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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. I have a Lowrance LMS 522 iGPS unit for my boat, with the 2007 Hotmaps chip. I am going to buy the hand-held Lowrance iFinder H2O C next weekend as BPS. I am wondering if I can make a copy of the chip that I use for my boat, to put in my hand-held? I have an SD carder reader and extra card at home. It is as simple and just copy & pasting the files from the existing card to the blank card? Thanks, *Stoty
  2. Last year my truck got broken into and over $4,000 worth of electronics and tools were stolen from it. My insurance company cut me a cheque, no questions asked. Did I replace the in-dash DVD player I had, and my tools..? NOPE. Put a fence in the backyard, and painted the house. Like they said, its YOUR money once you get it. Thats why you pay insurance, to get your money back if something happens. What you choose to do with YOUR money is up to you.
  3. *Drooling* Only 57 more sleeps until Crappie opens!!!!
  4. I just Google mapped Achray road, and it seems to end at highway 17, but there is another road called Baron Canyon Rd (hwy 28) that pretty much intersects Highway 17 where Achray Road ends, that leads right into the park. I am assuming thats the road your talking about? Go on Google maps, and look where Highway 17 crosses Highway 26. Thats where Achray Rd ends, and Baron Canyon Rd starts. Is that the road you're talking about? Thanks again.
  5. Ya, but not much you can do when you collide knee-on-knee with someone. Its too bad for Hossa. At least Fluery is back, and Crosby isnt far behind. Once they are all back and healthy, they will be a tough team to beat.
  6. I dont agree with the whole idea of them at all. Playing hockey is a job. The management, just like in the office, are your boss. If they dont want/need you anymore, and can hire someone else who will better the company, then its up to them as to what they do to you. Do I think its selfish what Sundin did, no because like you said, thats what him and the team agreed upon. Which is fair. But the NHL needs to take that stupid rule out of contracts, so the GM's can do their jobs.
  7. PM sent. Thanks!!
  8. You watch...the Sense are going to turn things around, and battle it out with the Pens to win the conference, and advance to the cup finals. I am guessing the final four will be: East - OTT vs PIT West - DET vs ANA All PIT and DET need is to stay healthy. If they do that, they have a very good shot at winning the cup.
  9. I assume you mean Whitney? Also, are there any gates to get into the north end of the park?
  10. If I were you, I would put the extra money up and go with the newer motor. Its a 2002, so you shouldnt have any issues with it. Its not like its a 1972, to which you dont know the use/abuse it went through before. Anytime you get the chance to get some money from an insurance company, TAKE IT. They dont hesitate to take yours at every chance they get!
  11. Thanks for the info everyone, much appreciated! Where is the east gate of the park located? I am looking at google maps right now, and I dont see a main road that enters on the east side of the park. Cheers, *Stoty
  12. depends if I run into a bear or not..........
  13. HA HA HA Ya, the trip that I am looking to go out would be 4 days MAX. Probably a Thursday - Sunday type of thing.
  14. HA HA HA, brown boxers....but for the few grams it weighs...I am going to pack it!
  15. Ever since I went on a trip without toilet paper!!!
  16. Hey everyone, Just wondering if anyone has done some interior camping inside Algonquin Park recently (2007)? I have always wanted to go into the interior just brining the essentials (tent, cooking gear, fishing gear, bathroom items) and basically live on what I catch for a few days. I am looking for a low-pressured lake that hold a healthy supply of Smallie's. Not only would I like to keep a few for dinner, but also looking for a decent chance at getting a nice big fish as well to beat me PB of 5lb 9oz. Any help or insight as to where I can find info on the interior lakes of Algonquin would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, *Stoty
  17. HA HA HA HA, nice!!
  18. Might sound a little far fetched (if your not feeling well), but when I was younger and got a cold in the winter, I would go play a game of hockey or run on a treadmill to sweat it out. Combined with as much orange juice as I could drink, and soup I could eat. Also...(sorry to be gross), but the more fluids you get out of your body (spitting), the better as well. Hope this helps.
  19. Clear/Stoney Lakes for me. Hopefully the fishing will be "crappie" that day!
  20. I was talking about the leafs management over the past few years. They have traded away their top picks for the two goalies they have now. And what is to show for those goalies...? Not too much. But then again, why do they care? They are the biggest money making team in the league no matter how poopty they do. Everyone on that team is making big bucks, even though most of them are horrible. And these "no trade clauses" are the stupidest things I have ever seen. I guess it works in the favour of a McCabe, because no one in their right mind would want him anyways. After seeing the leafs basically not do anything yesterday, I hope they finish dead last in the league.
  21. WOW, Penguins get Hossa....... Hossa, Malkin, Crosby, Fleury.... Can you say Eastern Conference winners?????
  22. Stoty

    Sens LOL

    I think it will end the same way for the leafs too.....
  23. Stoty

    Sens LOL

    Ha ha ha, sure looked like that last night...BUT....I am sure all the Sens fans will be the ones laughing come playoff time......
  24. Ohhh, better watch out for Washington as well now..... Huet and Federov just added.... Ovechkin, Semin & Federov, that could be a dangerous line!!
  25. True history has been in the Habs favour, I just hope that this doesnt kill Price's career if he isnt a hero like Dryden and Roy were. I agree, I think Hossa is going to MTL for sure. They have a decent shot at heading into the late stages of the playoffs if they pick him up! Its going to be interesting, thats for sure.
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