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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. Looks Great...
  2. Doug, As you know I have had the opportunity to travel MOST of this country. Needless to say I have a short list of places that I must return to. The link attached is a Laker Lodge in Northern BC. Muncho Lake is the most scenic place I have ever seen. A local hot springs nearby and plenty of hiking and walking make it a sure fire success. Flights into Fort Nelson are easy to come by with Air Canada and not terribly priced as it is a standard flight from both Grand Prairie and Vancouver. Muncho Lake
  3. That is going right above my couch!!! Thanks Pam!
  4. Michigan is a great place for used boats now with the downturn in the economy there. Police and Repo Auctioned boats are going for 50% of the cost I hear.
  5. pretty good man
  6. I really llike the colours!!! And I really look forward to the next one!
  7. hahahahahaaaa
  8. I have driven a number of explorers. The I can't stand it for the leg room. Havn't been in a cherokee for a few years. so no comment there.
  9. I heard that Gerritt...Montreal, here we come?
  10. should be a real doozy.
  11. Thanks Fellas.
  12. Am I in or out? DANG...Any bets on the first one to get a post removed?
  13. DANG...did I get mine back? Looks like I should have looked first.
  14. I got two...
  15. you are a FF
  16. you can still "swear" when included in another word as in: Gerritt, you are a fatfu**. Fix it or trust us?
  17. Even Gerritt is allowed in? can I say I love Gerritt? Even Gerritt is allowed in?
  18. Kind of nice, so quiet and all... If a post gets removed and no-one is around to hear it...did it really happen?
  19. I am not smart!!! But I got an avatar so I think I am cool!!! Have a blast at Quinte, i know Dano is pumped!!!
  20. Does my avatar work? YUP
  21. Can I be a swiller yet?
  22. so is this the new world order? I can delete the last board?
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