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Posts posted by lew

  1. 37 minutes ago, Raycaster said:


    I think Lew's suggestion that there really isn't a ton of foam down there to cause a massive weight shift

    Sorry Raycaster but that's not what I was implying, I was just suggesting on smaller side console boats that one person sitting behind the wheel will definitely cause it to lean that way.

    My Bro in Law had a similar size Legend and it leaned like yours from Day 1.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Raycaster said:


    Nothing looked out of whack on the boat or hull and beside my 200lb  I could never figure out the tilt.

    A 16' Legend isn't a very big boat and if your in the boat by yourself your 200lbs will definitely throw the boat over to the right side. 

    It could very well be wet foam but I'm guessing it may just be your own weight all on one side plus the added weight of the steering console that's causing the issue.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Terry's done some of mine too Norm and he does excellent work but I also need to get it enlarged quite a bit but still keep it as sharp as possible so I thought an actual photo studio may be the best bet.

    There's a place down in Peterboro I'm gonna contact and see what they say..

  4. I was going through some old pictures yesterday that I haven't seen in years and came across this one of my wife and I that was taken more 50 years ago.

    The images have faded badly, the color is mostly gone and there's wrinkles in the picture.

    It's a great picture and I would like to get it fixed up with the color restored, the images made visible again and even the wrinkles somehow photoshopped out.

    Also the photograph is only about 2" x 3" and it'd be nice if it could be enlarged to maybe 5 x 7 or even larger.

    Is this something that's possible for a good photography studio to be able to repair ?


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  5. Because of so many jerks causing problems the Crown Land around Burleigh Falls has no been closed off to the public.

    Besides all the garbage left on the land and the vandalism to properties,  there's even been reports of people crapping on the front lawn of homeowners.

    https://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/news/peterborough-region/2020/07/09/burleigh-falls-in-peterborough-county-closed-to-public-after-complaints.html#:~:text=Burleigh Falls in Peterborough County closed to public after complaints,-By Marissa Lentz&text=The Ministry of Natural Resources,the public until further notice.&text=Joe Ayotte said there were,enforcing the closure on Thursday.

    I'm fortunate to live only 2 miles from Burleigh Falls and the place is absolutely gorgeous and it's so hard to believe the way some people treat these beautiful spots and the more it continues the more spots will be closed off.

    How can anyone be such a jerk to intentionally destroy such a beautiful spot ?






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    • Sad 1
  6. I fished the Kawarthas since the 50's and and also a LOT of time on Quinte plus Lake St. Clair , the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers but my favorite place of all is chasing muskies on the West Arm of Nippissing.

    I got out of fishing a couple years back and sold everything including my boat but a small group of us still go to Nip every year and rent a couple cabins and have as much fun as always.

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