems our health care system, though far from perfect, will treat you well. One of the larger hurdles is just getting in. Many cite issues with our emergency rooms and patients being there that don't belong. This is true but some don't have a choice. I know when my mother was in the big C fight and needed to be treated we had no alternative then to gain access by way of the emergency room. This is how we were instructed by our family doctor. Then this elderly and quite sick lady had to sit in emergency for 12 hours just to get access to a gurney that was against a wall in the hallway. It was not until well into the next day they finally obtained a room/bed for her. This did not sound like an isolated case. I will add that when she did get into the system she was treated quite well by both nurses and doctors of the oncology department. She was given a 15% chance at survival and we're blessed to still have her with us to this day. She recently celebrated being 5 years clear! She is one tuff old bird!! My brother moved to the US 25+ years ago and carry's extended health coverage. He had a nagging sore back and was advised to get a cat scan. Well within 4 days had the scan, they operated on him, removed 2 vertabrae (he had a tumor attached to them) and installed rods, pins, etc.. I could not believe how fast their system works, but of course you need good coverage. He currently is in one of their best C hositals on the west coast and just received a bone marrow tranplant as part of his treatment. He has 3 brothers but none of us were a good match but luckily they found two in there database! Yup, pretty darn lucky! There was a point though when all funding ceased. It seems there is some number that once you cross you need to re-justify your claim. It did hold him back a bit but with a lot of help and support from his wife and doctors he was able to get the funding back for his continued treatment. I don't know how one, if alone in that fight, would regain support. There were hoops to jump through. We have discussed his treatment and it appears the hospitals that he has used have been extreamly well equiped, and offer the latest in treatments. In comparison our public hospitals appear to be juggling to stay afloat and have numerous shortages. With our ever growing population how long can good ppl keep a broken system working? Many thanks to those who work in our healthcare system!
  5. One of the biggest turn-offs of Charlie's show for me is the continual testing of pike lures at Reindeer Lake Lodge. Its like he filmed 3/4's of his season there! They should stick to waterways the everyday fishermen can get to.... It would be nice if some of these shows actually coverered some of the current issues within our waterways. How often do they comment on evasive species, commercial harvests, etc. etc. I have emailed him before as well as other shows in regards and he was the only one that responded directly. He is a stand up guy!! I was responded to by the producer of the FishnCanada show and he recommended that I tune ito their talk show on Roger's Sportsnet 590 the FAN, every Saturday morning from 8-10 am? It sounded like the sponsors rule the tv time. Sure looks that way! He also tried to tell me that they cover these topics on their tv show but I can only recall that you should use a repelant with deet! lol.
  6. "I would normally cook as I am a good cook but circumstances here warrant an eat out type thing" Sounds like a "Plenty of Fish" type of date. Good luck. Hopefully you get a keeper right out of the gate! Sorry, not my area to recommend a place.
  7. The pic does not look right. Not into the button jewlery but at least she isn't covered head to toe in skanky ink. But maybe that was shopped out as well! I must be getting old though, as the saying goes "I would'nt throw her outa bed for eating crackers."
  8. That looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
  9. Hopefully this quad will provide years of enjoyment for you. I've had good experiences with suzuki. One of the best starting machines in cold weather. If he is a good dealer he will go through the machine for you and make you aware of anything he finds that needs attention. A tune up most likely will be an oil change, new oil filter, fuel filter, plug and inspect/replace the drive belt. Will he take the clutches off and service them? There are pins, rollers, bushings, weights, springs that all wear in there as well.... As I mentioned previously if the machine needs tires then...... I apologize if I'm coming off poorly, I just trying to make you more informed!
  10. Very nice mount Mike! Pete is right on the money on all the positive factors in getting a replica. Nice mount as well! There are the purist who feel the only mount worthy is a skin mount but they just won't stand the test of time. I have a walleye on the wall from advanced that was done very early in their career. Its 25 years old and it looks like the day I received it! I've had to clean it a couple of times and its amazing how durable the finish is. My brother and friends have had mounts done as well over the years and they just got better. Especially with inside the mouth and gill details. Its best to take lots of pictures as soon as you can. They are masters in painting every detail. I'm still hunting for a G Bay ski over 50! If I get one its only a five minute drive to their current location. Always nice to have an excuse to drop in and see what is in their show room waiting for pick-up.
  11. I have my doubts with finding a used machine that will serve you well and save you much after you go through it to bring it back to spec.. There are two problems with finding a good atv used. The biggest being there is no real down season and for some reason most ppl think they are made of gold and don't depreciate. Look through auto trader or kijiji. Bikes that are 5-10 years old and they are asking over 4000 for? Most ppl just ride them till they break and only fix what broken. It may look clean but when you get it home and tear it down you learn the truth and it will be too late. A good indicator is worn out tires. If they did not replace them what else didn't they maintain?
  12. So you go out for an hour and produce two yummy eaters and that is a slow, slow bite! Okay, I'll bite, fish on!
  13. I do not suggest doing anything like this but it was done successfully for 2 seasons. My brother bought a lund tyee 5.3 with a johnson 110 back in 89. Believe it or not he towed it with a VW golf! The ramp at the cottage was gravel and several times we chained it to another vw, and even sat on the front fenders to get it up but it always worked. You should of seen the faces on people! Surprised he never got pulled over for doing it! He wanted the boat more than a truck at the time and couldn't afford both. He still has that lund and currently is putting in a full plastic floor and dual console made by cnc. Oh what an engineer will do!
  14. Paul did your incident occur on private property? If not, then its not a comparable situation.
  15. Private property,.... others have advised is no fault land to insurance companies.. I know this might not sit too well with you but I would not provide partial payment. Someone who takes so long to come back with such a high estimate is not trying to work with you but take advantage. I always chuckle when parking at a store and watch how ppl will do whatever they can to get as close of a spot to the door as they can. I generally go to the side or rear where there is not as much activity. Always drive through or back into a spot so you are facing out for the exit. This will help avoid almost all the potential of an accident which is much higher when backing up a previously parked car.
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