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Posts posted by lew

  1. We'd have been out looking for muskies on St. Clair this weekend if it hadn't been for those darned winds turning the water to the clarity and consistency of mud.


    You can dress for the rain, snow and cold and have an excellent day on the water, but it's tough trolling in those winds and 6 foot waves this time of year :(


    We've still got 12 day till the season shuts down, so we'll see what happens.

  2. Probably Lew. Here's a typical autumn CH pose with the evidence shown clearly:



    That CH sure knows how to pose with the muskies....here's another from River X



    Your right Chris, Jamies definetely the Dawg King when it comes to toothies, he even brought his talents with him when we fished the K-Lakes this summer :thumbsup_anim:

  3. We've got this ugly white stuff spread all over the ground here this morning, it's about 1/4 inch deep, slippery, and really cold to the touch :o


    Not something we've been too used to so far this year down here in the Banana Belt and I don't think I like it.


    Looks like winter has caught up to us too.........dang :P

  4. Here's my spin on this, and Gerritt, it's not directed at you specifically, but just to everyone in general who wants to break the rules, then complain when they get caught and whine cause the copper gave them a ticket.


    We all see it everyday, at least I do here in the Smoke, guys flying down the hiway doing 160 and forcing everybody else outta their way, roaring thru city streets at 90, running red lights and stop signs, illegal turns, cutting everybody off and just plain being a pain in the butt and a danger to me and my family.


    Personally, I luv nothing more than seeing the coppers pull these jerks over.


    I spent 30 odd years cutting dead and dying bodies from mangled cars and have seen waaaaaay too much crap to have any sympathy for those who figure the hiways and city streets are their own personal racetracks.


    If anybody wants to break the rules and endanger everyone else on the road, don't come crying when you get nailed and hafta dig deep into your pockets to pay for it. Everybody always slags the coppers and claim their being picked on, or the cop was a jerk for giving me a ticket.


    Maybe you should ask the copper for a few of his own horror stories caused by some of the jerks he wasn't able to stop before they killed the guy down the hiway a couple miles.


    I'm not talkin about the guy doing 10k over the limit, but the ones that act like morons.


    Funny thing too, it's usually the young punkers with the least amout of experience that always think their the best drivers and can do anything they want with no bad consequenses.


    We've got quite a few coppers, firemen and medics on this board, and I can guarantee, everyone of them will tell you the same thing.


    Next time anybody gets a speeding ticket, maybe think about it before you start complaining about it and wondering how you can get out from under it. If you want to break the rules, fine, just be prepared to pay the piper


    I had to cancel my weekend musky trip because of the high winds and I'm in a foul mood this morning, so there's my rant to blow off some steam........have a nice weekend everybody.


    BTW Gerritt, I hope the little guy is feeling better.

  5. Glen, the exact same thing happened to a couple friends of mine quite a few years back on the French River, when they brought their own knucklehead along for a pickeral trip. They were gonna fish an eddy just off the fast water, but before they got in position, their knucklehead did the same thing and tossed out the stern anchor.


    Trouble was, they were still in fairly deep water when the anchor grabbed, and when the stern went down and filled the boat with water, it actually sank, tossing them all into the current, and one of the boys couldn't swim a stroke and was pulled under. Fortunately, the others were able to find him and get him to shore. He was unconscious, but finally came around and made a full recovery, but it shows how fast a tragedy could happen.


    Sadly, one of the fella's on that boat, a very good friend of mine for many years, and one of the best musky fishermen I ever knew, died 2 years ago, and unfortunately, his wife just died yesterday :(




    On a much lighter note, when myself & eddyk were were just little kids, we were going fishing with our grandfather one day while on a camping trip. We loaded the fish'n gear in the boat, untied the bow line and hopped in. Grampa was at the tiller and hit the gas, but nuthin was happening, other than the bow rising and the stern dropping. The more throttle he gave it, the lower the stern went until the water poured in and down we went......glug, glug, glug :o


    Yup, Gramps had neglected to untie the stern line :P


    We were Ok though, cause the water was only 4 feet deep, but it's something I'll never forget. I can still see the old wooden floor boards and half our tackle floating off into the sunset :lol:

  6. Squid & I had planned another 2 day musky trip to St. Clair for this weekend but decided to cancel because of the high winds and heavy rainfall.


    It's a long drive from Toronto-Windsor & back, plus the $$$$ for gas, hotels & food, only to get there and find the waters have turned to mud and the fish have shut down. That happened to us a couple weeks back.


    It's too bad as the season is quickly winding down.


    I think this is my 1st weekend not fishing at least one day since last May :(

  7. fishndevil, I use a trolling plate on my 90HP Merc in the spring when I want to go very slow and have never experienced any steering difficulties at all. It works exceptionally well for slowing the boat down, infact, I sometimes have to increase the throttle to speed up a bit.


    Over the years I've tried towing the driftsocks & buckets but always found them to be a pain, specially when trolling at night, but have never had any issues whatsoever with the plate.


    Once the musky season opens and slow trolling speeds are no longer required, it takes me 2 minutes to remove the plate and store it away till next year.

  8. I can't help you with the Optimax as I've never used one, but I have an '01 Merc 4 stroke 90 HP, that I bought new and have never had a single problem with, and it gets used ALOT.


    I think the 90's & 115's are basically the same motor ??


    Very reliable engine, quiet, dependable, and extremely good on gas, especially when only running about 2/3 throttle. It's also nice to be able to troll all day and not worry about fouling the plugs.


    Maintanence and winter storage is very simple to do yourself.


    I traded in a 90 HP Johnson 2 stroke for this one, and even though the 4 stroke is 85 pounds heavier, I only lost

    about 1 mph top end. The 2 strokes are probably a faster hole shot, but that was never a big concern to me personally and I never really noticed that much difference.

  9. You guys have all got it waaaaaaay too soft today with all your fancy suspension and hand/thumb warmers :lol:


    But I wish we had it back in the day :blush:



    I had to give up riding about 15 years ago because of a medical thingy, but before that, a bunch of us spent alot of incredible winters cruising all the trails between Peterboro-Bancroft-Haliburton and anywhere else we could find.


    We all started off with old junkers about 25 odd years ago, but eventually we were all riding beautiful machines, but I often think we had the most fun on the old clunkers. They weren't very fast and certainly weren't at all comfortable........practically no suspension under the hard seats and I don't think hand/thumb warmers had been invented yet, but when you don't know the difference, you don't miss it.


    Lotsa good memories with this thread !! :rolleyes:


    This is me on my old Ski-Doo Silver Bullet about 25 years back





    My buddy Dave on his old Suzuki




    My other bud Ron on his Yamaha





    Group shot before a ride.......checkout the old Evinrude on the left





    Ahhhhhhh yes, the good ole days.......I often think things were more fun back in the day, before all the rules and regs came into effect and the trails weren't as crowded as the 401 at rush hour ;)

  10. Mornin dr-feelgood


    It was good meeting up with you folks last night and thanks very much for the invite to your party, but it had been a very long day for our group and we still had a couple hours drive to get back home.


    Always nice to meet fisherfolk from other boards and several from your group came over and introduced themselves to us and also invited us to join them. You've got a great group of friends there.


    Thanks again !! ;)

  11. The Shimano Compre rods come with an across the counter, lifetime warranty and cost 1/2 the price of the Avid


    I use them all for muskies, Avids, Premiers, Compres and Maina rods and can honestly say, IMHO, while the Avid is a nice rod, I can't see where it's nessesary to spend the extra $$$$ on one for throwing large baits where sensitivity is not an isssue.


    This year I added both a new 7' 6" Premier and 7' 6" Compre to my boat and am so pleased with both of them that I'd never spend the extra $$$$ for an Avid again, but that's just my opinion.

  12. yes matt,it still sorta looks the same,wonde what the fishin was like back then????/ can you tell us lew :D


    Back then, just like today, we only fished Quinte in the springtime, so we never got into any of the mosters that are caught in the fall, but we always got/get plenty of eater sized fish.


    Even today though, whenever we make our annual spring pickeral trip to the area, I nearly always take the ferry across, just for old times sake, and just like tinbanger, if I had a dollar for everytime I crossed the Reach on that old girl, I'd be a wealthy man today ;)

  13. Lotsa talk this week about folks fishing around the Glenora Ferry near Adolphus Reach for the recent OFC g2g on Quinte.


    I started fishing the same area back in the 50's with my Dad & brother, eddyk, and still fish there every May, and thought some of you may get a kick outta seeing the ferry docks from way back then. I don't know the year, or remember who took this picture, but it was probably my Dad, somewhere around 1960.


    Hope you enjoy the old picture :)



  14. It's good that we were able to contibute in our small way to help make this a reality.


    My Grandfather served with the British Army in WW1 and fought from the trenches in Europe for 4 years, and fortunately survived and lived till the ripe old age of 85, even though he was hit by shrapnel and carried pieces of it in his body his entire life.


    Another time him & his crew were trapped in a dead-end ravine while several dozen Germans moved in on them, but he was able to climb out, circle behind them and kill them all, allowing his men to get out safely.


    For that he was awarded the Military Medal for Bravery


    When I was very small he wouldn't tell me much about the war, but as we both grew older he started to open up and told me some things they went thru over there that were absolutely unbelievable. It's hard to understand what some human beings can do to others


    I spose it's easy for us to say we understand, but for those of us that haven't experienced it, there is NO way in the world we'll EVER understand what those guys went thru, and awarding them all with a State Funeral is the very least we can do for them.

  15. Gorgeous pickeral Bill and congrats on your PB ;)


    About 10 years ago my son and I were camped on Adolphus Reach when that ESSROC freighter went by and she thru up such a huge wave that it tore my boat from the dock and shoved it right up on the beach :(


    Luckily the only damage done was to the cleats that were ripped outta the dock.

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