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Everything posted by mattaw

  1. Counting down the days.... Literally...
  2. Color me suprised about that. Which base? I would still want to see a study on the impact on the ecosystem surrounding the area. Either way it's sort of a moot point in this specific case since it appears they have moved on to pick another site.
  3. I worry because a project like this hasn't been done in Canada before. So we don't know what the effect is. Benoir is an important spawning place for the lake chain, there could be no ill effect, or it could be terrible, the point is we don't know. If you look up survivability testing, it's driving tanks and APCs across large trails, as well as detonating explosives beneath them. Before I could say the lakes would NOT suffer at all, there would have to be a lot of proof over large periods of time showing that. I appreciate job creation, but I also appreciate job loss. Tourism is a major economic driver for that area, as is the income provided from the residents that are there for cottaging. If you had a choice between buying a cottage (or booking your hard earned vacation) on a pristine lake that is beautiful and untouched vs a cottage for the same price on a lake with a testing facility beside it, which would you pick? As a result, the visitors to the region go elsewhere and all that income (and redistribution of that income to secondary businesses within the local community) gets displaced to another community. So the question is, is there a net benefit to it hypothetically being built. I absolutely don't want it in my backyard, for reasons that directly impact me, but also for reasons that impact one of the places I love and the community around it. Hopefully that clears a few things up.
  4. We threw a huge variety of things, a fair number were caught on shiner-eqsue baits, I don't know the exact name of the strain of baitfish (I typically don't like to use live bait when I'm at my home lake, but when you only have one day to fish a body of water, I followed the expert's reccomendation). We threw a huge range of things, from shakey heads to squarebills to spinner baits to pitching soft plastics. The fish were really scattered around. There is a TON of submerged timber in the lake (it is originally man made), so you have to hunt around quickly flipping from spot to spot to find out where the fish are hiding and find the ones willing to cooperate (there is a crazy amount of pressure on the fish due to how popular the lake is, so you have to figure out what they want on that day apparently).
  5. While my lake is still ice locked and the temperatures are slowly but surely rising at home, I managed to sneak away for a day of fishing while in Texas for work this week. We fished Lake Fork, and what a day (and what an amazing fishery). I missed bass fishing, and in Texas, the season is never closed. We were at the launch by about 6:30, on the water at 7 and had a great day. The day started out cold (for Texas) at about 5 degrees but warmed up to the mid 20s. Caught about 25 fish (all bass, besides one pesky little catfish). Our largest fish as a group was a giant weighing in 8 pounds 2 ounces. My new PB largemouth caught today weighted in at 7 pounds 2 ounces. The average fish was about 4 pounds. I guess everything IS bigger in texas. Without further ado, some pictures for you guys: Getting ready to launch A tough day at the office: My new PB Largemouth: Biggest fish of the trip (And the second fish caught in the day): Other bass throughout the day: It was a great trip. Hopefully you guys enjoyed my report. Open water season is coming up, I couldn't be more excited to be able to start fishing in the boat at home again!
  6. I'm going to go try on the 100 mph suit. Like you I just worry about its breathability. But maybe it's the old Frogg Toggs when it's light and that when it's heavy.. Will update
  7. I wish! I am only a large (tall and skinny). I saw them otherwise I would have been all over it!
  8. Hey everyone, I'm in the market for some new raingear for this season. Previous have had Frogg Toggs, I like them (light and breathable) but they don't hold up as well as I would like in heavy downpours or in extened (2 hours plus) rain. I was wondering what you guys prefered in terms of rainwear for your fishing season. Who makes the best raingear for fishing?
  9. That is wonderful news. After the suggested rezoning got denied by council in late March, this was the hope. It looks like they won't be taking this to the OMB. Great news for the lakes and their health as well as the tourism industry in the area
  10. I use the bio edge scents depending on what I'm fishing, I really like their frog stick for my topwater frogs. They seem to help a slow bite. I also use Kick'n bass (And am going to try kick'n walleye this spring). That stuff is GREAT
  11. This may be true, I don't know, I didn't notice signs of that later in the year though. There was a rumor floating around about that for sure. I'm very worried about the snow and ice on the ground there right now, melting slowly but with rain slated for next week.. It may get dicey. There are other dams in the province that have similar situations too, not good for the communities situated directly below them.
  12. I think that may be a misconception about the dam. One of the dams on the lower York did break, but a few friends talked to some people that came to look and analyze the risk of the dam (Baptiste) failing. They seemed to feel like it was in good shape and not at risk of breaking. The flooding was terrible though. The volume over the dam was crazy. We'll have to see how this year melts out.
  13. Feet for sure, when I first saw it, was a pain to convert everything.
  14. Long shaft for sure. And yup, you're spot on with what ELPT means
  15. When fishing a new lake I use my navionics app on my phone, it's pretty cool, shows basic depth lines, and obstacles. Not 100% accurate, but gives me a good idea of what's going on and places to try to scope out (plus there are some people that add community edits letting you know things too). I think I paid like $20 for it. The only other one I found quickly was this: http://www.backroadmapbooks.org/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=93_126_140_1808
  16. Wow, that's a beast of a fish.. Very nice!
  17. I'll be sure to put together a report or two as the weather warms up for you guys. Thanks so much for the warm welcome.
  18. Hey all, I realized I've been reading the forums for so long (doing a bit of hardcore lurking) and posting sometimes (rarely), but never introduced myself. My name is Max aka Mattaw. I'm from Toronto but fish the Bancroft area often. I'm an avid Bass and Walleye angler, but you won't hear me complain about catching a Pike or Muskee or two. This is a fantastic resource for the Ontario fishing community, I haven't found a better, nicer and more honest place. I look forward to participating more here and maybe going fishing with some of you if you're ever in the area (feel free to drop me a line). Max
  19. Sounds like I need to get on the road and get down there. What a pig!
  20. No it was not. In the meeting on the 3rd, the planning committee suggested that they deny it. The decision on the final status at a local level will come March 24th at the full council meeting.
  21. I'm strongly considering going. Just have to find a friend or two that is free that night and I'll be there.
  22. All valid points. While I don't agree with some of the comments in the meeting about the war machine, a big piece of this for me is the nature and the proximity to the lake and Algonquin, and the property values in the area. Also, if they chose to expand in the future it will be very easy to do so on that property with unforeseen effects in the future. Property value wise, there are a lot of good hardworking folks in that area who have spent their whole life building in that area. While the noise may not be as bad as everyone fears the perception will drive down prices in the area resulting in serious effects for residents (and cottagers) there. Ecologically, there may not be runoff, but what about the survivability testing of running the vehicles through their courses. If you look up some videos of the tests, they're not short and they're VERY loud. It is also worth noting that the company hasn't actually bought the land yet. They have a conditional offer on it assuming the rezoning goes through and all the studies come back okay. Starting over at a new site would be a pain but not impossible for them. I see both sides, but I'm strongly with the not in my backyard group.
  23. Luckily it's not just me, there seem to be quite a lot of us that care. It's not just about the noise though. It's about the perception of a military testing site in the area, the drop in property values and tourism that result from it (as a relator apparently you have to disclose if there is a military site nearby when selling property) and the longterm impact on the area. If the company decides to rezone and expand in the future it will be much harder to stop. What everyone else hasn't mentioned is the noise of the survivability testing, not just the explosives. They are going to be running tanks and military vehicles through obstacle courses for up to 12 weeks a year. There are a lot of valid points and concerns here, last night at the council meeting it was recommended by the council that they deny the motion (the vote is later in March). If that happens it will go to the OMB for a final decision. Max
  24. Hey. Didn't see the other thread but definitely not spam. Sorry for the repost. It's just a very near and dear issue for me. Apologies Max
  25. Hey everyone, I've been a very sporadic poster and a long time lurker here, but I feel I have to ask for your help. I spend a lot of time in the Bancroft area on the lakes there, a family friend just sent me this and I'm shocked an appaled " Hi lake family and friends-not sure if everyone knows about this yet-A company named Armatec that tests military tanks for survivability wants to purchase 2200 acres bordering on Benoirs and Elephant Lake. They would be performing survivability tests-ie blowing up tanks and running them through obstacle courses.. They have applied for re-zoning and this will be addressed at the council meeting in Haliburton this coming Monday March 3rd at 5pm. If they don't get re-zoning they will go to the OMB. If you are opposed to this, please sign this petition that has been started on Change.org (link below) it would be great to get as many signatures as possible before the council meeting Monday. Armatec has most likely chosen this time to try and push it through as most cottagers are currently away and unaware this is happening. [You can also email/write to the Dysart counciller Steve Pogue-email here: [email protected] ] PETITION LINK: http://www.change.org/petitions/reeve-murray-fearrey-deny-rezoning-proposal-for-armatec-military-testing-site-near-benoir-lake-haliburton-and-algonquin-park?share_id=BJaMQEBqxr&utm_campaign=share_button_action_box&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition This weapons testing range just inland from Elephant Lake and the upper York River (some say with some shore land) is a serious threat not only to wildlife and residents experience of norther peace and quiet but also to the Elephant - Baptiste fishery. Heres why: about 30 years ago a plant called Combiboard opened on the Y Road near Birds Creek. Soon people as far away as Fort Stewart and Boulter started complaining about "THE HUM." It wasn't a joke, because of rock formations in the area the noise and vibration carried up to at least 30 kms. The problem was only solved when the plant was taken over by Georgia Pacific and proper equipment was installed. So now we have the threat of huge explosions occurring almost under the lake. The fish will be affected, don't know how but they certainly will." I'm asking for anyone who's willing to help here to preserve this wonderful fishery and area. Be it signing the petition, writing to the Councillor or forwarding this on to friends and family. I can't think of anything more terrible for the area for both our generation and the next. I started going to the area as a young boy and while I'm still fairly young it's a special place for me (and a lot of others). A place to get away and relax (and do some serious fishing), and a place that I want to enjoy tank free. Thank you guys for taking the time to read and hopefully help out! Max
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