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Angler management

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About Angler management

  • Birthday 11/03/1985

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Angler management's Achievements

Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. I got into quite a few while in Trenton last week. I debated keeping one to try but changed my mind once i hit my limit of eyes. Hahaha
  2. I was tagged on facebook with this video, i thought everybody on here would enjoy it! https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpf1/v/t42.1790-2/10444103_510893315723399_196896660_n.mp4?oh=f1e18f568580855e16cc468bac85bbdd&oe=53F78001
  3. I love the sick stick action! I use the finicky ticklers on drop shots with great results, im sure you will like them also.
  4. My 2 year old jiffy is a piece of junk. Every time i got it started i would think to myself " looks like its gonna be my lucky day today"! Lol. Needless to say, i just bought a normark/husqvarna with 10" blade. Wish i did at the beginning of season!
  5. Whats "too far from lines"?
  6. The crappie rod Garry built for my dad has the microwave guides. Phenomenal casting distance!
  7. I couldnt picture that tank of a reel on the dobyns. I had the same rod and i wouldnt pair it with anything other than a core 51. But to each their own.
  8. Great job once again Garry! My dad absolutely loves the rod i had you build for him last year! Keep up the amazing work!
  9. I watched a segment online about improving performance of aluminum bass boats. In this case it was a Ranger aluminum, and apparently it makes all the difference... This is according to a guy who has a sponsorship by the jackplate company keep in mind. Lol
  10. Hopefully it doesnt mess up Simcoe for the weekend too bad!
  11. But with the premium subscription i suppose you get these updated maps as they become available.
  12. Pretty sure it says in description that its not available yet in Canada. It uses actual sonar readings from customers boats. When you go to update ur navionics map, it uploads ur data first and uses the info to create better detail... Thats what i understand anyhow. Lol
  13. Thanks for the info! I will be heading out on Sunday with a few buddies, hopefully we can locate the fish. I only make a couple trips a year up there and lately havent had the best results. Lol
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