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Everything posted by addict

  1. sweet pics.looks pretty serene thanks for the post.
  2. i hope tito gets his big mouth broke
  3. spinners and senkos are a sure bet on rice fish weed flats in 5 feet and try docks been slayin out there personally got 4 smallies in the 4 to5 range happy hunting.
  4. looks tasty mmmm.nothing beats a fish fry after a days fishin.
  5. as long as a cold front hasnt shut em down bass are quite easy to catch this is why they are so popular.been bassin once or twice a week since opener and been killing them.fishing weed flats and mid lake rock shoals.when they are active top water and spinners are fun and fast.ive been using a buzzbait and soft plastic horny toad with great sucess.spinners have been good to me also.not to mention using the sweet beaver when the bite has slowed.if u dont get any on these baits try a senko or better tikki stick there cheaper.or gets some hand pours off your friends like me.senkos are the easiest and most simple way to catch bass.i started using em last year and never fished a soft plastic so effective.just throw it and let er sink or pitch it under trees and docks watch your line move lol.
  6. we are all guilty off polluting its a sad reality man is such a destructive force to the world with are cars and are boats and are chrome plated lures to taking a crap and flushing its endless really. personally i think that the world is just to over poppulated and change for the better seems almost impossible i try not to dwell on this and hope one day we can be a green world.as for eating fish i keep one or two pan sized trout each season.cant be any worse than mc ds or other processed crap they feed us.
  7. looks like a blast great pics.thanks for the post
  8. sweet fish nice pics wtg.stay safe on that big pond.
  9. gotta love those smokin runs zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.i dont do the down rigger thing,tho i suppose i could,kinda paranoid of taking the 16 foot aluminum on big o.but it all seems like to much work,i prefer my bass and muskie.ill wait till late august and chunk metal for those gorillas when they make thier way in to the piers and river mouths.nice report keep em comin.
  10. cordova is a nice scenic lake pretty safe for rocks there is a nasty shoal in the narrows by the boat launch in the south end but its marked.try fishing the bay that the crowe river runs into almost sure to nab some hammer handles.ive caught muskie and large mouth there.also try around the many islands for smallies.never caught any dogs out of the lake many people say its fished out but ive always caught fish.also try up the river till u hit the rapids fish the pool below for eyes good luck enjoy yourself let us know how u made out.
  11. sounds like a fun time.to bad that damn sun gets so hot.
  12. gotta love those remote spots.no cottages in the backround i take those fish arent to pressured nice pics thanks for the post.
  13. nice lunge.its always nice when the fish gods give up a beauty at the end of a hard day.
  14. top water rocks.nice pics.
  15. nice pics,top water rocks!
  16. nice buckets,gotta love those senkos,even if they are painfully slow they always produce.
  17. have to work opening day.but will be out sunday starting in the wee hrs hope to be on the water by 4am to avoid the boat launch fiascal.hope the heavy sat pressure and cold front dont affect them to much.
  18. it might be slow but im sure those bass are hungry from the spawning.soft plastics might be the ticket.
  19. nice pics.looks like i should try the old scumbog for a few toothy critters.but i think ill wait till the gulls and buzzards clean up those stanky carp.
  20. a couple of yrs back we showed up at bon echo park with no resevation and got a sweet site only catch was u have to portage and canoe in.scenery was awsome and we boated close to a 100 bass in less than 2 days.good luck on your search
  21. timmies got the bluegills hooked to eh.damn caffiene
  22. nice.thanks for sharing those pics looks like a great time.
  23. start with my search bait half ounce spinner.if i dont get any takers ill switch to soft plastics.gonna try the sweet beaver.some finnese worms and if all else fails senko comes out to play.
  24. addict


    i think i finally figured out how to post.been surfin this site for a few months,love it check out the discussion a couple times a day.i just joined a couple weeks ago some of u have probally seen my mug on basskickers posts.stoked about opener,gonna try fishin some of basskickers hand pours senkos and the sweet beaver, ill post pics and report.good luck to all.
  25. cordova lake has a few crown land islands nice lake.fishing is good at times,lots of hammer handles to keep the young uns happy and entertained.lake is located north of havelock its in the road map books.
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