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Posts posted by Victor

  1. once i get the pics from my girlfriend's camera i'll put a few up ... thanks for posting Mike

    for the record we went 5/7 including the one Cliff landed ... biggest was 21lbs and i had a 40lber+ broke me off (MJL & wolfville are my witnesses :D)


    Ahhh! there you are!


    What's with this kneeling for Crap pics??? Crazyhook doesn't kneel and even manages told hold the rod in his teats!... izzat s'posed to make the fish look bigger or something?


    Great reports guys!!! thumbsup_anim.gif


    if you search it up there's a post regarding this matter not too far back ... it's mainly for fish care (these fish flop around when you hold'em) and also the angler's well-being (might get back problems one day after lifting one 30lber after another lol)

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