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About creekman

  • Birthday 10/31/1956

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bowmanville Ontario
  • Interests
    Scrollsaw fret work

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Never really thought about it before now, i never keep fish anyway but if i do its bonk time
  2. Just like drinking and driving they JUST DON,T GET IT!!!!
  3. Nice fish
  4. 14 the # Davey wore
  5. The Titan would not go in the mud and play like the big boy Rams do
  6. One word !!!!!!!! RAM !!!!!!
  7. Ottawa is one team you canlove to hate Fans are only there when they win
  8. Did i put the boat away to early LOL
  9. Canadian Tire has a lot of regs out
  10. Maybe once you make a mistake ,But twice ban him from fishing for LIFE!!!! No third chance end of story Creekman
  11. Happy Father,s Day to all the Dads

  12. Hey Crappieperchhunter Oh how i miss those days Now it,s 12:00 noon waiting for the fun to start when the grandkids show up creekman{mike}
  13. Merry christmas all Grandkids all done opening gifts ,turkey in oven Now time for a nap and dream of creekman{Mike}
  14. Merry Christmas To you and all
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