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About 67ZL1

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  1. But it would seem that Eastern Canada would prefer to buy their crude from anywhere but Western Canada. If we refined what we produced this type of raping wouldn't happen. BTW the last I checked gas was still cheaper in Houston at ground zero than anywhere in Canada.
  2. I had the Smooth Moves Ultras in my last Pro V. I was very happy with them. They are heavy bases, think they weighed in around 55 pounds each. I paid 550.00 CDN each about 3 years ago at the boat show. Another brand that I had the pleasure of using is WavePro. They are quite a bit more compact and work slightly better than Smooth Moves. However they are about 900.00 USD. Unless you're doing 50+ mph in 3'+ waves then the Smooth Moves will be fine. Everyone that has rode in my last boat has all went out and bought the Smooth Moves.
  3. I have a Lund SSV-16 with a 40 Merc 4-stroke. Loaded with gear, 2 batteries, drop in flooring, 3 adults and a 110 pound Labrador it will run at 34-36 mph on GPS. That is with a 13P Spitfire 4 blade prop.
  4. Cabela's in Canada is vastly different than the U.S. Cabela's. The U.S. site seems to always be running good sales or promotions. They place their Guide Wear on sale regularly for 25% off, and ontop of that they run a 2-3 day promotion for an extra 20% off the sale price. Need to shop both Canadian and U.S. Sites.
  5. That Pro Guide is a sweet set up. A couple of my buddies have the 2075 version.
  6. Hey Yellow Fever thx for the reply. What were you expected to bring for the day? My buddy said that the Pro's supply everything?
  7. Any members on here fish this tournament series? I am thinking on signing up as a CO for the first 2 events.
  8. I think a lot of Americans need to educate themselves on the Clinton's starting about 1978. A few documentaries out there that are several years old about Bill and Hiliary.
  9. Good luck and have fun with your search! My only 2 cents would be to not to rule out a glass boat. I think it may fit the bill better seeing how you'll be using it for the family and on Erie. Also, all my buddies have regretted selling their tinners when upgrading to a larger boat.
  10. How is the walleye situation on that lake? We're keeping our eyes open for a cottage and Gull is on the short list.
  11. I saw that on the new the other night! The look on Wynne and Notley's faces were priceless! Good on the Oposition to discredit Wynne's ideas and policies. Obviously they aren't working in Ontario, so why whole they work in Alberta.
  12. Northstar AGM's. Motormaster AGM's are made by Northstar I believe. Last time I checked the CTC batteries were more $ than the Northstar but came with 2 years additional warranty. If you decide to go the AGM route do NOT let them get completely dead, they will not take a charge when they get too low. If you have discharged the AGM batteries to the point where they wont't take a charge, take a wet cell battery and hook it parallel to the AGM. Hook your charger up to the wet cell battery and put it on a low charge for a day. The voltage will be brought up in the AGM to the point where it will take a charge again. I learned this the hard way and cost me lot's of $$$.
  13. Check out this YouTube link and you'll see what I was trying to explain earlier by having blank snells pre made.
  14. Walleye's no, pike yes. Walleye's teeth are spread out and the leader goes between their teeth. I always check my snells after each fish - takes 2 seconds. For some reason I for the life of me I can't get a good knot when I go heavier than 15-17 lb mono or floro, so that's why I stop at that line size. I've also used 12 lb test with good results also. I hate pike and if I get into shark infested waters, I move spots altogether or move deeper. If you tie your own harness, you'll be more apt to change them out more often, vs paying 4-5.00 and using it till it falls apart.
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