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chris f.

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Everything posted by chris f.

  1. great info... thank you guys i'm looking forward to the weekend in the bush and the tent you have is perfect. thanks again
  2. Hey ... thanks for the tips.. just got in from jigging, and figured out 3 way is the only way to get near vertical with this current. i have no way of judging how fast the current is, but i say its pretty fast.. i can hear the flow from the dam a few miles away. 1 1/2 oz jig on 3 way with i dunno.. 5 or 6 sinkers and the line was still almost sideways. kind of freaks me out thinking how fast the current is under our feet at any given time
  3. I am going to be heading up north in late Jan. I'm going to need a good tent, as we plan on staying a few nights. Google hasn't helped me find anything more than a thermal fishing popup. Something like the pop ups mountain climbers use maybe.. ? i set up my 4 person tent today in the yard and it sure won't do. lol... any thoughts or links would be appreciated.
  4. Hey all, i hope everyone has had a great holiday so far!!! So I, or i should say the lower trent has been graced with ice... i have 5 inches of decent ice, 20-30 feet out off my dock. got a few tip up's out late this afternoon and going back out jigging in a bit. Now, being new to the trent, the current is kind of tripping me out a bit. I know what it was like in the summer, and last winter the river didn't freeze over completely. Currently it's frozen over from shore to shore with no visible open spots. Any tips on keeping your bait on bottom without using 5 lbs of sinkers, or is that about it?
  5. nice.. i was just down in july and didn't wanna come back. Bishops Falls and the Exploits river have some incredible fishing, hell the whole island is paradise. can't wait to go back and hit the cod again
  6. we've been getting fair ice on the trent river, below lock 7 for days now.. i woke up this morning and went down to the dock and there is 4-5 in. ten to 20 feet off my dock i know the bottom pretty well, so was safe in chippin my holes. it goes from 2-3 feet down to 20 feet pretty quick, so i started close to shore and worked out slowly. and yes pick's should be a given when going out on the ice
  7. hey all.. just seeing if anyone has been to or is planning a trip to Kashwakamak, Mazinaw or any of the many lakes near by. I have been going up to Kash for 29 years and plan to do a good fish of the lake and surrounding area this coming summer. our family has had a cottage there for as long as i've been alive. i would love to hear stories of others trips to the Kash!
  8. yea, i love it out here.. cast of the dock every day, every night. the gar are or were very picky each time we saw them. once we floated right thru about 3 different schools in a little cove and they just sat there not taking interest in the bait, but also not spooking.. it was something i wish i'd had my camera for i hear fly fishing works well for them, but i lack the fly skills lol. tick to them is getting them to follow.. get a follow and your strike rate goes way up. as soon as i get some time on the river learning structure and what not, it's supposed to be great fishing
  9. i mean yes, in toronto where there are like 5000 cops and just as many other emerg. workers there is help to go around, but in small communities or where the nearest help is miles or more away, it is " wasting " the essential services the community pays for. if my house is burning down or im trapped in a car wreck, and the only ems and fire crew is out helping someone on the ice in feb... i'd sue someone.. everyone!! lol
  10. or they will go out again this feb. and get stuck and we will all be here this time next year saying these exact things
  11. ^ an even better idea
  12. its not a " fisheman tax "... its a " stupid people, who waste emerg.services time by going on the ice after warnings in late february" tax, and not one rescue senario/cost is ever the same
  13. well i thought my very first post about the bay of quinte rescue was a part of the discussion, but sorry for my input. i guess its just me thinking this, but if you go out on Feb26th like those guys ( in Quinte as per my 1st post ) did on 3-4 inch ice, you are asking for bad news. thats all i was saying. i never once even commented on the subject of fines, i simply stated facts from the news. as for my " sad story " i'm so happy to see the level of compassion you guys have, i moved away from toronto to get away from the selfish ignorant people that are under appreciated for what they do. i was a city of toronto worker for a long time.. i saw it daily. my accident wasn't the point but terry made it personal. sorry folks for the drama. Thanks for the talk lol
  14. im glad to see that you agree with everything terry said. those figures can be found on a number of local news sites, and i was arguing the same point til i was told it was my fault for going out in my car when there was slush on the roads. im also glad to know its my fault some other driver thought he had rights to the whole road. oh, and how its my fault that they just kept on driving even though they just caused a car to roll into the ditch with a 10 month old child in it. so because i apparently ignored some warning from no one that a car was going to run me off the i should have to pay for a rescue that never came..? thats what terry's telling me so if you want to agree with him fine, but at least read the rest of the posts so you have your facts straight. all i did was comment on the bay of quinte rescue last year and terry felt obligated to tell me that i did something wrong by driving and that i expect free rescue when something goes bad. not the case and i have said that in my previous posts. as for the MAIN issue in question here ( again ).. i agree that people have a right to assistance when in danger, but if that danger is self inflicted then you pay the price... tell me that a fire crew or ems team has ever made a family pay for rescue from a single car roll over... please.. and thats my opinion
  15. i expected to be dead along with my family terry.. if we HAD been injured and needed to use the service of an ambulance, i would, and have gladly paid for it in the past. this is exactly my point. you are missing the fact that accident's are one thing all together as far as the service's we require. no one gets in the car in the morning and thinks.. " ok, im gonna get cut off again on my way to work today, but this time im gonna flip my car 5 times and end up squished, not able to get out." do you get billed for that? or me.. i think if there is a bill it comes to me. the same goes for if i get up in the morning and say " im goin' ice fishing " and the ice pack breaks up and i float away. they come to save me.. i gladly pay the price to be alive. i never said that I expected anything for free. the point is that daily, we do dangerous things out of necessity ( drive, work ect ) and things for pleasure ( ie. fishing, snowboarding ect ) if you do things that are dangerous and require others to put their lives at risk to save you, you are the sole person at fault.. not me or anyone else. that being said, yes i agree that everyone should be paying the same for the SAME services. if i get lost on a mountain, and terry got stuck out fishing we both should pay the appropriate fees associated to the rescue .. thats been my point from the beginning of this wonderful and jolly thread lol Merry HoHoHo and Happy New Year... Bay of Quinte for the win
  16. i do.. my boat launch is right on the trent river..
  17. exactly
  18. oh and ps.. sorry for taking the thread on a downward spiral, its just a touchy subject with me about the car wreck.. we are all alive and thats all that matters, as is being rescued from the ice, fines or no fines.
  19. lol... did you even take some time to read my post terry? i was NOT rescued. OPP and EMS didn't show up for 45+ minutes. And who told me that there was slush on the shoulders of the road? no one... i ignored...? what warnings? so i guess i should not go anywhere for christmas because there is 4 inches of slush on the shoulder of the road.. even the OPP reported that it was not a weather related accident. and what about the driver that forced me off the road terry? you saying that he had the right to go out on christmas morning and almost kill 3 people, or did i ignore that too? so what is your point terry? i'm saying if you put yourself in danger (being on thin ice) you suffer the consequence.. and the fines. whats your say on that terry? and for the record.. every driver puts his/her lives at risk every time you leave the driveway... weather is not an excuse for people who shouldn't be driving in the first place.. fisherman/woman or not and we have INSURANCE for that
  20. yes thank you we were all fine.. graco car seats for the win... and always wear your seat belts people!! trust me, its alot better to be hanging upside down then to go thru the windshield
  21. lol.. and i think that would fix this issue.. insurance companies should offer a fisherman policy lol... if you want to go out on the ice and fish, buy an insurance policy for it because if i weren't a fisherman, i would be livid if my tax dollars went to some band of suicidal ice fishermen had to be rescued.. but if it were me i would have no prob. paying the fine, provided no one else had to pay for my stupidity.
  22. "I have no problem with paying for rescue as long as every person pays for every situation not just fishermen you just gave approval for fees for being a fisherman and I think that is wrong" i never said that it should be charge to us by way of taxes or whatever... i said it should be an "individual" penalty
  23. i guess i should clarify my stance on this lol.. i believe that being rescued from car wrecks are a bit of a stretch from being rescued on frozen water or lack there of... i was actually in an accident christmas morning. an on coming car was crowding the middle of a slushy country road and forced me off the road into a ditch where the car flipped twice, landing on its roof. should i have stayed home because the roads were a bit slushy? where was my rescue.. i had to get my wife and 10 month old child out on my own.. should i get tax $$ back because it took the opp and ems 45 mins to get there because it was chrismas morning? or because 911 didn't tell them that the car was flipped? if you venture out onto thin ice it is YOUR fault if you have to be rescued and i think that should be an individual penalty. thanks for you input though, as it confirms my thought process that some people only care about themselves and what THEY think is best for everyone. i agree that certain services are a right of EVEYBODY, but what about those people that have never in their life been fishing or out on the ice? I love to snowboard, but i would never go on some mountain with an avalanche warning.. never on the ice when there are warnings.. it's a personal judgement call for vet's of the hard water to head out. so i guess in closing i would just like to say be safe in whatever outdoor winter activity you like to take part in
  24. Four fishermen were rescued from an ice flow just off Massassauga Point last year on Quinte. The fishermen got caught on a huge sheet of ice that broke off from the east side of the narrows. All four fishermen were floated across to shore on banana boats. The expected bill for rescue was $10,000. Now i don't know if thats each or split between the 4 of them, but i think that along with the safety of your life would be enough of a hint to stay off punky ice
  25. thanks for the welcome.. we live right on the river just north of Trenton. I see alot of people trolling the bay there and i'm hoping to get out on quinte as soon as the ice permits. My family has had a cottage up on Kashwakamak Lake for as long as i've been alive so fishing is in my blood. Finding the deep structure on the river is a bit harder than on the clear northern lakes.. my dad, my brother and i used to go snorkeling to find reefs and rock piles, but the trent is too murky and the current scares me at times lol. I'm on the hunt for a good fish finder / chart plotter, but the one i wanted is no longer on sale .
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