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Posts posted by lew

  1. Sux for sure Dan, my daughter is over 100 miles from us and 3 weeks ago she was in the hospital for a week, then home for a week, then back in hospital for another week. Weren't allowed to go see her and now that she's home we still can't see her. 

    No idea when this will all end but hopefully...for all of us...it'll be sooner rather than later.

    BTW, cute kids Dan and congrats on the addition of the new member.

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  2. 51 minutes ago, big guy said:

    Actually, unless things have changed in the last few days, a lot of hospitals, in this part of the world anyway, Lindsay area, are not maxed out. I have a sister that works there and she says its really nice working there right now, people are staying at home and not running to emerg for sniffles and cut fingers, the sort on non emergency stuff people always swamp the place with. 

    My daughter's been in Toronto Western Hospital  for a week now....not the virus....and she says it's unbelievably quiet in there and almost seems like there's nobody around other than medical staff.

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  3. Just my thoughts, but Canadians buy a HUGE amount of 3M products including the new Ontario license plates.

    I have absolutely no idea how much money 3M makes from Canadians but I'd imagine it's pretty darned substantial and to now be cut off from something as important as these masks would just plain stink to put it mildly.


  4. *****The Government of Ontario must allow boat launches to be open only to fishermen during the current global pandemic, COVID-19!*****

    I can't believe you actually want the ramps open ONLY  to fishermen and nobody else.

     Don't you think EVERYBODY would like the opportunity to go for a cruise on the lake to get a break from what's happening these day ?

    Seems to me you somehow think your better than the family that doesn't fish but enjoys a boat ride.

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  5. I saw Ford on the news last night and he was understandably mad.

    He said they keep doing things to keep people safe and so many just ignore everything. They even taped off the playgrounds to  keep the kids away from each other and some morons go behind and rip the tape down and cut off the padlocks....and I doubt if the kids have bolt cutters.

    He's said before that he'll keep doing whatever it takes and this was just inevitable.


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  6. I use a BUNN coffee maker and am very happy with it and buy Maxwell House Original Blend.

    Normally about $14 but frequently goes on sale at Foodland for $6 - $7 and when it does we pick up several cans.

    I like Timmies but the only time I ever buy one is when were travelling a long distance a few times a year.

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