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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. "Fresh air is good for you, Lakair is better." Roy Boudreau You're punny Roy.
  2. If Summer is entering the Lakair G2G pike derby, I'll pass. I can get my butt kicked at home by a woman and save a sunburn and 500km round trip.
  3. TJ and Chris can count to 20 together still... That doesn't mean that they have 10 digits each however.
  4. Ya, what he said. My Uncle's place is just a little east of south bay. In a couple of weeks things will change quite a bit. The smallmouth are great in south bay, lots of shoals.
  5. I'll give you $500 for the lot!.......Oh? Sorry? I DO NOT have a problem!
  6. Trout Lake is great. Nipissing can be a challenge even in a large boat sometimes, other times it can be a paddlers dream. The South Bay area has more islands that offer some protection from the wind. I use only scented plastics on my harnesses. That and some jigs with a few different plastic bodies is all some people ever use on Nipissing, and they do quite well.
  7. That's not from jiggy jiggy. That must be one dem European pike that makes the rounds ever couple of months. Nice that she let you hold on to a fish that big eh TJ.
  8. Men, in general, don't take advice well, no matter the source, the subject or the manner it is presented.
  9. Tell me about it. I didn't want to leave.
  10. No, my Uncle's place place is on the south shore a few small bays west of the Waltonian Inn. My Uncle's boat has a few more horsepower than my canoe, but only half as reliable . My brother is more than a 100lbs bigger than me as well, so the two of us haven't been in the same canoe at the same time for 20 plus years.
  11. Ya is wasn't any easier sitting in the boat either...smug son of a gun. Second one didn't help at ALL! At least I ended up with a few more than he did.
  12. I still don't know how to post multiple quotes. Actually we prefer more wind/waves because my uncle's boat is not suitable for trolling, so quick drifts are our only way to cover water effectively, but we did alright and did get those two big ones just not as many as we would have expected.
  13. http://www.windsorstar.com/news/missing+that other site...9957/story.html One missing after boat overturns in Lake Erie The Windsor StarJune 12, 2009 5:47 PM StoryPhotos ( 2 ) More Images » The Canadian Coast Guard vessel involved in a rescue of a fisherman Friday docks at the Leamington marina.Photograph by: Tyler Brownbridge, The Windsor StarLEAMINGTON, Ont. -- One man was rescued and another man is missing after a fishing boat overturned in Lake Erie Friday morning. Two men in their 70s were fishing when their boat capsized at about 11 a.m. between Point Pelee and Pelee Island, Staff Sgt. Mike Beatty of the Essex OPP said Friday. The OPP dive team is coming to the scene from Orillia, he said. The OPP marine unit and the Canadian Coast Guard along with a search and rescue plane and helicopter converged on the scene. A woman from Tilbury, who didn't want to give her name, was fishing on the lake in the same area about 20 km off the shores of Leamington Friday. "We could see the boat overturned and a guy on top waving," she said Friday afternoon. The woman said two men were fishing in an 18-foot aluminum boat and had set out Friday at about 8:30 a.m. She didn't see what happened to the boat but said she saw two rescuers dropped into the water. The Canadian Coast Guard vessel called the Thunder Cape arrived and brought one man to shore. The Tilbury woman said both men were wearing life jackets. She said there was a north wind and the lake was a little choppy Friday morning. The Windsor Star will update the story as information becomes available. © Copyright © The Windsor Star
  14. My brother and I made it up to Nipissing for our annual trip that is getting harder and harder to pull together every year. We had heard it all.. the water is high, the water is cold, the spring was cold, the fish aren't bitting, the fish have disapeared... Too bad, we're fishin' We like to use controlled drifts to find the walleye and determine their "mood". This year we did not have much wind and what wind we did have was from the north east most of the time. First fish of the trip... a white bass, I've never caught one before in Nipissing. Second fish... 2nd ever white bass I've seen caught in Nipissing. Little bigger, they both tasted just fine. We got into a few walleye drifting crawler harnesses. Chartreuse blades landed the most. Slot fish 22 inches 21 inches An eater My brother finally getting into the action, slot fish. I had been giving him a hard time because he had been using live worms on his harness and I was using power worms. That stopped however... 28 inches Biggest walleye either of us has caught in Nipissing. It swims on. The next day Jim caught a small drum, and wanted to clean and eat it. Very subtle flavour, we'll be eating more of them to fill-out the walleye frys. More slot fish. My brother got another hog. This time on a live chub minnow. 27 inches Another eater, we only caught 3 fish under the slot. The 2 over went back into the lake. Lone pike caught this trip. Tough fishin', but the 2 biggest walleye we've seen caught in Nipissing, and the highest average inches for a trip. Fish were caught on crawler harnesses, jigs with gulp alive and a Salmo jigging minnow, and my brother got most of his with chub minnows. Thanks for taking the time.
  15. Well what do you know??? First fish out of Nipissing this year... Second... Tasted good. Those were the only 2 white bass that were caught. Now about that 15lb walleye and 55 inch musky that I have never caught in Nipissing...
  16. My brother is the cleaner of fish, I just give people who clean fish a hard time.
  17. It wasn't the photo of you with the Duran Duran hat and the pink golf shirt you posted from that old photo album was it???
  18. My brother and I have been catching drum in Nipissing for a long time, but it wasn't until this week that we kept one and tried it. Just cooked in a little bit of oil with no coating to get a true sense of what it tasted like. No issues at all. Very subtle flavour. I will be using more drum to supplement the walleye frys in the future. Like most fish though I would be less likely to keep larger/older ones. If gulls only eat the eyes I wonder if that has more to do with the effort required to get through the scales/skin?
  19. Thanks for the warning, some of us may have saved a couple of bucks on some rope. That was close.
  20. My brother's response was: That's another rod in the boat. Classic thought from me? I should have given him a rod sooner. No worries, until he can actually reel and land a fish he's just an conscientious observer.
  21. Ya but you're aloud to buy alcohol at the corner store. Trade ya?
  22. So I thought I'd take a funny picture with my 5 month old son holding on to one of my ice fishing rods. I put it in his hands and as I go to take a picture he starts to reel the darn thing!?!?! I put down the still camera and grab the point and shoot (with video option). Not as good as the first time, but still funny/cute. Quality is low but hey, I'm a photography guy and have never used the video feature before. Have a great weekend folks!
  23. I just saw a bumper sticker the other day and it went something like: Don't do anything that you would be embarrassed to explain to a paramedic.
  24. Reeling with your left hand and holding the rod with you right does not make you left-handed. It means you're right handed. Sort of like catching a baseball with your left hand making someone lefthanded. I don't know why or how baitcast reels used to be only available in a right-hand reel option, but it is one of the few things that benefited me (besides most things in sports) as a lefty.
  25. Some of us have very little character to assault.
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