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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. yes, i've decided i'm going to systematically go and hike around all the creeks and ponds within a 3km radius of my house. i'm going to check out the storm water one you told me about a few days ago and the creek to the west of it on my spare tommorow at school. then i'm going to check pringle creek on tuesday and see what's there. if all else fails, im going to have to hike my ass down to lake ontario lol.



    lynde marsh holds lots of catfish and the odd perch, small peice of worm under a small float should do the trick nicely, fish off of victoria st, i used to sit on the culvert and catch 30+ in an evening. pringle creek is gin gin clearand very low, and will require an extremely stealthy approach to fish

  2. Headed out Saturday night for about an hour before dark, managed a nice 6lb bullet that smashed an olive hares ear, landed but escaped before I could get the camera out.


    Sunday Started early at about 530am



    after a slow morning which resulted in a 10lb silver bullet lost after about a minute long battle had a great shore lunch with some friends




    After about an hour and full belly, back down to the river, the afternoon was just as slow as the morning, but managed my first of the day and landed this beauty on a bead head hares ear




    about 2 hours later, landed my 2nd of the day on the same fly





    headed back in the am, hopefully the weather isn't too horrible


  3. i think the only issue you'd have is getting a trailer plate, but to get around that, do not tell them you bought a boat and trailer, tell them you had the trailer built since i assume its only a singe axle, not sure on the actual boat, i believe as long as you have registration numbers on it, you're legal on the water

  4. haha yea i can post an old pic, since i often fish alone, its hard to get a pic of me holding a fish, but this is my largest fish i've ever caught, lake or stream


    for size reference, my boot is a size 12

    and no, im not actually stepping on my rod lol

    she was released healthy to lay her eggs



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