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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Another thing to keep in mind is that virtually all the sports media guys and gals covering this lock-out will face cut-backs if this continues. Of course they also stand to keep their jobs if the season starts, no matter what the players make. The NHL and the PA are not the only ones spinning here is what I'm getting at.
  2. I'm not going to pretend that I'm an expert in high finances of big business but here is an example of how the money numbers can work for some pro sports teams. Team owner (many are not individuals anymore but it keeps the typing easy) also owns the arena his team plays in and a parking lot next to the building. The arena charges the team a rental fee to use the building, not only on game nights but practices as well. The arena charges rent to the team for coach and management office space. The parking lot profits all go to owner and are not reflected in the team's revenue even though the fees are double on game nights. The owner takes in profits and a salary that he pays himself. And don't forget the salary counts against team's P and L statement. The owner says "My team barely broke even last season". Better yet, "we lost x amount of money" 'cause that's a wright-off. That is over simplified but that is the way it goes, and not just in sports.
  3. If we were to believe that fallacy why would they ever buy a team? Who twisted their arms? Why would these "educated" men buy into a model that loses money?
  4. Financial risk? Just this week the billionaire owner of the wings waddled up to the government trough (citizens tax money) for a new arena. He is only the most recent in a long list of owners that have done the same. Katz in Edmonton is another fine example of the financial risk the owners are willing to bear. The money used to provide all of that luxury all generated on the backs of the players.
  5. Another argument (not necessarily brought up here) is that ticket prices are based on player costs. Gary said as much last time he locked-out the players. Ticket prices are not related to player costs. Never have been, never will be. Ticket prices are based on what the market will bear.
  6. No risk play hockey. No talent needed. Players are the sole reason fans buy tickets.
  7. You'd go apoplectic if you saw what the owners have.
  8. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/NPP/news/earth-at-night.html Nasa images are always interesting. On the photo of North America you can even see the arc of hwy 11.
  9. Don't you hate it when one company over charges for a mediocre product and then another company tries to undercut them with a knock-off.
  10. I'm sure there is a few of us who have done the same thing. Some of those desks are comfortable.
  11. Unless this can be used to help me catch fish: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20612140
  12. "Touch 'em all Joe…" Classic. Wow, where did those 19 years go?
  13. My mistake. Although they have more smelt colours now then before. Sounds like the store isn't carrying all the selection?
  14. Sounds like too much UV exposure maybe? I picked one up shortly after they came out and I haven't noticed any colour fade/change.
  15. That's not nice. The guy has a big heavy coat on and we don't even know who it is. But his fish needs some exercise.
  16. Do they mean your old card? I know the wording is messed but what isn't with government.
  17. Mine stayed on, but ya, tighten it up a bit.
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