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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. On every board that does that, I never check the NF section and miss some great stuff. I think they made this so that you can easily search for reviews than going through the whole board.



    on another forum, they have everything separated into subforums, but on the front page they have a little widget that shows you new topics, and new posts, there's also a menu that will show you all new content since your last log in.


    its just a way of keeping the forum cleaner and not so jumbled

  2. before you get specific on what fly to ty

    just go ahead and have fun...experiment

    noting more satisfying than catching a fish on something that's yours




    i head ya there, make something that looks like a bug, hope it works lol i like experimenting, so i think this will be a good avenue

  3. that would be greatly appreciated, i'll have access to the entire deer carcass, well anything that isn't damaged by the bullet wound anyway, and their party usually shoot about 6 deer a year, the way im seeing it, its a hell of a lot of flies i won't have to buy.


    the turkey feathers i have came off the tail around the bottom edges

  4. yea i realize i'll need more materials then just the thread and furs/feathers, would mostly be interested in trout/salmon an bass patterns.


    the turkey feathers i got actually change colour depending on the angle, from jet black to copper, to orange to red to green kinda cool

  5. Hey all,


    as the topic says, I'm just getting ready to purchase my first vice to start tying my own flies, I work with a bunch of hunters so furs and feathers are definitely not in short supply. Just got some turkey feathers from a friend, so looking for any tips or advice/patterns i could tie with turkey/duck/goose feathers as well as deer hair in the fall, and possibly coyote

  6. That's your opinion. Some of us have jobs that are about 10% customer service and 90% actual work, I'm a butcher , not your butler. I have the right to not look at a soul who walks by, asks questions, rings bells. So if I am nice enough to leave my block to help you out, be nice, or I'll turn around and start cutting again.


    The things the dumbass consumers don't think about.



    Im a butcher as well, you obviously work in a chain store, since thats the kind of attitude i would expect from one. If I ever came into your work and thats the attitude you gave, I would put in a complaint to the store manager daily. You are lucky I don't know where you work, otherwise I'd be sending him to this forum, you are the type of person I would never want working for me. and you wonder why companies want to look at your facebook page before deciding if they're even going to give you an interview.....this guy is why.


    without customers, you have no job, YOU should be kissing THEIR feet

  7. Some customers are jerks. That's tolerable. Some are pushy jerks, also tolerable. Also what I am paid and trained to deal with.


    Some customers are bullies. I'm not paid to deal with them, but if nobody else will, I WILL deal with them.


    Done rant.



    thats what managers are there for, they removed the problem from the store, if it persists, then the police are called in.


    the guy could have easily had a knife or gun with him. if its one thing i've learned, never under estimate anyone

  8. "How the customer treats the staff" ...


    As a worker in retail, all I can say is thank you for pointing that out. Often the store of the employee gets the bad rep.. but how far out of your way would you go to help a lost cause inconsiderate person with no manners or respect whatsoever? Probably not far, for minimum wage.


    Remember those people are simply earning a paycheck, and not much of one, so their abuse tolerance is likely limited.


    I've followed rude customers home at the end of a shift and put fear in them.


    Anyway, thank you misfish!


    I've personally always had good experiences with BPS too. The staff is always helpful and ready. Unless it's a really busy time, which obviously just means that well, its busy.


    I think 90% of people think they are the most important people in the world and just dont understand we get paid the same to serve jimmy a donut as you a bass boat... Figuratively.



    i work in retail, a customer service job, I GET PAID TO LOOK AFTER THE CUSTOMER! not the other way around. Sure its nice that the customer treats you well, but they don't have to. They are there for a certain product, and if after walking around for 5-10 minutes and not seeing any staff to help them, it gets irritating. just always remember, without the customers, there is no paycheck.


    The last 2 times in BP, I was getting a pair of wading boots, had to walk around the shoe department for 10 minutes before someone finally came out of the back room. the other, was looking for a new spinning reel, guy behind the counter came over, told him i was looking for a new reel and was trying to decide between a couple different ones, he just kinda gave a hrmph and went over to someone else

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