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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. Well,after finding out the hard way that my white river fly shop waders ha not one, but 2 seams that had come unglued, I talked to a bass pro rep, explained that I had purchased the waders in august, but had lost my receipt, he said it was not a problem, since I had used a gift card + debit to purchase, they would have the transaction on record, and that they were covered under a 1 year warranty since they are a BPS product so, off i went to BPS.


    Fast Forward, returned the waders to BPS, told customer service the issue, and I just wanted to exchange them for a new pair. I was then told that i could only get in store credit, and that since they were on sale within thee last 90 days, that I would only get the sale price as my credit, so now i am either waderless until they come on sale again, or out $50

  2. My electronics saved me $300 on Saturday.


    We were fishing 4' rollers and landing a fish. I still had a rod out on the planer board tipped down 45* and the boat was rockin' hard. I figure at some point with the heavy waves, the rod holder (Bert's Ratcheting Tube) was parallel with the water and the pull from the planer board sucked it right out of the boat.


    We released the fish and Rob said "Ummm, where's your rod?"


    We pulled the big planer board in hoping the release was still clinching the line but no luck.


    We cleared the rods, spun the boat around and re-deployed in hopes to snag the line. Thankfully I was running a Harvo at the time and it's a floating lure. I followed our track on the GPS which was extremely challenging in high winds and waves and prevailed. Saved a Tekota 600LC, rod and muskie lure.


    For trolling I utilize electronics heavily on big water for navigation, systematic trolling, speed and water temperature. Secondary benefits are structure and fish activity. Many of my fish over the years are produced from a clean sonar screen; flat bottom and little activity. If I had to choose either sonar OR gps for trolling, I'd take gps.


    For casting and small water, the electronics are nice to get you to a spot but then your senses and instinct have to take over. A paper chart or topo map is just as useful for finding humps and saddles. Your lure will tell you all you need to know about structure. Practice and education will tell you where the fish should be and your senses will confirm if you are correct. That's where the best anglers excel. ChrisK and I were fishing walleye on the same spot, same presentation and he's outfishing me 5-1. He's in the back of the boat telling me "hey, you got one on" LOL!! The same goes for icefisherman (Emil), fishing the same baits a few feet apart on the ice and getting outfished 5-1. I don't think I even want to attempt carp and walleye fishing with Bly.... LOL!!



    think there was a bit of luck involved with that, the wind didn't blow the lure off trackor the rod didn't drag it down

  3. Why would you get pissed at that? Guy hasn't caught a fish all day, unless you guys were in some sort of $100,000 big fish contest, lol.


    If I'm having a good day with a few in the boat and my oldman hasn't hooked up yet I'll tell him exactly where to cast if I just missed a fish.



    exactly, i like seeing guests or others catch a fish, for me, its a chance to learn

  4. properly taken care of, a rod will last for years, my dad is still using the one he bought 35 years ago, its so worn that the finish is gone, but the rod body is in great shape and had caught more fish than you could ever count. now its a one piece rod, so that may be a factor with no feruls that will crack.

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