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Posts posted by lew

  1. 38 minutes ago, misfish said:

     Was not hard to tell many heard this as the beer store and liquor store were lined up outside . 

    From just a little bit I caught on the news it sounds like the Liquor Store will remain open as it's gonna be classed as an essential service for those with drinking problems according to Dr. de Villa

  2. Wife & I are both retired with 4  good pensions coming in monthly and we don't owe a cent to anyone so we're fortunate that we don't have the money worries that so many across the country are already having or will be soon with the 1000's of unexpected lay-offs and I feel very sorry for so many of them and hopefully it doesn't last too long.

    We also live in the country so not as many people to avoid like in the urban areas.

    I consider us lucky.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Big Cliff said:

    I am just wondering if there is really any point in getting tested. There is no cure and it seems that if you do test positive you are to self isolate, that's what's suggested anyway for people that MAY have been exposed. 

    But if you test positive at least others living in your house can take extra precautions to keep more distance from you ?

    Just my thoughts anyways Cliff

  4. Lotsa places shutting down now, my wife was scheduled for physio tomorrow and  that's cancelled, her hairdresser cancelled an appointment for Friday and an upcoming annual eye exam for me has been cancelled too.

    Guess it's gonna get worse before it gets better.

  5. Paul, my last boat was a deep V Skeeter with a 150 Yamaha. The dealer told me he'd give me any stainless prop I wanted and seeing as I wanted the proper one for my rig I contacted Skeeter and they told me exactly which prop would be optimum for me and that's what the dealer put on it.

    If you were to contact Princecraft and give them all your details I'm sure they could tell you the right prop for your set-up too.

    And BTW, I've spent time in your boat with the previous owner and you've got an excellent ride there.

  6. We shop in Foodland in Lakefield, it's a small store but very nice and never busy at all. Today we got an email from them saying yesterday was the busiest day they've EVER had.

    It's open 24/7 and we need some stuff so I'll be heading down there very early tomorrow morning before most folks are even awake and hopefully they'll still have some stock left.

    I'm like you Brian and never thought I'd see this type of thing.

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