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About brifishrgy

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  1. Yup, lets impose a new law for the people who dont follow the laws... sounds legit
  2. do you have to prime the ball on the gas line after it stalls? , if you have to prime it check the vent on the tank
  3. nice trout, I took my boy out this morning too but since the rivers down here are high and dirty it ended up just being a walk
  4. Yup .. its gonna be a while before it clears with the rain expected next week http://www.theweathernetwork.com/fourteenday/caon0493/table
  5. Thanks Dave ... give me another reason to hate afternoon shift
  6. kijiji free ads is always a good bet for free wood, especially if you dont mind cutting it down http://peterborough.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-home-garden-Tonnes-of-firewood-W0QQAdIdZ275866528
  7. My condolences to his family and friends
  8. Well after seeing spinnerdoc's post on his DIY reel last fall I decided I wanted to give it a try, working afternoons and nothing to do in the winter time I stuck around work and machined it, the bearings are old ones from an RC car so it doesn't spin as well as it should so I ordered some new stainless ones from Boca bearings last week and hopefully they will be here before Sat. I went to the dollar store and found a neoprene laptop case, cut it and sewed it up for a protective cover (just need to add some Velcro).. now I just need to practice casting in the backyard this week .. then hopefully FISH ON
  9. don't toss em out, repack em and put them in a zip lock and put them with your car/truck jack (along with a couple extra cotter pins), they will do in an emergency
  10. time to go pick up an extra white bucket and a hole punch for when I am in the boat and ya a wall-eye will always be a wall-eye no matter what these sensors say
  11. go to SB Simpson or another industrial supply shop and pick up some high spot blue ink, this stuff spreads and stays on your hands for a while, get him to put some on the bottom of the key when he puts it in the box, when he notices its moved go knock on the neighbors door, if his hands are blue call the cops and charge him for trespassing
  12. small cats like the one you got are very tasty, the bigger ones aren't worth the time and effort, the easiest way I have found to reduce the "muddy" taste on catfish is to cut their gills to bleed em out, put em on ice clean em and eat em I normally head them and gut them, leave skin attached but scrape the slime off with the back end of the fillet knife, wrap in tinfoil with butter, salt, pepper and onions and do em on the BBQ, peel the skin off remove the rib bones and ... dam I'm hungry now
  13. if it isnt too bad I would leave it be, fresh paint could make the buyer think that something is being hidden
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