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chris f.

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Everything posted by chris f.

  1. lol... i'm in!! my quad has been torn down to the basic needs, and fitted out for ice fishing.. it weighs 230lbs less than stock. put a inflatable pfd on it combined with the tire pressure, and im walking on water baby
  2. lol.. great stuff guys!! here's mine...its a combo i guess its not ice fishing, but it was in open water above the half thawed ice pack lol
  3. lol... i can't stop laughing
  4. lol... i love it first off... i don't think anyone here said they know better then anyone else.. reading back, i see a bunch of guys sharing their opinions on a very serious matter. you have pretty much confirmed everyone's posts with info from a bunch of sources. i used to drive in my late father's truck all the time across the bay at my cottage to get in, and to go out fishing before we had a quad. there was also 12-20"+ in those days. as bill said.... i always wear my float suit while on the ice, even if its 12". but i too have a quad/skidoo for that. i won't take my $42,000 pick-up out on the ice south of north bay these days. but if i did.. my door is open with my left foot on it pushing if fully open...,, again, just an opinion be safe bouys!!
  5. i would say that the fish get a laugh every time someone goes thru... this is my buddy after his latest trip thru, i pulled him out no prob, as the ice was 6 inches thick just steps away from the log. no joke though.. he was freaked out and needed someone there to calm him down to make an easy exit from the water. he still had a chill in his bones 3 days later. Best piece of advice i can give which shhould be common sense... is if you do go thru, in a car/truck, quad, sled or just walking.. remain calm, ... think...... and if there is someone there with you to help... do not pull them... let them pull you, my week away could have turned out alot worse if my buddy hadn't taken a second to relax and listen. plus i wear a floater suit lol
  6. lol..i'm the same way.. i have 2 - 8" hand augers, one is a swede-bore and the other is a normark. both worked great for the first 3 seasons, then the normark took the lead because of the blade issue. then i got new blades, and they were equal again til one of my buddy's horsed it too much and bent the tip on the swede-bore now i drill all the holes lol nothing beats the old 10" jiffy tho, but the fact remains the same.. take good care of your gear, and it will last a lifetime. i'm still using my dads tip ups with the same line on them from 20 years ago
  7. im looking at the reg's right now and can't see anything saying its limited to 4 or less hooks.. but my dads tipups at the cottage have had those rigs on for years and mnr never said anything before so.. i'll take my chances lol
  8. thanks terry, and the rigs i run are on tipups... 2' apart with a 6" leader for a splitshot on the end. so a 2 way rig with 6-10" of line on each side with a single snell hook on each. repeat 2 feet down the line and add minnows to each. i have had minimal tangles in even moderate current and have had a few double headers that way. i usually fish zone 18 so i believe.. that is legal ?
  9. hey terry.. if u don't mind me asking, how did you get the collage of pics at the bottom of your posts?
  10. so a pickeral rig with 4 single snell hooks, with a minnow on each hook is legal or not? lol
  11. lol, ya he lost his humility fairly quick.. its ususally not that bad near the log, but the warm weather and sun all day, thinned out the ice good lol i am hoping to make it up a few more times before ice out and have more than enough room, if anyone here is close enough to me to make the trip. dates to come soon and details to come upon request... thanks guys for the comments
  12. thanks bouys.. it was a blast.. gonna try to do it again soon and once during ice out
  13. thank you yes most times you can drive right in if you have 4x4, but there is a clear cut just off the highway we plow and 2x4 cars and trucks can park and we go in on the quad or sled. There are a few year round cottages too, so the roads are usually pretty decent. I had to drag my fiends mini van up a hill with the chains so he could get out on monday lol
  14. Hey guys,...So we got up to the lake by noon wednesday the 16th, on the ice and set up by 3pm. smokey warming up the old wood stove lol realized that i forgot the waterproof camera i bought for the trip, so another friend was coming on friday and would bring it.. pictures were late coming and we missed alot of good pice due to being spread out on the ice with only 1 camera old walter that was on the wall when our family bought the cottage in '83... 29.5". unknown weight the bay... -9c when we got there and you can see the open water from the rapids to the right, so it was slow going spudding and drilling holes across the bay thinnest ice we saw on the path to the walleye gounds.. this being 6-8" in the middle of the channel leading from the rapids, flowing out the narrows. around 5pm and set up over10-25 feet of water between 2 weed beds with a nice drop off. lots of drilling by hand, as the jiffy felt like taking a nap on us for the first 3 days lol. headed back into the camp by 6pm for a night of drinking and an attempt at an early bite... thursday moning... -21 overnight and could hear the lake poppin' and gowing all night -19 at 6:30am. if you notice the open water is not so open lol ready to go tip up #1... one of dads old home made bad boys first we jigged up the perch, hit about 15 or 20 between 7 and 8 am. kept 4 or 5 that were a pound or that were messed up by hook set then the eyes moved in.. 1st one was small thru it back, next was a pound and a half, then 2 and a half, then my tip up #1 went off like in jaws.. bzzzzzz he took my reel almost all the way down to the end, then after pulling him up 3 times to the hole, pulled me right back to the bottom twice befoe poking its head outta the hole 29.5" on the wall... and my P.B out of my collage lake Kashwakamak.. 27.2" and 5.89lbs.. gonna link the video of the fish on the scale once its on you-tube ate dinner and went back out for the evening bite... this is my friend scott.. walking outta the darkness after being saved by the man in the float suit moments before .. we heard the famous last words " hey i'll show you how safe it is " then splash.. into 30 feet of water. lol at least he has a smile on his face, and not too far to shore on the quad... this is where i went to take a leak.. and found that the sun had beat down on this log all day.. nuff said.. picks in the sleeves guys and this is a man size hole... where i'm standing in the pic below it is 6" thick, but we all know what the log did to the ice around it.. i guess scott forgot lol.. so after 20 minutes in the cottage infront of the fire and a few pops, we head back out... then the next nite afte chumming the water with scott's stupid ass.. he gets one.. and the final tally for the 3 days scott and his brother jay were there, they left friday. from the top.. 5.89lb, 2x 3.4lb, 3.2lb, 2.1lb walters, and those size perch were hitting all week long with reckless abandon lol.. got and thru back a few smallmouth and a little white fish too. cold weather hitfor a few days and winds up to 70mph caused the bite to slow for a few days, and i think thats why the trout wouldn't bite ..? oh well, good week all in all and i'm gonna get up there once more before ice out!! can't wait to do it all again Cheers boys.. be safe lb
  15. Back from up north!! :) how do i upload pics and video?

  16. lookin for anyone that has had the pleasure of fishing this beautiful brookie lake... i'm heading up north on the 15th for a week to hit a few lakes aound my cottage and was wondering if anyone here was in the area of Kashwakamak Lake wanted to tag along. Heading up the 15th and coming back the 21st
  17. lol... i was a dodge guy and i was happy with my ram 1500... but i have a 2008 Sierra Z71 4x4 and its awsome i would never drive a ford, but thats a whole other thread lol plus both my parents are GM lifers
  18. congrat's bud... its the best feeling in the world i'm having my 2nd boy in may and can't wait til they out fish me
  19. All geared up, ready to head north to Kash!!!

    1. Fisherpete


      Trent River - send me a PM please regarding ice gear I have for sale

  20. there is a good steel ring on it.. good point the locksmith has come and gone.. and did a great job.. took apart the key cylnder and made an impression on some type of SOFT metal,... then snip snip and there were 2 new keys.. works great and when i find the other key tomorrow (with my luck...lol) i'll have spares. thanks for the help guys
  21. i've got it to where i have it in run position with the lights light up... its just " turn key to on position" but the electic start wont go... and the pull start needs repair i have a locksmith coming this afternoon to make me a new key.. they say about 95% success rate...
  22. good tips guys, the yamaha shop said its "best" to get the genuine part from them = $600 .. i dont know why. its only a 2 click ignition, just on and off. so with the lights on, i just need to get the starter to work.. i will try again in the morning. thanks guys
  23. i talked to my yamaha dealer the other day and told them i lost the key, and they said new ignition, didn't say anything about a replacement key if the pull start worked i would be golden, and i have the machine powered up, just no way to turn it over ( im not push starting her lol )
  24. so i lost the key to my quad... its holding up my fishing i think its in the snow in the yard but unless it all melts, i'll have to wait til spring. yamaha says its $600 fo a new ignition, and i don't wanna do that. can i rig up something so the electric start will work? i have the lights on but the pull start don't work (figures)... any ideas?
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