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Aaron Shirley

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Everything posted by Aaron Shirley

  1. Yes it can be done. Patience is a virtue in your situation. It usually takes 20 minutes to an hour or more to let the fish settle if there isn't any activity around them. Float fishing in 3 feet or less of gin clear water is not the best approach. I would fly fish for them. I know this will sound funny and the hard core fly fishermen would cringe to hear this, but fly fishing with small roe bags can be deadly in your situation when the fish have time to settle down. Soft coloured single egg pattern can also be deadly. You can't go in front of them or to the side. You have to get into position downstream from them and quarter your cast up to them and mend a couple times. No strike indicator, long tapered leaders and light tippet helps to get more bites. I use very little weight, only a couple tiny shot 12" from the fly or roe bag. Another method is casting size 2 or 3 spinners or small floating Rapalas. You have to position yourself far upstream and make precise casts to place the lure just ahead of them. If you mess up even one cast, your done for a while until they settle down again. I have done well fishing low gin clear water for steelhead, but it can be painfully slow to catch each fish. The fish need time to settle after each fish is caught.
  2. I've always switched out my hooks for Gamakatsu trebles because they are sticky sharp and I lose few fish on them.
  3. Good stuff Ron. You're a good man.
  4. I have a lucky key chain that I rub for good luck
  5. Best bang for the buck is the Kodak Sport at $79.95. Waterproof to 10-feet and my buddy that has one said it takes great photos. It's at Future Shop right now for $69.99. If you are looking for a higher quality waterproof camera, you may want to look at the Canon
  6. That is an incredible day on the water! Congrats. Your client is spoiled in a very big way.
  7. Very nice chrome I never tire of viewing chrome reports. I've had some good days fishing that trib. Man did the lake look rough!
  8. Very nice
  9. Awesome chrome Mike! I really like this post. Although I floatfish a lot, I also cast hardware at times, spring, fall and winter. There are times hardware definitely 'shines' The hits are always incredible compared to watching a float drop. I immensely enjoyed getting out with you recently casting hardware. That one steelie that hit so hard it snapped my line was the hardest hit I've ever had in the 33 years that I've been steelhead fishing! I would love to get out with you again this week, but I'm gone almost 12 hours a day for work Mon-Fri and they will not even give me one day off, I asked I like Joey's idea about calling in and telling work that "I caught something"
  10. That's pretty awesome Mike! Can't wait for my son to be old enough for that
  11. This is what I meant by misleading. My apologies for offending you, that was not my intention. There are a lot more Atlantics entering the Credit than three. There are actual signs that an Atlantic fishery may be possible with growing numbers annually. Keep in mind that Atlantic salmon are much more sensitive to the environment and habitat degradation than kings, browns and steelies, and it will take more effort and a longer period of time to have a naturalized population of Atlantic salmon. Of course nobody can predict the future, but things are finally looking up at least. Also, keep in mind that charter guys are not targeting Atlantic salmon. They are a unique fish that people will have to figure out. How long did it take for people to figure out the blue zone for bows and hos? As far as I know Justin was not fishing in a sanctuary, just average Joe fishing. I got your PM, thanks. I'd love to chat with you more about this. All the best, Aaron
  12. Craig, you are making a statement that is misleading. There are more and more Atlantics caught recently. A friend of mine (Justin Elia from this board) caught a bunch of Atlantics from the Credit this year, let alone the other anglers that had success. Justin caught and released six Atlantics one morning alone this year himself! That was unheard of even in the past couple years. Rome was not built in a day, and other species took a long time to naturalize from scratch in Lake Ontario that are much less sensitive than Atlantics. Stream restoration will be a big part of any Atlantic naturalization success. That is currently being worked on now thanks to the OMNR, OFAH, Trout Unlimited, CRAA, HRCA etc. To be honest, I used to be opposed to the Atlantic program before I saw the whole picture. All that I saw before was a lot of $$ going into a program that didn't work. Like many, I thought it was ridiculous to spend so much time and money on something that wasn't working and would displace non-indiginous thriving salmonid species that we all love. After opening my mind and looking at the whole picture, I see things much differently now. Kings, browns and bows are not being displaced, the fishery is still healthy despite heavy Atlantic efforts. Stream rehab is being done in much larger scales to benefit our natural resources, protect what we have and help our Lake Ontario fishery as a whole. An extinct Atlantic salmon has special powers to protect and enhance the streams, rivers and spawning grounds for all Lake Ontario fish, including bass. Aquatic insects, the food chain and wildlife will also benefit from the re-introduction of an extinct Atlantic salmon. Builders may also be forced to take special care while building up around our tributaries. No other fish species have the ability to help in this magnitude, and mostly from funding that would not be there otherwise. And now a lot more people are catching Atlantic salmon. Heck, I even saw my first Atlabntic this year hahaha. It took many years for steelhead, browns and Chinook to naturalize into Lake Ontario, it will take Atlantics a while as well, all the while benefiting Lake Ontario, its tributaries and other fish, aquatic life and wildlife as a whole. People are opposed to the Atlantic program that have not opened their mind, and do not see the full picture. Fear mongering with ignorance is the culprit. As long as our beloved Chinook, browns and steelhead continue to thrive in Lake Ontario, what harm can the Atlantic program do? It's a good thing for Lake Ontario, the tribs and anglers, even if some don't see it yet. I am convinced the Atlantic program is a good thing after opening my eyes.
  13. Congrats, looks like a nice starter reel for $200. What is the size of the reel? 4.5"? You are going to love the pin. Sooo addictive Have fun in the tribs! Aaron
  14. Looks like a great day out for such slow conditions. Nice.
  15. Thanks everyone. Miracon, that is a good one!
  16. Wow, that is a tank for a creek. Pretty awesome! Must have gave a wicked fight. You must have thought you hooked the mother of all steelhead at first I caught a nice pike on the Grindstone years ago, but not close to being that big. That is a very rare catch. Congrats.
  17. I had the pleasure to fish for 2 half days this weekend for tributary steelhead. It was absolutely awesome! I met with a bud Thom on Saturday, and we fished a small stream with a lot of rock. Despite arriving to steelhead green 'slaughter water', it wasn't on fire. We had to work for our fih. The water was clearing well, and my big roe bags weren't needed. I did well on peach, pink and chart brownie bags nickel sized, because that's what I tied lol. I ended up with about 16 for the day, and Tom got into a bunch himself. The average size was pretty good, and I got several in the 10lb class which was nice. They errupted the water on hook set and went berzerk like crazy chromers are notorious for Some photos from Saturday I also fished this morning for 4 hours before I had to head into work. I just had to fish, as the tribs are stuffed full of fresh steel right now. It took me an hour to find them on a different trib, but when I did, I spent the next 3 hours in pure ecstasy. I almost had a fish per drift with the odd drift getting nadda. It was pure mayhem, and I was the only person in sight fishing! Again, the size was pretty good on this trib, with the average 6-7lbs and one in the 10lb class. I was fishing the frog water this morning, and all I could hear was my float go down and a chromer going nuts. Just insane. It's all I can think about now. I got the steelhead bug bad right now! I went 21 for 27 in the 3 hours after I found them. If there was ever a day that I felt like playing hooky from work, this was the day! I could just imagine crushing chromers all day and then walking my kids around for halloween. Sadly, I had to cut my day short and head into work and miss halloween with my kids I didn't take any photos this morning, as I was waist deep in the creek solo, and I was too busy fishin' Good tribbin'! Aaron
  18. Very nice looking reel. Also nice that he makes a 5" model. I need a 5" pin for the bigger tribs, I miss my old 5" Stanton for that.
  19. David, that is awesome! Well done. Funny, when I first saw the above image, I thought to myself, that looks like something that Bernard would come up with That guy never stops thinking! I'll be out on Erie a lot in November, maybe I'll see ya out there. Good fishing! Aaron
  20. You can really get a wide range of answers on this from most steelheaders. Everyone has their favs, and they all work. As a general rule (as has been pointed out already), larger roe bags with larger hooks the more stained the water conditions. Smaller bags and hooks the clearer the water conditions. As for colours, they all work, but I typically don't leave home without salmon, hot pink and chart, although I've had killer days with peach, white and soft yellow. Did I name them all except blue? lol I typically use Chinook eggs and brown eggs in the fall, and steelhead eggs from the winter to the spring, although I've done well with bow roe in the fall and brown in the spring. All this talk about roe bags is nice and all, but the following is more important to having a successful day of steelheading: - Timing your trip to conditions. Try and time your trip so that you are fishing a trib at the start of the clearing cycle from a big blow. Just having enough rain to raise water levels and turn the water a nice "steelhead green" colour is also prime. All tribs clear at different times, so make your choice to fish the right trib. This is the best advice I can give to people just getting into steelheading, and more important than pretty much anything else. If you time your trip right, it's like showing up to an all girl party after they've been over-served, they're pretty easy - preparing your eggs properly can make a huge difference in your fishing. Don't cure your eggs, and don't put them in water or rinse them off. Take them fresh from the fish and pick out the blood spots. Divide up loose eggs (or scrape) to just the right amount you typically use for a day of fishing. Put them in sandwich ziplock bags and freeze overnight. Take the frozen block of eggs out of the sandwich bag the next day and seal air tight in Foodsaver bags. I then date the bag, add details and put them back in the freezer. Eggs will last years like this in your freezer. Eggs prepared and stored in this manor are superior for catching fish. I have 3 giant ziplock bags with Chinook eggs, bow and brown eggs in a file cabinet style with air tight Foodsaver bags inside. All dated from oldest in front to newer to the back. It's also like having a fuel gauge on roe. I know instantly when I am getting low on a species' eggs sand need more. I always take the oldest batch of eggs to use from the front and they are great. - Presentation is key on the river. Much can be said about this. There is no substitute for experience, but research will help. The bottom current typically moves slower than the top current, and if you can match the bottom current with your presentation, you will do well. Most often without windy conditions, feathering your centrepin slightly to hold your float back smoothly so that your presentation is at a slight angle is the key to matching the bottom current. Of coarse there are many variables, but typically what I described is most often the way to present your bait in the most natural way possible. Always pay attention to the exact spot you or others hook fish Good steelheading! Aaron
  21. Danbob, the drop shot rods we used were 6'9" long medium light power with a fast action. That is the standard drop shot rod. Those VMC hooks are sweet! I have to get some of those. What a simple design. Does anyone know if they come in black nickel?
  22. Thanks everyone. Yep, they do grow up fast. I spend as much time as I can with them. Before I know it they'll be packing for University! I can't wait to take my daughter fishing! And my son of course. I plan to take my son ice fishing this winter and I can't wait
  23. Here are the details for ya Joey, complete with a photo We had a baby girl Megan this summer. She was born a healthy 9lbs 10.3oz. Just a hair smaller than her brother at 9lbs 11oz. Megan is now 3 months old and about 17lbs! Still, not as big as her brother Brayden at 3 months, but close. We make big kids! They are going to cost us a fortune in clothing and food alone lol. I can't believe Brayden is already 2 1/2 years old. He is bigger than most boys a year older. Funny, our friend's boy a year older used to hand down clothing for our son. We recently handed down clothing from our son to their 3 1/2 year old boy lol. The proud father and baby girl when she was a day old
  24. Thanks Court. Yeah, Frank took me to school that day! I went back recently with 6lb fluorocarbon spooled up and was lighter on my hookset. The end result, I lost very few fish I will not use braid for drop shotting again, and I'll leave the Roland Martin hooksets for tubin' it I have no plans for crappies in a small creek. I try to do something different all the time. I tried to do a panfish episode in the general area at a pond with a young guy this spring, but weather didn't cooperate. I plan to try again this coming spring.
  25. Sounds like you guys had a good time. Great to see Spiel out with a rod in hand That shot with the fish in the air is awesome!
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