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Posts posted by lew

  1. The white deer and her fawn are in my yard several times a day now but today I saw a huge wound on the fawns side. Don't know if a coyote grabbed her or what but it's really nasty. It's wide open and at least as big as a man's hand but it's not bleeding and she walks just fine and doesn't seem to be in any pain or distress and is eating well.

    Kinda hard to see in these pictures but it's on her left side directly in front of her back leg. I tried to enlarge it but don't know how to keep the bigger picture.



  2. 17 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    We fished Big Island for years evert spring 

    That brings back a flood of memories John, every May 24 long weekend for most of my life Quinte was our annual springtime family fishing trip around Hay Bay. My dad, myself & my brother along with uncles, cousins, grandfather and friends.

    Kept it up for years but one by one they all started dying off until it was just my brother and I left and then he passed in 2007 and now I'm the only one left and that was it for the fishing trip....done.

    Still got a lifetime of great memories left though

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  3. I bought a new boat back in 1999 and payed the bill in full including all taxes.

    Months later I got a letter from the government wanting a copy of the bill of sale to prove I paid the taxes so I figured no problem and sent them a copy. About a year later I got another letter for the same thing so once more I sent a copy of the bill of sale but now I'm thinking I'm dealing with morons.

    After probably another year I get a 3rd. letter from these clowns asking once again for a copy of my bill of sale which I just totally ignored and I never heard from them again.

    Sad that some of these people actually get paid with our $$$$

  4. This is just an FYI for any of you boys who may buy fishing stuff from this place. 

    They had a pretty bad fire there last week and it seems like the place is pretty well gutted. The owner hopes to re-build and open again someday but who knows when that may be.

    It's only a couple miles from my house and I drove by during the fire and and even though I was a fireman for many years it's still sad to see someones dreams going up in smoke.

    Anyways, if anyone uses this place you'll need to find somewhere else to pick up your supplies next summer.

    fire 2.jpg


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  5. 1 hour ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    Lew has more Musky stories than  have had birth days, that's more than a few. 

    And some of the stories are even true  hahaha

    Here's a good one about my wife and her 1st and only musky.

    25  years ago we were at the lake and early one Sunday morning I headed out fishing before sunrise.

    My wife had only ever fished a few times and never caught much more than the odd sunfish or perch but this morning she figured she'd go make a few casts from the dock and hopefully surprise me with a pickerel breakfast when I got back in.

    On only her 2nd cast she got hit hard and pretty near freaked out...her words...when a musky went airborne but she hung on and somehow was able to get it into shore and drag it up on the beach. She had no tools and no idea how to get the hook out and still keep her fingers. She ran up and got a neighbor who was able to unhook it but sadly the fish was already dead. 

    No leader, a small hook, 6# line and zero experience but she did it.

    My wife was ecstatic with her catch but felt terrible about it dying but we had a friend who was a taxidermist so we took it to him and he mounted it.

    She still tells the story to anybody that'll listen  LOL



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  6. 3 minutes ago, Rodbender said:

    Nice Lew I'd like a better pic of the fawn looks like really dark possible Melnistic ?

    If you look at the left side of the very 1st picture at the top of this page from last Saturday you can see the fawn much clearer, at least part of her, and you'll see she's not as dark as she appears in the other pictures.

    There's quite a few fawns around here and she's about the same colour as the others and she's always with the Piebald Deer.

  7. A week ago there was a deer in my yard that was half white & half brown but she disappeared before I could get my camera. Just an hour ago I looked out and she was here again but she started to head back into the woods but I was able to get this picture from the rear but you an see the two colors very clear.

    Pretty kool looking critter and certainly nothing I've ever seen before.

    Hopefully I can get a better shot if she returns.

    Just ignore the big ole turkey trying to hog the picture LOL


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