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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. congrats and love the name,same as my sons
  2. dont know if this helps but try this site www.basscatcher.com. Tried a google search for ya
  3. great report. well done from shore(again)
  4. awesome fish,congrats
  5. nice job and good luck tomorrow
  6. wow. nice slide show of some awesome fish
  7. great report as usual.Sounds like you had a fun day.
  8. [took my two boys fishing again to their new fav spot. I did bring a camera phone with me this time but left the real camera at home. Sorry for the pic quality. we fished for three hours or so and between the two of them they must have landed twenty five and lost as many. They had a great time "tag team" fishing as they called it. I was trying for the carp I keep seeing but only had a couple line taps. Oh well, these trips are for them anyway. this will be one of many trips to report this summer for them.Sorry for the layout on this,still figuring my way around.
  9. My six year old wanted to go fishing today so I picked him up after school and off we went. We have not had very much luck lately so I decided to try a spot that I was told about by brifishrgy(thanks!). So we headed to the spot in Brantford and started. It was really hot with no wind so I didnt know how long we would be out. In about 2.5 hours the only fish caught was a little sunfish by my son. I told him we should head home when his bobber went under. I figured it was another sunfish under the fish exploded out of the water and started tailwalking. My son had hooked into a huge smallie! He finally got it in(with a little help) and it must of been upwards of 3 pounds. I couldnt believe it. He was so happy and grinning from ear to ear. After he released it we went home to eat. Sorry for lack of a picture but every time I have brought it we got skunked,go figure. We saw a lot of big fish jumping and surfacing but i think it was just too hot. Anyway, just thought I would share a great trip and say thanks for the tip.
  10. another great report. way to go you two!
  11. awesome pics
  12. way to go on the pb's! Another great report. Can't wait for the next one
  13. Brantford was hit hard in the downtown area and Brant park. Lots of trees down and saw some guy whose porch blew apart. It was pretty messed up. up to 4 funnel clouds were reported.
  14. great report as usual and your daughter looked liked she had a fun time.Keep em coming
  15. simply amazing. hope to get out there someday
  16. hey all. I have not been posting much as I really have not had anything to talk about. Lately I have been taking the kids down fishing in town here with limited results. What I was wondering is what the fishing is like in Bronte this time of year and what you can catch. I go there alot in the fall but have never tried this time of year. I am wondering if there would be enough there to keep kids interested and at the same time have the chance for something bigger(carp,trout,etc.). We would have to shore fish and do not mind walking. I just want to keep getting these guys out and also keep me happy too. Any thoughts would be great. Also want to get them down to Dunnville so hopefully will be posting our adventures soon. Anyway, thanks in advance.
  17. way to go on the pb!
  18. very nice fish
  19. great pics
  20. very cool pics.thanks for sharing
  21. sounds like a great day spent with the kids.Nothing better
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